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DrSkipper / EXTJsonSerialization.hx
Last active March 10, 2021 18:57
Json Serialization and Deserialization in Haxe
//NOTE - Find TJSON here:
import tjson.TJSON;
* Credit (branched from code at):
* (As of 2/8/2014, the following solution can be found as an updated answer there as well)
class EXTJsonSerialization

Any% Upgrades and Bosses:

  1. Stones
  2. Light Berries
  3. Sticky Fruit
  4. Boots of Speed
  5. Drai Companion
  6. Blob boss
  7. Teleportation Rune
  8. Pungent Fruit (though possible to get from drops before here)
  9. Power Ring