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Dan Luchi DanLuchi

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DanLuchi / gist:ff2c43e73904e2dc1215fe19d5876a0d
Last active May 23, 2016 17:03
Javascript Testing Issues
What are the issues
Jest tests with lots of things unmocked are really slow
Examples: (run `npm test`):
PASS app/assets/javascripts/shared/view_controllers/__tests__/ (47.683s)
PASS app/assets/javascripts/shared/components/__tests__/ (48.103s)
PASS app/assets/javascripts/shared/stores/__tests__/ (24.089s)
PASS app/assets/javascripts/shared/stores/__tests__/ (24.394s)
PASS app/assets/javascripts/shared/view_controllers/__tests__/ (15.639s)
PASS app/assets/javascripts/features/profile/stores/__tests__/ (21.567s)
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am danluchi on github.
* I am dluchi ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is A1B3 426E 74A0 F31A 2936 A855 8C99 B6E3 4E56 B137
To claim this, I am signing this object:
If you're like me, you like Peanut M&Ms. If you're like me you also enjoy eating them two at a time and prefer if the two are the same color
If you're like me, you like Peanut M&Ms. If you're like me you also enjoy eating them two at a time and prefer if the two are the same color
DanLuchi / gist:44240b33b59dcc291402
Created December 11, 2015 20:59
API Best Practices
DanLuchi /
Last active December 11, 2015 04:18 — forked from mkdynamic/
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# install all of's TM bundles (OS X only)
echo "Installing bundles..."
# backup dir
if [ -d ~/desktop/_tm_bundle_backups ]; then rm -rf ~/desktop/_tm_bundle_backups; fi
DanLuchi / gist:404d84de4f18bc5d1e4c
Created September 30, 2015 12:05
Building Letterpress in React
Step 1: Board
2D array 5x5
value of each entry is a letter
Step 2: create game
initially randomize each letter
this will probably need to get more complicated later (like redo unless vowels > 3 or something)
game board is immutable
Step 3: Game State
DanLuchi /
Last active September 29, 2015 00:44
Your Second Job

We didn't lie to you, but we weren't completely honest either. Its just a lot easier to pick one way to do things and stick to it than it is to explain all of the possible approaches with their tradeoffs.

You're starting your second job now and its going to be one of the most interesting times in your career. Its when you discover that there truly are an infinite number of ways to accomplish the same task. You'll probably find out that you have a pretty good handle on what to do, but not necessarily why you ought to do it that way.

Don't be too dogmatic. This is a tremendous opportunity to learn, both about new ways of doing things and also about the strengths and weaknesses of the approaches that you've been using. When you find yourself thinking "OMG, what the hell is this?", pause for a moment and try to figure out what the tradeoffs are: what could be some advantages to doing it this way? And ask a lot questions: "I see that you're using [tool A] instead of [tool B], why is that?" Maybe they'll have a g

* robotMaze.js
* The blue key is inside a labyrinth, and extracting
* it will not be easy.
* It's a good thing that you're a AI expert, or
* we would have to leave empty-handed.