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Doomd Doomd

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Doomd /
Last active April 7, 2023 10:58
Google App Scripts - Sheets - Determine if event/active cell is inside a Named Range
// If you want to do determine if the active/edited cell is inside one of your named ranges, use this.
// In the example below, I actually have a named range "formatRanges" that lists all of the other...
// named ranges that I consider format ranges (for a template I've made)...
// I am doing some fancy formatting (in another function) that needs to only be done
// if the cell I'm editing is considered a source cell inside one of my format ranges
// If you want to target ALL of your spreadsheet's named ranges, use this instead:
//>>> var namedRanges = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getNamedRanges();
// This method will grab an array of ALL the named ranges, instead of just a specific selection
function doWeFormat(e) { //"e" is basically the recently edited cell
Doomd / phoneNumNormalize.html
Last active January 9, 2021 22:10
USA Phone Number Normalizer / Formatter
// Please realize, that I use parsleyjs.js to validate my entire form, so my form automatically informs the user if their input is off course too much.
// My input validation is very liberal for all USA numbers entered with or without a leading "1"
// Please see for DETAILS on the regex match and replacement patterns
// It will allow the following:
// an optional leading "+"
// an optional leading "1" and an optional dash, period or space ("[-.\s]") after the "1"
// an optional "(" or ")" around the area code
// any dashes, periods or spaces "[-.\s]" in between the area-code, 3-digit prefix, and 4-digit numbers
// Philisophically, I think it's best to allow the user to enter the phone number however they prefer (so long as they have 10 or 11 digits, ie: "optional (1) + (XXX) + (XXX) + (XXXX)"
Doomd /
Last active January 9, 2021 22:12
Automobile Manufacturer/Make/Brands in the United States (for Easy HTML options list) #list

I wanted an easy way to always have an updated list of the Car "Makes" in the United States. It doesn't change that often, but if it does, hopefully this list will auto-update as the data is pulled and parsed from Wikipedia.

Here's a link to the Google Sheet if you want to edit anything:

If you'd like to JSON(ify) this list, here's a good writeup on how to do that:

And here's a quick and easy options list for a select input of car brands/makes in the United States (as of Jan 2020) that you can easily copy and paste:

Doomd / drupal_filenames_by_date.sql
Last active June 2, 2020 19:31
Drupal 7 MySQL query: Join file_managed, node, and file_usage to get a list of IMAGE filenames used by nodes filtered and sorted by date
SELECT fm.fid, fm.filename, /*from_unixtime(fm.timestamp, "%Y-%m-%d") as 'file_date',*/
REPLACE(n.title, ',', ' ') AS titleNoCommas, n.nid, from_unixtime(n.created, "%Y-%m-%d") as 'node_date'
FROM file_managed fm
JOIN file_usage fu ON fm.fid = fu.fid
JOIN node n ON = n.nid
WHERE fm.filename REGEXP '.*.jpg|.*.jpeg|.*.png|.*.gif' AND created BETWEEN unix_timestamp('2012-01-01') AND unix_timestamp('2017-01-03')
ORDER BY node_date
id: rooster_node_parent_business
label: "Rooster Migrate Parent Business Content"
migration_group: Rooster
- Rooster 044
- Rooster Business
- Rooster G1
plugin: url
Doomd / views-view-unformatted.html.twig
Last active September 5, 2020 04:57
views-view-unformatted.html.twig not working as desired
{# Each Business: #}
{% set bizNid = rows[rowNum].content['#row'].node_field_data_node__field_business_location_nid %}
<div class="card" id="{{ bizNid }}">
{% if title %}
{{ title }}
{% endif %}
Doomd / twigextracturi.twig
Last active January 9, 2021 22:07
[Drupal Twig Extract URL from Image HTML tag] #drupal
// input: '<img src="/files/blah/blah/image.png?param=blah" attribute="blah" etc="blah" />'
{{ field_business_bg_export | split('?')[0] | replace({ '<img src="':'' }) | trim }}
// output: '/files/blah/blah/image.png'
Doomd / days_of_the_week.js
Last active January 9, 2021 22:17
[Javascript Days of the Week Array] #date #time #array #constants
export const daysOfWeek = [
{ i: 0, mf: 6, day: "Sunday", abr: "Sun", rr: "SU" },
{ i: 1, mf: 0, day: "Monday", abr: "Mon", rr: "MO" },
{ i: 2, mf: 1, day: "Tuesday", abr: "Tue", rr: "TU" },
{ i: 3, mf: 2, day: "Wednesday", abr: "Wed", rr: "WE" },
{ i: 4, mf: 3, day: "Thursday", abr: "Thu", rr: "TH" },
{ i: 5, mf: 4, day: "Friday", abr: "Fri", rr: "FR" },
{ i: 6, mf: 5, day: "Saturday", abr: "Sat", rr: "SA" },
Doomd / .beautifyrc.json
Last active January 10, 2021 06:07
VSCode Beautify Config Options I liked (before switching to Prettier even though mostly preferred this) #beautify
// VSCODE settings Dec 2020
"beautify.language": {
"js": {
"type": ["javascript", "json"],
"filename": [".jshintrc", ".jsbeautifyrc"]
// "ext": ["js", "json"]
// ^^ to set extensions to be beautified using the javascript beautifier
Doomd / geohashes.json
Last active January 10, 2021 20:49
PHP - Create Unique Array of Object by comparing one property
"offer_nid": "16524",
"offer_lm": "1610224798",
"biz_nid": "73865",
"biz_lm": "1602519728",
"geo": "9xjhn",
"counter": "1"