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Farees Hussain FareesHussain

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* Language item view model for the recycler view in [AppLanguageFragment] and
* [AudioLanguageFragment].
class LanguageItemViewModel(
val language: String,
private val selectedLanguage: LiveData<String>,
val languageRadioButtonListener: LanguageRadioButtonListener
) : ObservableViewModel() {
val isLanguageSelected: LiveData<Boolean> by lazy {
FareesHussain / BUILD.bazel
Created March 4, 2021 04:37
example app BUILD.bazel
load("@rules_android//android:rules.bzl", "android_binary", "android_library")
# The final binary rule, which builds the APK and sets the application manifest,
# as well as any other resources needed by the application.
# The package for the R class for resources is normally inferred from the
# directory containing the BUILD file, but this BUILD file is not under a java
# directory, so we specify it manually.
name = "android",
custom_package = "",

Instructions to build oppia using bazel

For linux and macOs only

This solution is a temproary hack to build oppia app if you are unable to build the app using oppia-bazel-setup-instructions Make sure you've installed bazel and other requirements

bazel --version
java --version