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Emberlynn Bland DeerTears

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DeerTears Fork of Notepad++ userstyle for Godot's GDScript

I fixed a lot of stuff but it's not perfect. Saw this old userstyle floating around for like a year before I decided to try messing with it more.


  • Get all functions to highlight correctly
  • Try to implement parts of the GD-utils functions for autocomplete
  • Attempt to PR this to Notepad++'s official repo
  • Have fun
title draft next nextTitle
The Player

A scene is a single screen of your game, it can contain multiple actors and triggers. Your game will typically be made up of many scenes connected together with triggers using the Change Scene event.

Adding a Scene

title draft next nextTitle
Scripting Events
Custom Events

Scripting events allow you to control parts of your game based on interactions from the player. They can be used to connect scenes together, change variables, give dialogue to characters, and more.

Scripts can be added to scenes, actors, or triggers. Selecting one of these objects will update the World Editor to show the script of the selected object in the Editor Sidebar.

DeerTears /
Created August 15, 2020 03:19
time-handling singleton for Godot
extends Node
var start_time = OS.get_ticks_msec()
func reset_time():
start_time = OS.get_ticks_msec()
func get_time() -> int:
return (OS.get_ticks_msec() - start_time)

My changelog:

As I write this, I realize how simple the other documentation is compared to the music page. It's not a problem, it's just...interesting.

Renamed "Important Limitations" to "GBT Player's Channel Limitations"

Reordered Effects to be in order of "Note Effects" followed by "Command Effects"

Going off of how rulz explained these effects, I added this distinction to describe the sole rule that Channel 3 has about its effect limits. Previously we thought that Channel 3 was incapable of any effects other than 0xy, E8x, ECx and Cxx. The previous documentation even forgot to include that Channel 3 can use effect Cxx.

ffmpeg -loop 1 -i img.jpg -i audio.wav -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -b:a 192k -shortest out.mp4
//Run ffmpeg, loop 1 image, -i image, -i audio, -c:v video codec, -c:a audio codec, -b:a audio bitrate, make the video as long as the audio, out = filename output
//use "" and forward slashes to denote the location of the input/output files
ffmpeg -framerate 24 -loop 1 -i "C:/Users/Ember/Videos/ffmpeg/images/14days.png" -i "C:/Users/Ember/Videos/ffmpeg/audio/01.wav" -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -b:a 192k -shortest "C:/Users/Ember/Videos/ffmpeg/01.mp4"
ffmpeg -framerate 24 -loop 1 -i "C:/Users/Ember/Videos/ffmpeg/images/14days.png" -i "C:/Users/Ember/Videos/ffmpeg/audio/02.wav" -c:v libx264 -c:a aac -b:a 192k -pix_fmt yuv420p -shortest "C:/Users/Ember/Videos/ffmpeg/02.mp4"
Each instrument in the template is named. This document describes each instrument's sound in more detail. These descriptions are to indicate the sound heard or the sound seen in waveform analysis, not based on how these sounds are produced.
MilkyTracker List (Base 16):
Channels 1 and 2 (Pulse Channels)
1 25%
2 Square
3 75%
4 12.5%
Writer's note: I really don't think this is good for the docs as-is. I heard some people complain about reading difficulty when I updated the music docs and honestly I'm better at essays than I am instruction manuals.
Please feel free to reinterpret this information in a way that makes it easier to read, or feel free to tell me that somebody already did this work.
Channels 1 and 2
1 33% Pulse
2 Square