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EliFuzz / Overview Table: Common Vulnerabilities and Mitigation
Created September 4, 2023 09:31
Overview Table: Common Vulnerabilities and Mitigation Strategies
Security Risk Definition Mitigation Strategies
Insecure Cluster Configuration Inadequate cluster configuration can expose sensitive data and APIs Follow secure cluster configuration best practices, such as implementing RBAC, enabling audit logging, and encrypting communication channels
Insufficient Access Controls Weak authentication and authorization mechanisms can lead to unauthorized access to the
EliFuzz / Overview Table: Kubernetes
Created September 4, 2023 08:12
Overview Table: Kubernetes Threats

| Security Threat | Description | Examples | Prevention and Mitigation

EliFuzz / Overview Table: Kubernetes Resource
Created September 1, 2023 19:28
Overview Table: Kubernetes Resource Optimization
Feature Description Purpose
Cluster Autoscaler Automatically adjusts the size of a node pool based on the demand for resources by the podsCluster autoscaler can also scale down nodes that are underutilized or have low-priority pods Scale the cluster up or down based on changing resource demands, red
EliFuzz / Overview Table: Kubernetes Resource
Created September 1, 2023 19:03
Overview Table: Kubernetes Resource Monitoring
Option Description Pros Cons
kubectl top Command-line tool that displays current CPU and memory usage of pods or nodes in a cluster
EliFuzz / Overview Table: Kubernetes Manages Resource
Created September 1, 2023 17:22
Overview Table: Kubernetes Manages Resource Concepts
Concept Definition Explanation
Node Affinity The feature that allows you to specify preferences or requirements for your pods to run on certain nodes based on their labels Helps you to distribute your pods across your cluster according to your business or technical needs
Quality of Service (QoS) The classification that Kubernetes assigns to each pod base
EliFuzz / Approaches to Application Configuration Management in
Last active August 31, 2023 08:38
Approaches to Application Configuration Management in Kubernetes
Approach Description Examples Pros Cons
Configuration as Code Generate c
EliFuzz / Comparison Table: Tools for Configuration
Created August 31, 2023 08:15
Comparison Table: Tools for Configuration Management

| Tool | Description | Purpose | Language | Use Cases | Resource Management | Pros | Cons | | --------- | --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | ------------------------------------------ | ----

EliFuzz / Types of Controllers in
Last active August 31, 2023 07:59
Types of Controllers in Kubernetes
Controller Type Description
ConfigMap Stores configuration data as key-value pairs that can be consumed by pods or other resources
CronJob Creates Jobs on a schedule
DaemonSet Ensures that a pod runs on every node in the cluster or a subset of nodes
Deployment Manages the rollout and rollback of ReplicaSets
Ingress Manages external access to the services in the cluster
Job Creates one or more pods and ensures that they successfully complete a task
ReplicaSet Ensu
EliFuzz / Table Overview: Types of Load Balancers in
Created August 30, 2023 21:01
Table Overview: Types of Load Balancers in Kubernetes

| Load Balancer Type | Load Balancing Methods | Protocol Support | Traffic Management | Security Features | Scalability | Complexity | Integration | Cost | Additional Features | Tools | | ----------------------------------------

EliFuzz / Decision Making: Load
Last active August 30, 2023 16:47
Decision Making: Load Balancers
Aspect Description
Algorithm Select an appropriate load balancing algorithm based on the requirements of the application, such as round-robin, random, least connections, weighted round-robin, or topology-aware routing