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EyePulp / ko.binding.js
Created August 20, 2013 20:06
Simple KO binding for getting context data from within a VM
ko.bindingHandlers.console = {
init: function (element, valueAccessor,allBindingsAccessor) {'ko.console:',valueAccessor());
update: function (element, valueAccessor, allBindingsAccessor) {'ko.console:',valueAccessor());
EyePulp / main.js
Created August 21, 2013 00:27
require.js module example
require(['some_module'], // import your module
function(mm){ // give it a local reference
var MyInstance = new mm({'yo':'ho ho'}); // instantiate it with a value; // run some functions off of it
EyePulp / Vagrantfile
Created September 20, 2013 16:12
Vagrantfile error
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config|
config.vm.synced_folder File.dirname(__FILE__)+'/../', "/vagrant-project/"
config.vm.define "project_foo" do |app| = "precise64"
app.vm.box_url = ""
EyePulp / autossh.yaml
Created November 8, 2013 22:31
Wondering about variable scopes -- If I include the same playbook (autossh.yaml, as seen below) twice, what is the scope of the variables defined with each call? Would the second include call continue to have all the values defined from the first call? e.g. would the second include in playbook.yaml have a defined or undefined value for AUTOSSH_P…
# set up an ssh tunnel
# using the following variables
EyePulp / create_table_query_from_redshift_table.sql
Last active August 29, 2016 23:17
Create a viable copy of a table schema for moving redshift table data between DB's -- doesn't copy secondary index details (would be nice to get it improved to do that though) Edit the "source_table_name" string at the bottom to the table you want the structure for. This script DOES NOT create the table - merely creates the SQL statement necessa…
select pk.pkey, tm.schemaname||'.'||tm.tablename, 'create table '||tm.schemaname||'.'||tm.tablename
||' ('
-- primary key
-- diststyle and dist key
||decode(d.distkey,null,')\n diststyle '||dist_style||' ',d.distkey)
--sort key
|| (select decode(skey,null,'',skey) from (select