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# The Rulebook, or Paws-language spec-suite, is written as a series of files like the following.
# Each file is a YAML file encoding a set of tests. This file can be consumed as-is (if you have a
# YAML parser handy), compiled into a single Paws-source-code test file (see below), or into
# a directory of individual plain Paws files for each test.
# (Eventually / ideally, an automated test-runner provided with the Rulebook will take your
# implementation's binary, compile these tests to individual files, and then verify that your
# implementation-in-progress succeeds on each test, individually.)
Combinations against infrastructure:
implementation void[]
[ specification rule[] "compare two matching labels results" { implementation void[]
[ infrastructure label compare[] foo foo ]
[ pass[] ]
} eventually { fail[] } ]
[ specification rule[] "compare two unmatching labels doesn't result" { implementation void[]
[ infrastructure label compare[] foo bar ]
[ fail[] ]
} eventually { pass[] } ]
// Much of this is cribbed from the JavaScript grammar.
// This fact makes me a horrible person. ~ ELLIOTTCABLE
__ENTER = Script
Script = es: Expression*
{ return {type: 'script', expressions: es} }
= f: Word r:SeperatedWord* END
{ r.unshift(f); return r }
Created July 24, 2008 03:32
EVE-Online skill paths
Learning 1 # We start by leap-frogging the basic Learning skill with the Intelligence and Memory skills (because those skills make training all other learning skills faster)
Analytical Mind 1
Instant Recall 1
Learning 2
Analytical Mind 2
Instant Recall 2
Learning 3
Analytical Mind 3
Instant Recall 3
Learning 4
[16:06:26] <@Kittens> ec, εσείς μιλάτε ελληνικά;
[16:06:49] <@Kittens> i asked if you spoke greek
[16:07:02] <@ec> greek lines end in semicolons?
[16:07:05] <@ec> that explains... a lot.
[16:07:42] <@ec> I'll feel so much more justified in saying that Java is like Greek to me now!
require 'benchmark'
TIMES = 10_000_000
:foo # Anal-retentivity
def thrice_yield
3.times { yield }
def thrice_block &block
3.times &block
[Sat Jul 26 - 11:48:37] [elliottcable @ Bishop] [~/Code/rat/]
-- git-push master
Counting objects: 208, done.
Compressing objects: 100% (125/125), done.
Writing objects: 100% (208/208), 34.44 KiB, done.
Total 208 (delta 96), reused 151 (delta 66)
fatal: Unable to create temporary file: Permission denied
error: unpack failed: index-pack abnormal exit
To ssh://
! [remote rejected] master -> master (n/a (unpacker error))
%w[rubygems ncurses xmpp4r].each {|dep| require dep }
Ncurses.keypad(@window = Ncurses.initscr, true)
at_exit { Ncurses.endwin }
Jabber::logger ='jabberlog.txt')
Jabber::debug = true
implementation console trace[] Hi (#two);
infrastructure affix[] [ foo[] a b c d [two: implementation console explode[] Yo!] ];
MAIN: 1; 2;
1: foo (#3) bar;
2: widget [#3] wodget;
3: a b c d;