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Created September 18, 2020 13:28
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  • Save EdwardDeaver/19e9128477b7b22bc31d5cb26ce9053c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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obj OKR cardDescription on_time out_of_total dataDescription timeDescription movement color
obj1 obj1kr1 Reduce the general fund budget variance from YOLO 11% to 5% 13 34 Departments Comp1lying s1ince last month 0 0
obj1 obj1kr2 Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5% 13 34 Departments Compl2ying si2nce last month 0 1
obj1 obj1kr3 Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5% 13 34 Departments Comply3ing si3nce last month -1 2
obj2 obj2kr1 Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5% 13 34 Departments Complyi4ng si4nce last month 0 1
obj2 obj2kr2 Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5% 13 34 Departments Comply5ing si5nce last month 1 2
obj2 obj2kr3 Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5% 13 34 Departments Complyi6ng si6nce last month 1 2
obj3 obj3kr1 Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5% 13 34 Departments Comply7ing si7nce last month 1 2
obj3 obj3kr2 Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5% 13 34 Departments Complyi8ng si8nce last month 0 2
obj3 obj3kr3 Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5% 13 34 Departments Complyin9g si9nce last month 0 1
obj4 obj4kr1 Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5% 13 34 Departments Complyin10 si10nce last mont -1 0
obj4 obj4kr2 Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5% 13 34 Departments Complyi11ng s11ince last month 1 1
obj4 obj4kr3 Reduce the general fund budget variance from 11% to 5% 13 34 Departments Comply12ing sin12ce last month 0 1
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