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Darkhogg / Slick2D-Scaffolding
Last active September 28, 2015 16:48
Scaffolding for a Slick2D game for Ludum Dare
Generic scaffolding for fast deploying of Slick2D games.
* Includes a `Main` class with a `main` method that serves as an entry point for applications.
* Includes a class within `Main`, `Main$WrapperGame`, which wraps the actual `Game` implementation for use with the Slick2D `AppletLoader` class, which also serves as a common starting point for the `main` method.
* Includes an automatic modification of the `java.library.path` system property which *adds* the path `lib/natives-*system*` to the path, where *system* is one of `linux`, `windows`, `mac` or `solaris`.
* Includes a basic class `MyGame` ready to be filled with the game implementation.
* Includes an HTML file with an applet ready to be used.
* Includes an Ant buildfile ready to be executed, which generates an executable JAR file, a ZIP containing that JAR and the `lib` folder, and a `README.txt` file, if present; and another ZIP file with the `src`, `res` and `lib` folders.
To start working with this, you will need to refactor the included classes.
Darkhogg / PeriodicScrot
Last active October 3, 2015 08:38
A small script that uses `scrot` to periodically save screenshots from the desktop.
./capture [-h] [-p period] [-d directory]
* Use **-h** to print the above usage line.
* Use **-p period** to specify the period of the screenshots, in seconds. The *period* argument must be a positive integer. Defaults to *15* seconds.
* Use **-d directory** to specify the directory where the screenshots will be saved. The specified directory must exist and be writable. Defaults to the current working directory (which may be not writable, which won't cause an immediate error, but will make scrot fail).
In order to this script to work, you need to have the `scrot` command installed on your PATH.
The script may be paused by sending an interrupt signal (`SIGINT`), typically by pressing the `CTRL-C` key combination. When the script is paused, you may resume it by pressing `ENTER` or end it with another `CTRL-C`.
Darkhogg /
Last active December 19, 2015 07:09
A shell function that executes a command and tells if it succeeded or failed with customizable output.
#$ okko [opts] message command [args]*
# This shell function provides a way to run a command and present its result
# in a user-friendly way.
# The provided message is initially printed to the screen, then the command is
# run with the given arguments. After command completion, 'ok' is printed if
# the command exited with a tatus of 0, else 'err(N)' is printed, where N is
# the error code.
Darkhogg / dhg.zsh-theme
Created March 21, 2014 19:37
A theme for oh-my-zsh
local _c_reset="$reset_color"
local _c_user="$fg_bold[green]"
local _c_host="$fg_bold[yellow]"
local _c_path="$fg_bold[blue]"
local _c_git_branch="$fg_bold[magenta]"
local _c_git_dirty="$fg_bold[cyan]"
local _c_prompt="$fg_bold[white]"
local ret_status="%(?::
Darkhogg / raspberry-wifi-disconnect-fix.PKGBUILD
Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
Small package to fix WiFi disconnection problems on the Raspberry Pi
# Maintainer: Daniel Escoz <darkhogg+aur at gmail dot com>
package() {
install -Ddm755 "$pkgdir/etc/modprobe.d/"
echo 'options 8192cu rtw_power_mgnt=0 rtw_enusbss=1 rtw_ips_mode=1' >"$pkgdir/etc/modprobe.d/8192cu.conf"
Darkhogg /
Created January 23, 2015 15:03
A small script to update the factorio-experimental AUR package automatically without any manual intervention
function msg () {
local FMT="$1"
printf "\x1B[1;35m==> \x1B[;1m${FMT}\x1B[m\n" "$@"
function msg2 () {
local FMT="$1"
Darkhogg /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22
HexChat script for Werebot

Werebot HexChat Helper

This simple Python script will make a few repetitive tasks easy when playing Werebot. What it does is:

  • Sends any Werebot commands directly to the bot, which prevents the disclosure of your role by accidentaly sending a command at the wrong time and makes it easier to use commands at night (i.e., when the channel is fully muted).
  • Automatically joins any of the official Werebot channels when the bot invites you, particularly useful for auto-joining the werewolf channel.

To install it, you will need both HexChat and Python 2.7 installed. Download and install them from When installing HexChat, be sure to select and install the Python 2.7 plugin.

Darkhogg /
Last active March 5, 2016 16:17
Generic Monitor script for Xfce that shows the normalized load average in color
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function, division
import multiprocessing as mp
import os
import sys
Darkhogg / !
Last active January 26, 2018 07:41
Factorio Headless Server on Dokku

Factorio Server on Dokku

This document and associated files describe a very simple procedure to push a Dokku application that will launch a Factorio Multiplayer Server. This are the actual files used to launch my Factorio server, so you should trust that it works.

Dokku Setup

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am darkhogg on github.
  • I am darkhogg ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 64E3 1E88 08F4 25B1 400A 33F2 9DC6 A8F0 4AAD D567

To claim this, I am signing this object: