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Dyrits / --Architect
Last active May 10, 2023 08:09
Architect Arithmetic

Architect Arithmetic

Architects have big ideas – but big ideas can be expensive. How expensive? Depends on the size.

In this project, you’ll use methods to build a program that calculates the material cost for any architect’s floor plan. For example, the floor plan of the Pantheon in Rome, Italy:

Pantheon's blueprint

…can be (approximately) broken into circles and rectangles:

Pantheon's blueprint breakdown

Dyrits / --Data Exchange
Last active May 10, 2023 08:09
Data Exchange Service

Data Exchange Service

This project will involve implementing a PostgreSQL database that’s suitable for storing data for a data sharing application. Imagine that your company has created a data platform that allows users to share datasets and the metadata (e.g. number of downloads, number of views, path to raw file).

A few select data publishers have been given access to your database and you’ve been tasked with setting up the permissions that allow these publishers to get relevant information about how users are interacting with the data they’ve uploaded.

Dyrits / --Choose Your Own
Last active May 10, 2023 08:09
Choose Your Own Adventure

Choose Your Own Adventure.

In this project, you’ll use logic and conditional statements to write a classic text-based Choose Your Own Adventure Game. Depending on what choices your user makes, the program will have a different result. If you’re interested in game development, this is a great project to get your started! While we’re only working with text, the principles of user input and control flow are used to build even highly advanced games.

Dyrits / --Self Driving
Last active May 10, 2023 08:09
Self Driving Car

Self Driving Car

Self-driving cars are set to be the next revolution in the automotive industry. The idea is simple: create a vehicle that can see the world and react to it as a human driver would, but the implementation is fraught with obstacles. You are tasked with creating a program that will allow a car to react to obstacles in the road.

To accomplish this, you’ll use your knowledge of TypeScript object types to apply types to a variety of classes, properties, and methods. Start your engine and let’s hit the road!

Dyrits / --Cake O'
Last active May 10, 2023 08:09
Cake O'Clock

Cake O'Clock

The Cake Bar is expanding their online ordering service and want your help. To better plan pancake production, the Cake Bar needs to prompt online customers for a pickup time.

The Cake Bar has already written some code for these three new requirements:

  1. Orders can only be served on the hour, between 8:00 and 12:00.
  2. Pick up time must be displayed in #:00 format in the order ticket after submission.
  3. The field in the order ticket must be labeled “Pick up time:”

In this project, you’ll first manually test for each requirement, then write an automated test. You’ll run the test, find the erroneous code, and fix it.

Dyrits / --Money
Last active May 10, 2023 08:09
Money Maker

Money Maker

You have three types of coins:

  • A bronze coin is worth 1 cent
  • A silver coin is worth 5 cents
  • A gold coin is worth 10 cents

What is the minimum number of coins that equals 98 cents?

It’s a hard question to answer in your head, but it’s a fun problem to solve with programming. In this project you’ll use C# to build a Money Maker: a program in which a user enters an amount and gets the minimum number of coins that equal that value.

Dyrits / --Building an Inventory Database with
Last active May 10, 2023 08:10
Building an Inventory Database with PostgreSQL

Building an Inventory Database with PostgreSQL

In this project you’ll build out a database schema that could be used to organize an inventory of mechanical parts. This schema will keep track of all the parts, their manufacturer, category, location in storeroom, available inventory, and other relevant information.

A database like this might be updated and queried by an inventory management application that accepts input from many users who might not be familiar with the database structure. As a result, we should make sure that there are sufficient data quality checks to ensure that only valid data can be entered into the database.

We’ll start with tables with just a few constraints and build upon them throughout the project. Press 'Start' to begin inspecting the data.

Dyrits / --Mad
Last active May 10, 2023 08:10
Mad Libs

Mad Libs

In C#, variables and string interpolation allow us to transform a piece of text by swapping out different pieces of information.

In this project, we’ll use C# to write a Mad Libs word game! Mad Libs are short stories with blanks for the player to fill in that represent different parts of speech. The end result is a really hilarious and strange story.

Here’s an example of the “Roses are Red” poem changed into a Mad Lib:

Mad Libs require: A short story with blank spaces (asking for different types of words). Words from the player to fill in those blanks.

Dyrits / --Park Service Volunteer Appreciation
Last active May 10, 2023 08:10
Park Service Volunteer Appreciation Program

Park Service Volunteer Appreciation Program

The Park Service has just inherited two parks: Wolf Point Park and Raccoon Meadows. Each park has a volunteer program where volunteers help maintain the parks by cleaning campsites, planning educational events, and maintaining hiking trails.

The Park Service would like to combine their volunteers and introduce a volunteer appreciation program, where the top volunteers get a special edition park badge for their service. It’s your job to help complete a program that was partially written by a colleague to help the Park Service determine this season’s top volunteers.

You’ll need to take your colleague’s code, combine data from both park’s volunteer logs, then calculate which volunteers have the most hours. Get your bug spray and hiking boots and let’s type out this program!

Dyrits / --Console
Last active May 10, 2023 08:10
Console Creatures

Console Creatures

C# can be used to make nearly anything – even creatures! Using the Console.WriteLine() command, you can print text to the console and make something like this:

(o o)
| O |
|   |