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Last active June 13, 2019 15:08
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# LuxPerms by Farwl
# # #
ver: 0.1.0
np: &cYou're not allowed to use this command!
# CODE #
# Functions
function openGUI(id: string, p: player):
{_id} = "users":
create a gui with virtual chest with 6 rows named "&8Overview > Users":
make gui slot 46 with compass named "&b&lManage Specific User" with lore "&7Click to view user":
set {manageUser::%{_p}%} to true
close {_p}'s inventory
send title "&b&lManage User" with subtitle "&7Type username in chat" to {_p} for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel chat prompt" to {_p}
make gui slot 49 with oak sign named "&b&lBack" with lore "&7Click to go back":
make {_p} execute command "luxperms"
loop all players:
{_n} = 44:
exit loop
add 1 to {_n}
set {_p1} to ("%loop-value%" parsed as offline player)
{_p1} is op:
{_p1}'s prefix = "":
make next gui slot with skull of ({_p1}) named "&6&l%{_p1}%" with lore "&7Click to view", "&cUser is an operator", "", "&7Group: &e%{_p1}'s group%", and "&7Prefix: &cNone":
manageUser({_p}, {_p1})
make next gui slot with skull of ({_p1}) named "&6&l%{_p1}%" with lore "&7Click to view", "&cUser is an operator", "", "&7Group: &e%{_p1}'s group%", and "&7Custom Prefix: %{_p1}'s prefix%":
manageUser({_p}, {_p1})
{_p1}'s prefix = "":
make next gui slot with skull of ({_p1}) named "&6&l%{_p1}%" with lore "&7Click to view", "", "", "&7Group: &e%{_p1}'s group%", and "&7Prefix: &cNone":
manageUser({_p}, {_p1})
make next gui slot with skull of ({_p1}) named "&6&l%{_p1}%" with lore "&7Click to view", "", "", "&7Group: &e%{_p1}'s group%", and "&7Custom Prefix: %{_p1}'s prefix%":
manageUser({_p}, {_p1})
open last gui to {_p}
else if {_id} = "groups":
create a gui with virtual chest with 6 rows named "&8Overview > Groups":
make gui slot 49 with oak sign named "&b&lBack" with lore "&7Click to go back":
make {_p} execute command "luxperms"
make gui slot 46 with compass named "&b&lSpecific Group" with lore "&7Click to view and edit specific group":
close {_p}'s inventory
set {managingGroup::%{_p}%} to true
send title "&b&lManage Group" with subtitle "&7Type group in chat" to {_p} for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel chat prompt" to {_p}
make gui slot 52 with anvil named "&b&lAdd Group" with lore "&7Click to add group":
close {_p}'s inventory
set {addingGroup::%player%} to true
send title "&b&lAdd Group" with subtitle "&7Type name in chat" to {_p} for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel chat prompt" to {_p}
set {_g::*} to all groups
loop {_g::*}:
set {_g} to loop-value
{_n} = 44:
make gui slot 48 with tnt named "&c&lError" with lore "&7Too many groups to list in gui"
exit loop
add 1 to {_n}
clear {_gp::*}
set {_gp::*} to all permissions of group "%{_g}%"
set {_gps} to size of {_gp::*}
group "%{_g}%"'s perm prefix = " " or "":
set {_gp} to "&cNone"
group "%{_g}%"'s perm prefix is not set:
set {_gp} to "&cNone"
make next gui slot with yellow glass pane named "&6&l%{_g}%" with lore "&7Click to view and edit group", "", "&7Rank: &e%loop-index%", "&7Prefix: %{_gp}%", "", and "&e%{_gps}% &7Permission Nodes":
manageGroup("%{_g}%", player)
open last gui to {_p}
else if {_id} = "expand":
create a gui with virtual chest with 6 rows named "&8LuxPerms {@ver}":
make gui slot 11 with skull of ("%{_p}%" parsed as offline player) named "&6&lUsers" with lore "&7Click to view all &aUsers":
openGUI("users", {_p})
make gui slot 15 with bookshelf named "&6&lGroups" with lore "&7Click to view all &aGroups":
openGUI("groups", {_p})
make gui slot 28 with redstone torch named "&c&lReload" with lore "&7Click to reload LuxPerms":
execute console command "/sk reload %script%"
close {_p}'s inventory
send title "&b&lReloaded" with subtitle "&7LuxPerms {@ver} reloaded" to {_p} for 2 seconds
make gui slot 34 with red glass pane named "&b&lVersion" with lore "&7You're using &bLuxPerms {@ver}"
make gui slot 49 with tripwire hook named "&b&lReduce" with lore "&7Click to show less", "", and "&7This will hide advanced options":
make {_p} execute command "luxperms"
open last gui to {_p}
function manageUser(u: player, p: offline player):
set {_playerPrefix} to {_p}'s prefix
{_playerPrefix} = "":
set {_playerPrefix} to "&cNone"
set {_playerSuffix} to {_p}'s suffix
{_playerSuffix} = "":
set {_playerSuffix} to "&cNone"
set {_perms::*} to all permissions of {_p}
set {_sp} to size of {_perms::*}
set {_g} to {_p}'s group
set {_groupPerms::*} to all permissions of group {_g}
set {_sg} to size of {_groupPerms::*}
create a gui with virtual chest with 6 rows named "&8Users > %{_p}%":
{_p} is op:
make gui slot 14 with red glass pane named "&b&lDe-OP User" with lore "&7Click to remove &coperator", "", and "&7User is currently an &coperator":
deop {_p}
manageUser({_u}, {_p})
make gui slot 14 with lime glass pane named "&b&lOP User" with lore "&7Click to make user an &coperator", "", and "&7User is currently &cnot &7a &coperator":
op {_p}
manageUser({_u}, {_p})
make gui slot 49 with oak sign named "&b&lBack" with lore "&7Click to go back":
openGUI("users", {_u})
make gui slot 12 with book and quill named "&b&lPermissions" with lore "&7Click to view permissions":
editPerms({_p}, {_u})
make gui slot 28 with book named "&b&lGroup" with lore "&7Click to change Group", "", and "&7Group: &e%{_p}'s group%":
changeGroup({_p}, {_u})
make gui slot 31 with skull of ({_p}) named "&b&l%{_p}%" with lore "&7Group: &e%{_p}'s group%", "", "&7Current Prefix: %{_playerPrefix}%", "&7Current Suffix: %{_playerSuffix}%", "", "&7Player Permissions: &e%{_sp}%", and "&7Group Permissions: &e%{_sg}%"
make gui slot 34 with name tag named "&b&lPrefix and Suffix" with lore "&7Click to edit prefix/suffix", "", "&7Prefix: %{_playerPrefix}%", and "&7Suffix: %{_playerSuffix}%":
close {_u}'s inventory
set {prefixORsuffix::%{_u}%} to true
send title "&b&lPrefix or Suffix" with subtitle "&7Type 'prefix' or 'suffix' in chat" to {_u} for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel chat prompt" to {_u}
set {effectingUser::%{_u}%} to {_p}
open last gui to {_u}
function manageGroup(g: string, u: player):
create a gui with virtual chest with 6 rows named "&8Groups > %{_g}%":
make gui slot 49 with oak sign named "&b&lBack" with lore "&7Click to go back":
openGUI("groups", {_u})
make gui slot 13 with book and quill named "&b&lView Permissions" with lore "&bClick &7to open &ePermissions Editor":
editGroupPerms("%{_g}%", {_u})
make gui slot 34 with nametag named "&b&lChange Prefix/Suffix" with lore "&7Click to change prefix/suffix":
close {_u}'s inventory
set {group_prefixORsuffix::%{_u}%} to true
set {effectingGroup::%{_u}%} to {_g}
send title "&b&lPrefix or Suffix" with subtitle "&7Type 'prefix' or 'suffix' in chat" to {_u} for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel" to {_u}
loop all players:
set {_pg} to loop-player's group
{_pg} = {_g}:
add 1 to {_gm}
set {_gp} to group {_g}'s perm prefix
set {_gs} to group {_g}'s perm suffix
{_gp} = "" or " ":
set {_gp} to "&cNone"
{_gp} is not set:
set {_gp} to "&cNone"
{_gs} = "" or " ":
set {_gs} to "&cNone"
{_gs} is not set:
set {_gs} to "&cNone"
{_gm} is not set:
set {_gm} to 0
set {_gp::*} to all permissions of group {_g}
set {_gps} to size of {_gp::*}
make gui slot 31 with book named "&b&l%{_g}%" with lore "&7Click to rename group", "", "&7Members: &a%{_gm}%", "", "&7Prefix: %{_gp}%", "&7Suffix: %{_gs}%", "", and "&7Permissions: &a%{_gps}%":
close {_u}'s inventory
set {effectingGroup::%{_u}%} to {_g}
set {renamingGroup::%{_u}%} to true
send title "&b&lRename Group" with subtitle "&7Type new name in chat" to {_u} for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel chat prompt" to {_u}
make gui slot 28 with redstone ore named "&c&lDelete Group" with lore "&7Click to delete group", "", and "&cThis cannot be undone!":
{_g} = "default":
close {_u}'s inventory
send title "&c&lError" with subtitle "&7Can't delete default group"
close {_u}'s inventory
delete group {_g}
send title "&c&lGroup Deleted" with subtitle "&7Group &b%{_g}% &7deleted" to {_u} for 2 seconds
open last gui to {_u}
function editGroupPerms(g: string, u: player):
set {_perms::*} to all permissions of group {_g}
create a gui with virtual chest with 6 rows named "&8%{_g}% > Perms":
make gui slot 49 with oak sign named "&b&lBack" with lore "&7Click to go back":
manageGroup({_g}, {_u})
make gui slot 52 with anvil named "&b&lAdd Perm" with lore "&7Click to add permission":
close {_u}'s inventory
set {group.addGroupPerm::%{_u}%} to {_g}
set {addGroupPerm::%{_u}%} to true
send title "&b&lAdd Permission" with subtitle "&7Type permission node in chat" for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel chat prompt" to {_u}
size of {_perms::*} > 0:
loop {_perms::*}:
{_n} = 44:
make gui slot 48 with tnt named "&c&lError" with lore "&7Too many perms to list in gui."
exit loop
add 1 to {_n}
set {_perm} to loop-value
make next gui slot with lime glass pane named "&a&l%{_perm}%" with lore "&7Click to &cremove":
remove "%{_perm}%" from all permissions of group {_g}
editGroupPerms("%{_g}%", {_u})
make gui slot 13 with redstone block named "&c&lNo Permissions" with lore "&7This group has no permissions"
open last gui to {_u}
function changeGroup(p: offlineplayer, u: player):
create a gui with virtual chest with 6 rows named "&8%{_p}% > Set Group":
make gui slot 46 with compass named "&b&lSpecific Group" with lore "&7Click to set group":
close {_u}'s inventory
set {settingGroup::%{_u}%} to true
send title "&b&lSet group" with subtitle "&7Type group in chat" to {_u} for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel chat prompt" to {_u}
set {user.settingGroup::%{_u}%} to {_p}
set {_g} to {_p}'s group
make gui slot 49 with oak sign named "&b&lBack" with lore "&7Click to go back":
manageUser({_u}, {_p})
set {_groups::*} to all groups
loop {_groups::*}:
set {_gl} to loop-value
set {_glp} to group {_gl}'s perm prefix
{_glp} = " " or "":
set {_glp} to "&cNone"
{_glp} is not set:
set {_glp} to "&cNone"
{_n} = 44:
make gui slot 52 with tnt named "&c&lError" with lore "&7Couldn't list all groups in gui"
exit loop
add 1 to {_n}
{_gl} = {_g}:
make next gui slot with yellow glass pane named "&e&l%{_gl}%" with lore "&cPlayer's current group"
set {_groupPerms::*} to all permissions of group {_gl}
set {_gps} to size of {_groupPerms::*}
make next gui slot with yellow glass pane named "&e&l%{_gl}%" with lore "&7Click to set group", "", "&7Prefix: %{_glp}%", "", and "&7Permission Nodes: &e%{_gps}%":
close {_u}'s inventory
set {_p}'s group to {_gl}
send title "&b&lGroup Changed" with subtitle "&7Set &b%{_p}%&7's group to &b%{_gl}%" to {_u} for 2 seconds
open last gui to {_u}
function editPerms(p: offlineplayer, u: player):
set {_perms::*} to all permissions of {_p}
create a gui with virtual chest with 6 rows named "&8%{_p}% > Perms":
make gui slot 49 with oak sign named "&b&lBack" with lore "&7Click to go back":
manageUser({_u}, {_p})
make gui slot 52 with anvil named "&b&lAdd Perm" with lore "&7Click to add permission":
close {_u}'s inventory
set {user.addPerm::%{_u}%} to {_p}
set {addPerm::%{_u}%} to true
send title "&b&lAdd Permission" with subtitle "&7Type permission node in chat" for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel chat prompt" to {_u}
size of {_perms::*} > 0:
loop {_perms::*}:
{_n} = 44:
make gui slot 48 with tnt named "&c&lError" with lore "&7Too many perms to list in gui."
exit loop
add 1 to {_n}
set {_perm} to loop-value
make next gui slot with lime glass pane named "&a&l%{_perm}%" with lore "&7Click to &cremove":
remove "%{_perm}%" from permissions of {_p}
editPerms({_p}, {_u})
make gui slot 13 with redstone block named "&c&lNo Permissions" with lore "&7This user has no permissions"
open last gui to {_u}
function click(p: player):
play sound "" with volume 2 with pitch 2 at {_p} for {_p}
# Events
{addPerm::%player%} = true:
cancel event
uncolored message = "cancel":
clear {addPerm::%player%}
clear {user.addPerm::%player%}
send title "" with subtitle "&7Chat prompt &ccancelled" to player for 2 seconds
replace all " " in message with "."
set {_p} to ("%{user.addPerm::%player%}%" parsed as offline player)
set {_perm} to uncolored message
add {_perm} to permissions of {_p}
clear {addPerm::%player%}
clear {user.addPerm::%player%}
send title "&b&lAdded Permission" with subtitle "&7Added perm &b%uncolored message% &7to &b%{_p}%" to player for 2 seconds
else if {addGroupPerm::%player%} = true:
cancel event
uncolored message = "cancel":
clear {addGroupPerm::%player%}
clear {group.addGroupPerm::%player%}
send title "" with subtitle "&7Chat prompt &ccancelled" to player for 2 seconds
replace all " " in message with "."
set {_g} to {group.addGroupPerm::%player%}
set {_perm} to uncolored message
add {_perm} to all permissions of group {_g}
clear {addGroupPerm::%player%}
clear {group.addGroupPerm::%player%}
send title "&b&lAdded Permission" with subtitle "&7Added perm &b%uncolored message% &7to group &b%{_g}%" to player for 2 seconds
editGroupPerms("%{_g}%", player)
else if {manageUser::%player%} = true:
cancel event
uncolored message = "cancel":
clear {manageUser::%player%}
clear {addPerm::%player%}
clear {user.addPerm::%player%}
send title "" with subtitle "&7Chat prompt &ccancelled" to player for 2 seconds
set {_u} to (uncolored message parsed as offline player)
{_u} is online:
manageUser(player, {_u})
clear {manageUser::%player%}
clear {manageUser::%player%}
send title "&c&lError" with subtitle "&7User is offline"
else if {prefixORsuffix::%player%} = true:
cancel event
set {_r} to uncolored message
{_r} = "cancel":
clear {prefixORsuffix::%player%}
send title "" with subtitle "&7Chat prompt &ccancelled" to player for 2 seconds
else if {_r} = "prefix":
clear {prefixORsuffix::%player%}
set {settingPrefix::%player%} to true
send title "&b&lSet Prefix" with subtitle "&7Type prefix in chat" to player for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel or &creset &7to reset prefix" to player
else if {_r} = "suffix":
clear {prefixORsuffix::%player%}
set {settingSuffix::%player%} to true
send title "&b&lSet Suffix" with subtitle "&7Type suffix in chat" to player for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel or &creset &7to reset suffix" to player
else if {settingPrefix::%player%} = true:
cancel event
uncolored message = "cancel":
send title "" with subtitle "&7Chat prompt &ccancelled" to player for 2 seconds
clear {settingPrefix::%player%}
clear {user.settingPrefix::%player%}
else if uncolored message = "reset" or "clear":
set {_u} to {effectingUser::%player%}
set {_u}'s prefix to ""
send title "&b&lReset Prefix" with subtitle "&7Reset &b%{_u}%&7's prefix" to player for 2 seconds
clear {settingPrefix::%player%}
clear {user.settingPrefix::%player%}
set {_u} to {effectingUser::%player%}
set {_r} to message
set {_u}'s prefix to {_r}
send title "&b&lPrefix Set" with subtitle "&7Set &b%{_u}%&7's prefix to ""%{_r}%&7""" to player for 2 seconds
clear {settingPrefix::%player%}
clear {user.settingPrefix::%player%}
else if {settingSuffix::%player%} = true:
cancel event
uncolored message = "cancel":
send title "" with subtitle "&7Chat prompt &ccancelled" to player for 2 seconds
clear {settingSuffix::%player%}
clear {user.settingSuffix::%player%}
else if uncolored message = "reset" or "clear":
set {_u} to {effectingUser::%player%}
set {_u}'s suffix to ""
send title "&b&lReset Suffix" with subtitle "&7Reset &b%{_u}%&7's suffix" to player for 2 seconds
clear {settingSuffix::%player%}
clear {user.settingSuffix::%player%}
set {_u} to {effectingUser::%player%}
set {_r} to message
set {_u}'s suffix to {_r}
send title "&b&lSuffix Set" with subtitle "&7Set &b%{_u}%&7's suffix to ""%{_r}%&7""" to player for 2 seconds
clear {settingSuffix::%player%}
clear {user.settingSuffix::%player%}
else if {settingGroup::%player%} = true:
cancel event
set {_r} to uncolored message
{_r} = "cancel":
clear {settingGroup::%player%}
clear {user.settingGroup::%player%}
send title "" with subtitle "&7Chat prompt &ccancelled" to player for 2 seconds
set {_g::*} to all groups
{_g::*} contains {_r}:
set {_u} to {user.settingGroup::%player%}
set {_u}'s group to {_r}
send title "&b&lGroup set" with subtitle "&7Set &b%{_u}%&7's group to &b%{_r}%" to player for 2 seconds
clear {settingGroup::%player%}
clear {user.settingGroup::%player%}
clear {settingGroup::%player%}
clear {user.settingGroup::%player%}
send title "&c&lInvalid Group" with subtitle "&7That group doesn't exist!" to player for 2 seconds
else if {managingGroup::%player%} = true:
cancel event
set {_r} to uncolored message
{_r} = "cancel":
clear {managingGroup::%player%}
send title "" with subtitle "&7Chat prompt &ccancelled" to player for 2 seconds
set {_g::*} to all groups
{_g::*} contains {_r}:
send title "" with subtitle "" to player
send action bar "" to player
manageGroup("%{_r}%", player)
clear {managingGroup::%player%}
clear {managingGroup::%player%}
send title "&c&lError" with subtitle "&7Group doesn't exist" to player
else if {addingGroup::%player%} = true:
cancel event
set {_g} to message
{_g} = "cancel":
clear {addingGroup::%player%}
send title "" with subtitle "&7Chat prompt &ccancelled"
size of groups 1 of "%{_g}%" matched against "([^A-Za-z0-9_,'\-\+/]{1,})" > 0:
clear {addingGroup::%player%}
send title "&c&lError" with subtitle "&7Group names must be alphanumeric" to player for 2 seconds
set {_g::*} to all groups
{_g::*} contains {_g}:
clear {addingGroup::%player%}
send title "&c&lError" with subtitle "&7Group already exists" to player for 2 seconds
clear {addingGroup::%player%}
create group "%{_g}%"
manageGroup({_g}, player)
else if {group_prefixORsuffix::%player%} = true:
cancel event
set {_r} to uncolored message
{_r} = "cancel":
clear {group_prefixORsuffix::%player%}
send title "" with subtitle "&7Chat prompt &ccancelled" to player for 2 seconds
else if {_r} = "prefix":
clear {group_prefixORsuffix::%player%}
set {group_settingPrefix::%player%} to true
send title "&b&lSet Prefix" with subtitle "&7Type prefix in chat" to player for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel or &creset &7to reset prefix" to player
else if {_r} = "suffix":
clear {group_prefixORsuffix::%player%}
set {group_settingSuffix::%player%} to true
send title "&b&lSet Suffix" with subtitle "&7Type suffix in chat" to player for 5 seconds
send action bar "&7Type &ccancel &7to cancel or &creset &7to reset suffix" to player
else if {group_settingPrefix::%player%} = true:
cancel event
uncolored message = "cancel":
send title "" with subtitle "&7Chat prompt &ccancelled" to player for 2 seconds
clear {group_settingPrefix::%player%}
clear {group.settingPrefix::%player%}
else if uncolored message = "reset" or "clear":
set {_g} to {effectingGroup::%player%}
set group {_g}'s perm prefix to ""
send title "&b&lReset Prefix" with subtitle "&7Reset &b%{_g}%&7's prefix" to player for 2 seconds
clear {group_settingPrefix::%player%}
clear {group.settingPrefix::%player%}
set {_g} to {effectingGroup::%player%}
set {_g} to message
set group {_g}'s perm prefix to {_r}
send title "&b&lPrefix Set" with subtitle "&7Set &b%{_g}%&7's prefix to ""%{_r}%&7""" to player for 2 seconds
clear {group_settingPrefix::%player%}
clear {group.settingPrefix::%player%}
else if {group_settingSuffix::%player%} = true:
cancel event
uncolored message = "cancel":
send title "" with subtitle "&7Chat prompt &ccancelled" to player for 2 seconds
clear {group_settingSuffix::%player%}
clear {group.settingSuffix::%player%}
else if uncolored message = "reset" or "clear":
set {_g} to {effectingUser::%player%}
set group {_g}'s perm suffix to ""
send title "&b&lReset Suffix" with subtitle "&7Reset &b%{_g}%&7's suffix" to player for 2 seconds
clear {group_settingSuffix::%player%}
clear {group.settingSuffix::%player%}
set {_g} to {effectingGroup::%player%}
set {_r} to message
set group {_g}'s perm suffix to {_r}
send title "&b&lSuffix Set" with subtitle "&7Set &b%{_g}%&7's suffix to ""%{_r}%&7""" to player for 2 seconds
clear {group_settingSuffix::%player%}
clear {group.settingSuffix::%player%}
else if {renamingGroup::%player%} = true:
cancel event
set {_r} to uncolored message
size of groups 1 of "%{_r}%" matched against "([^A-Za-z0-9_,'\-\+/]{1,})" > 0:
clear {renamingGroup::%player%}
clear {effectingGroup::%player%}
send title "&c&lError" with subtitle "&7Group names must be alphanumeric" to player for 2 seconds
loop all groups:
loop-value = {_r}:
set {_err} to true
{_err} = true:
clear {renamingGroup::%player%}
clear {effectingGroup::%player%}
send title "&c&lError" with subtitle "&7Group already exists" to player for 2 seconds
set {_g} to {effectingGroup::%player%}
set group "%{_g}%"'s name to "%{_r}%"
send title "&b&lGroup renamed" with subtitle "&b%{_g}% &7renamed to &b%{_r}%" to player for 2 seconds
clear {renamingGroup::%player%}
clear {effectingGroup::%player%}
skript load:
send "%nl%[LuxPerms] Loaded version {@ver}" to console
# Commands
command /luxperms:
aliases: /luxperms:luxperms, /lp, /luxperms:lp
permission: luxperms.admin
permission message: {@np}
create a gui with virtual chest with 6 rows named "&8LuxPerms {@ver}":
make gui slot 20 with skull of ("%player%" parsed as offline player) named "&6&lUsers" with lore "&7Click to view all &aUsers":
openGUI("users", player)
make gui slot 24 with bookshelf named "&6&lGroups" with lore "&7Click to view all &aGroups":
openGUI("groups", player)
make gui slot 40 with tripwire hook named "&b&lExpand" with lore "&7Click to show more", "", and "&7This will show you more advanced options":
openGUI("expand", player)
open last gui to player
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