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Darren Semotiuk DarrenSem

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DarrenSem /
Last active April 18, 2024 17:25
chatgpt-lite.js equivalent in Csharp is... not nearly as minimal (ChatGPT results, MarkDown) (1st comment = final C# version)


You are an expert at JavaScript and C#

. You must format indents using 2 spaces, and you must wrap strings using doublequotes " instead of '.

Let's think step by step.

DarrenSem / ytSubs.js
Last active March 26, 2024 20:28
ytSubs.js - YouTube subtitles - English (auto-generated) CC (closed captions) - Usage: node ytSubs.js videoIdOrUrl, or Web browser BOOKMARKLET into a new window
// ytSubs.js (SEE DISCLAIMER) - via @DarrenSem (22Mar2024)
// YouTube subtitles - English (auto-generated) CC (closed captions)
// Usage: node ytSubs.js videoIdOrUrl
// or Web browser BOOKMARKLET (contents open in a new window)
// ES6 bookmarklet = 4045 chars
javascript:void function(){"use strict";var a=String.fromCharCode;const b="",c=async a=>{try{if(globalThis.fetch){const b=await fetch(a),c=await b.text();return c}return new Promise((b,c)=>{const d=require(/^https/.test(a)?"https":"http").get(a,d=>{if(200>d.statusCode||299<d.statusCode)return c(Error(`${d.statusCode} ${d.statusMessage} ${a}`));const e=[];d.on("data",a=>e.push(a)),d.on("end",()=>b(e.join("")))});d.on("error",a=>c(a))})}catch(a){throw a}},d=a=>{try{a=(a||"")+"";const b=a.match(/"captionTracks":.*"isTranslatable"\:.*?}]/),c=JSON.parse(`{${(b||[""])[0]}}`).captionTracks||[],>{const;return[g(b.simpleText||b.runs&&b.runs[0].text),a.baseUrl+"&fmt=json3"]});return d}catch(a){}},e=(a,b,c,d)=
DarrenSem / UMD-javascript-module-template.js
Last active March 21, 2024 21:38
Universal Module Definition (UMD) template for JavaScript modules
// UMD-javascript-module-template.js
// Universal Module Definition (UMD) template for JavaScript modules
(function(root, factory) {
// var req1 = foo, req2 = bar; // or even exports
if(typeof exports === "object" && typeof module !== "undefined") {
module.exports = factory(req1, req2);
} else if(typeof define === "function" && define.amd) {
define([req1, req2], factory)
} else {
root["MOD_NAME"] = factory(req1, req2);
DarrenSem / OpenAIPlaygroundShowPresets.js
Last active March 17, 2024 16:13
OpenAIPlaygroundShowPresets.js -- Bookmarklet to fix March 2024 CSS regressive bug (~"GM_addStyle" but without TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey)
// OpenAIPlaygroundShowPresets.js -- Bookmarklet to fix March 2024 CSS regressive bug (~"GM_addStyle" but without TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey)
// by Darren Semotiuk, see:
// BOOKMARKLET* for those of us not running TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey
// *Simply add the one-liner below as a Favorite/Bookmark in your browser, no extensions required!
javascript:void function(){globalThis.GM_addStyle=globalThis.GM_addStyle||function(a){let b=document,c=b.head||b.body,d=b.createElement("style");d.type="text/css",d.innerText=a,c&&c.appendChild(d)},GM_addStyle("@media(max-width:500px){.pg-header-actions,.pg-header-section-settings,.pg-preset-select-container{display:block !important}}")}();
DarrenSem / innerText.js
Last active March 5, 2024 22:47
innerText.js bookmarklet for mobile (to show webpage text contents OR html) (including PARTIAL source of SELECTION)
// innerText.js bookmarklet for mobile (to show webpage text contents OR html) (including PARTIAL source of SELECTION)
// FEAT: 05Mar2024 prompt skipped if isLocalFileMHT (but NOT for every "file:" === location.protocol) because MHT files apparently disables prompt() (even when from F12 -- since they won't run Bookmarklets)
// 3458 char javascript:void function(){"use strict";const a=((a,b,c,e,f,g,d,h)=>(b=new Date(a||Date()),[c,e,,f]=b.toLocaleTimeString().split(/\W/),[,,g,d]=b.toString().split(" "),h=b.toLocaleString().split("/")[0].padStart(2,0),`${c}${e}${(f||"").toLowerCase()} ${d}-${h}-${g}`))();let b=`${""} ${a}`;const c=top.document,d=location,e=(a,b)=>(b||c).querySelectorAll(a||null),f=(a,b,c)=>{let d,f,g;c?(d=e(b?"div>div>":"div",a)[0],f=b?d?.parentElement?.parentElement?.parentElement:a,g=f&&e("div>textarea.text-input",f)[0]):(f=e(":scope>div>div>div+div>div>div>div",a)[0],d=f&&f.parentElement.parentE
DarrenSem / replaced.js
Last active February 10, 2024 18:01
replaced.js ( v, ...rules [ ArrayOf[ pattern, replaceWith, optionalRegExpFlags] ] ) -- flexible multiple string replacements (Flags default = "g")
// replaced.js ( v: any, ...rules: Array of [pattern: any, replaceWith: string | function, optionalRegExpFlags: string | null | undefined] )
const replaced = (v, ...rules) => {
return rules.reduce( (acc, rule) => (
RegExp( rule[0], rule[2] == null ? "g" : rule[2] ),
), String( v ?? "" ) );
DarrenSem / range(size, optionalEachFunction, optionalMapFunction).js
Last active February 7, 2024 16:13
range.js (arraySize, optionalMapFunction, optionalEachFunction)
// range(arraySize, optionalMapFunction, optionalEachFunction).js
const range = ( arraySize, fnMapIndex, fnEachIndexFirst, _indexes ) => (
_indexes = Array.from( Array(arraySize | 0).keys() ), // because [...Array(arraySize | 0).keys()] triggers TypeScript/VSC error: Type 'IterableIterator' is not an array type or a string type.
fnEachIndexFirst && _indexes.forEach( index => fnEachIndexFirst(index) ),
fnMapIndex && ( _indexes = index => fnMapIndex(index) ) ),
DarrenSem / MHT Saver - minimal code for Chrome
Created February 2, 2024 15:22
MHT Saver - minimal code for Chrome extension to Save As MHT

I want to write a Chrome extension. I need the most minimal code for the V3 manifest and worker.js to trigger a download prompt of a data url generated by btoa() of the capture as mhtml function. Use only async await and arrow functions instead of promises and callbacks wherever possible. Use blob.text() instead of FileReader. Image128 .png and no popups or content scripts.

(02Feb2024 806am)


To create a minimal Chrome extension that triggers a download prompt of a captured page in MHTML format using Manifest V3, you need to include the following files in your extension:

  1. manifest.json: The metadata file, which includes information about the extension like its name, version, permissions, and which script to run as the service worker.
DarrenSem / randomWithSeed.js
Last active December 21, 2023 18:07
randomWithSeed.js - use rnd() after rnd = createRandomWithSeed( seed [0+] = ) - Math.random is less than 2x faster than this 'good enough' SEED-able version
// randomWithSeed.js - use rnd() after rnd = createRandomWithSeed( seed [0+] = ) - Math.random is less than 2x faster than this 'good enough' SEED-able version
let createRandomWithSeed = seed => {
seed = Math.abs(isNaN(seed) ? : seed);
return () => {
seed = (seed * 9301 + 49297) % 233280;
return seed / 233280;
// R=s=>(s=Math.abs(isNaN(s)?,_=>(s=(9301*s+49297)%233280,s/233280));
DarrenSem / shuffle.js
Created November 12, 2022 04:25
shuffle.js - fastest possible after countless speed comparisons - minified to 76 characters
// shuffle.js
// minified = 76 chars (not including 'R=Math.random') s=a=>{for(let b,c,d=a.length-1;0<d;)b=0|R()*(d+1),c=a[d],a[d--]=a[b],a[b]=c}
// after doing console.time speed comparisons of Every. Possible. Version and logic permutation I could find:
// pre-cached "R" faster because no OBJECT.KEY lookup each time
let R = Math.random;