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Cell 5168626875588673536 (Lat: 52.232037133970714° - Lng: 9.843270416704266°)
2016-08-09 18:56:36,566 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Creating a new direct request...
2016-08-09 18:56:36,566 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Adding 'GET_MAP_OBJECTS' to RPC request including arguments
2016-08-09 18:56:36,567 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Execution of RPC
2016-08-09 18:56:37,113 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] API Endpoint redirect... re-execution of call
2016-08-09 18:56:37,553 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Cleanup of request!
2016-08-09 18:56:37,553 [ worker] [DEBUG] Map Cell: {'current_timestamp_ms': 1470773497328, 's2_cell_id': 5168626875588673536}
Cell 5168626877736157184 (Lat: 52.234640805041195° - Lng: 9.844203562219368°)
2016-08-09 18:56:47,556 [ pgoapi] [ INFO] Creating a new direct request...
[DEBUG] Fort Details: {'status_code': 1, 'responses': {'FORT_DETAILS': {'longitude': 9.853042, 'image_urls': [''], 'latitude': 52.232532, 'fort_id': '0d5ea28147624f7bacb46f2a7b50447d.16', 'name': 'Stolpersteine'}}, 'request_id': 57501066029985068, 'unknown6': [{'unknown2': {'unknown1': 1}, 'response_type': 6}]}
2016-08-11 06:34:30,273 [ worker] [DEBUG] Gym Details: {'status_code': 1, 'responses': {'GET_GYM_DETAILS': {'gym_state': {'fort_data': {'guard_pokemon_id': 80, 'longitude': 9.853042, 'owned_by_team': 3, 'id': '0d5ea28147624f7bacb46f2a7b50447d.16', 'gym_points': 2000, 'last_modified_timestamp_ms': 1470899399770, 'latitude': 52.232532, 'enabled': True}, 'memberships': [{'trainer_public_profile': {'avatar': {'backpack': 1, 'skin': 2}, 'level': 22, 'name': 'Sibbe1000'}, 'pokemon_data': {'cp_multiplier': 0.5822789072990417, 'creation_time_ms': 1470247357709, 'move_2': 105, 'individual_defense': 10,
"auth_service": "ptc",
"username": "",
"password": "",
"location": "48.856111, 2.297872",
"gmapkey": "",
"tasks": [
"type": "HandleSoftBan"
2016-08-11 12:39:08,721 [PokemonGoBot] [INFO] Pokemon Bag: 51/250
2016-08-11 12:39:08,721 [PokemonGoBot] [INFO] Items: 229/350
2016-08-11 12:39:08,722 [PokemonGoBot] [INFO] Stardust: 168383 | Pokecoins: 0
2016-08-11 12:39:08,722 [PokemonGoBot] [INFO] PokeBalls: 0 | GreatBalls: 0 | UltraBalls: 99
2016-08-11 12:39:08,722 [PokemonGoBot] [INFO] RazzBerries: 40 | BlukBerries: 0 | NanabBerries: 0
2016-08-11 12:39:08,722 [PokemonGoBot] [INFO] LuckyEgg: 5 | Incubator: 0 | TroyDisk: 5
2016-08-11 12:39:08,722 [PokemonGoBot] [INFO] Potion: 10 | SuperPotion: 20 | HyperPotion: 20 | MaxPotion: 0
2016-08-11 12:39:08,722 [PokemonGoBot] [INFO] Incense: 8 | IncenseSpicy: 0 | IncenseCool: 0
2016-08-11 12:39:08,722 [PokemonGoBot] [INFO] Revive: 20 | MaxRevive: 0
2016-08-11 12:39:08,722 [PokemonGoBot] [INFO]
def ErmittleMitarbeiterImBereich(ber_id):
imBereich = () # Leeres Dict/Array anlegen
proto_satz = leseProtokollsatz() # Lese den nächsten Protokollsatz ein
while proto_satz is not None: # Es existiert ein weiterer Protokollsatz, mach weiter
if proto_satz[2] == 'B' + str(ber_id): # Der Protokollsatz betrifft meinen Bereich, also...
if proto_satz[5] == 'Z': # ... schaue ich, ob es ein Zugang ist.
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am dracon23 on github.
* I am kaltenstein23 ( on keybase.
* I have a public key ASAg-jL8C8dZsweJ8bT-97L2RVNE8OGgm9FFgbKJmiypxwo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Dracon23 / Example.cbl
Last active May 22, 2022 02:24
Draft CBL format
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<ReadingList xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Name>Example Reading list</Name>
<Book Series="Awesome Name" Number="24" Volume="2200" Year="2200">
<Event Name="Superreal Event" Position="1">