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Ewan Dawson EwanDawson

  • Ping Identity
  • Edinburgh, UK
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EwanDawson / asType.groovy
Created October 10, 2012 11:03
Extend Groovy asType(Class) method to handle additional classes
import org.joda.time.DateTime
def oldAsType = String.metaClass.getMetaMethod("asType", [Class] as Class[])
String.metaClass.asType = { Class type ->
type.isAssignableFrom(DateTime) ?
new DateTime(delegate) :
oldAsType.invoke(delegate, [type] as Class[])
assert "2012-01-01T10:10:10" as DateTime == new DateTime("2012-01-01T10:10:10")
assert "1234" as Integer == 1234
@GrabResolver(name='grails-core', root='')
@Grab(group='org.grails', module='grails-datastore-gorm-mongo', version='1.0.0.BUILD-SNAPSHOT')
@Grab(group='org.slf4j', module='slf4j-simple', version='1.6.1')
import grails.persistence.*
import org.grails.datastore.gorm.mongo.config.*
MongoDatastoreConfigurer.configure("myDatabase", Book)
Book.withSession {
EwanDawson / days_in_year.R
Created May 14, 2013 08:55
#R script to get the number of days in a year. Given a vector containing years, returns a vector of the same length with the number of days in each year. Requires #zoo Example: > diy(2000:2004) [1] 366 365 365 365 366
diy <- function(year) {
as.numeric(as.Date(as.yearmon(year) + 1) - as.Date(as.yearmon(year)))
"nonce": "0x0000000000000042",
"difficulty": "0x40000",
"alloc": {
"bbbbbaaaaa82db86a35502193b4c6ee9a76ebe8f": {
"balance": "10015200000000000000000"
payload[0] * payload[1]
invoke('', [payload[0], 2])
payload.collate(2).collectEntries { [it[0], it[1]] }
@Grapes(@Grab(group='org.atteo', module='evo-inflector', version='1.2.2'))
import org.atteo.evo.inflector.English
English.plural(payload[0], payload[1] ?: 2)
import com.jcabi.http.request.JdkRequest
import static
def (title, message) = payload.collect { encode(it).replaceAll("\\+", "%20") }
new JdkRequest("${title.toUpperCase()}/$message").fetch()
import java.time.LocalDateTime
import static java.time.temporal.ChronoField.*
def now =
def everySecond = { it() }
def everyMinute = { if (now.get(SECOND_OF_MINUTE) == 0) it() }
def everyHour = { if (now.get(SECOND_OF_MINUTE) == 0 && now.get(MINUTE_OF_HOUR) == 0) it() }
def alert = { title, message -> invoke('', [title, message]) }
everyMinute { alert("The time is now", now.toString()) }