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David Frahm DavidFrahm

  • Jefferson City, MO, USA
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Basic examples of scope in a controller... Local variable, $scope variable, each with corresponding functions and unit tests.

*** Please note: This Gist is not finished and currently the unit test fails ***


Basic example of doing an AJAX call when the controller is loaded.

The use case for this is any dynamic list page, such as displaying all items for sale in an online store.

** The big deal here is showing multiple ways to structure the Controller with the variables and dependency injection. Some people, like myself, learn by contrast (seeing different ways to achieve the same result). **

DavidFrahm / AngularJS app config for CORS
Last active December 19, 2015 14:08
CORS configuration for AngularJS is different than jQuery. It requires an extra bit of manual configuration to better conform to the CORS standard for a request. NB: This is only required for some API servers. (The API server is what matters, not the server hosting the AngularJS app.)
myApp.config(['$httpProvider', function($httpProvider) {
* This just helps IE 8/9 with CORS. See
* Use with care - There are side-effects. See why jQuery won't use it at
// $httpProvider.defaults.useXDomain = true;
* The 'X-Requested-With' header indicates AJAX, which is not cross-domain/JSONP,
DavidFrahm / AngularJS $resource usage
Last active December 20, 2015 21:59
My preferences on how to use $resource.
* HTTP GET actions: Resource.action([parameters], [success], [error])
* non-GET actions: Resource.action([parameters], postData, [success], [error])
* From AngularJS doc:$resource
* Direct assignment
* This works, but during the call it sets variable to object input to $resource
DavidFrahm / AngularJS $resource class PUT
Created August 12, 2013 22:55
Default $resource service does not have a PUT/update method on the class. This might be because it does not expect to need to PUT without first doing a GET (it appears to be intended for 100% RESTful use), although I'm not sure if the returned instance has PUT or not. If that isn't true, then maybe they just figured POST could do both new/create…
* Create a $resource with a PUT (without a GET first)
angular.module('whateverService', ['ngResource'])
.factory('Whatever', function($resource) {
return $resource(getApiDomain() + '/api/whatever/', {}, {
'update': {
method: 'PUT',
isArray: false
DavidFrahm / AngularJS Touch Submit - keyboard dismiss.js
Last active December 21, 2015 20:09
WIP - Trying to help form submission in iOS for ensuring dismissal of onscreen keyboard (Go button vs form button element). Note that this may not be needed in iOS 7.0+; Need to do more testing to be sure
angular.module('TouchSubmit', [])
.directive('touchSubmit', function () {
return function (scope, element, attr) {
// jQuery version:
// var textFields = $(element).children('input[type=text]');
// $(element).submit(function() {
// log('touchSubmit() > form was submitted');
// textFields.blur();
// });
DavidFrahm / AngularJS controller unit test for service using $
Last active September 12, 2016 19:51
AngularJS controller unit test when using service to handle $resource calls

When you use $resource within a service, you don't need to impose mocking $httpBackend on your controller. If you want tests for the $resource, those should be in the unit tests for the service.

The controller should only test things directly under its control, which means testing the service directly.

The examples below show how to mock a $resource service factory, in the simplest way I could come up with.


  • These are real-world examples and it might be helpfule to visitors if I removed all the extra junk that isn't directly related to testing $resource.
  • Should this be updated to be a better example of utilizing promises?
DavidFrahm / httpProviderSpec.js
Last active March 1, 2017 01:21
AngularJS: Unit test for HTTP Provider config
* If we assume that the philosophy of a provider is only configuration then it makes more sense in most
* cases to test that "it" is configured. As the "it" in this case is the resulting service, using
* module to do the configuration and then inject to test that the configuration worked seems to make sense.
* The trick to understanding these tests is to realize that the function passed to module() does not get called until inject() does it's thing. So assigning to a closure variable in the module initialization function ensures that the Provider is defined before control passes to the injected function. Then you're free to interact with the Provider's configuration interface. The technique is a little bit broken in that the Provider has already provided it's Service. But, if you can tolerate that limitation it works.
* Most of this I learned from
* There are multiple describe() suites and it() tests, just to help us trace what's going
MyApp.factory('ServerUrls', function ($window) {
function getCurrentPathname() {
var pathname = $window.location.pathname;
var hasUsefulPath = (pathname && pathname !== '/');
if (hasUsefulPath) {
return pathname;
function getCurrentHashFragment() {
DavidFrahm / MySpec.js
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Jasmine 1.3.x custom matchers, both global and scoped to a specific describe suite
"use strict";
describe("Jasmine", function () {
describe("custom matchers", function () {
beforeEach(function () {
toBeSomethingBeforeEachInSpec: function (expected) {
return this.actual.something === "something";