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[Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2021] [04:34:19 CEST] Quit shawwwn ( has left this server (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity).
[Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2021] [06:37:48 CEST] <feep> .note shawwwn saw your pm. at the risk of opening wounds, logos01 is not the ultimate reason for my behavior, but I can explain it to you if you like. At any rate, this sounds ridiculous and insulting, but I really *don't* dislike you.
[Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2021] [06:37:48 CEST] Notice -feepbot- Left a note for shawwwn!
[Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2021] [06:38:07 CEST] <feep> well, attempt made
[Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2021] [06:39:51 CEST] <feep> .note shawwwn tl;dr that pattern I keep "accusing" you off, of getting oversensitively attached and then going off on a perceived attacker, you're not the person I've first seen that in, and I always feel I "got away too easy" the last time. so it's not dislike, it's paranoia.
[Donnerstag, 21. Oktober 2021] [06:39:52 CEST] Notice -feepbot- Left a note for shaww
module bench;
import std;
import std.datetime.stopwatch : benchmark;
int test(alias skip)(ubyte[] trash)
int lenSum;
while (!trash.empty)
module bench;
import std;
import std.datetime.stopwatch : benchmark;
int test(alias skip)(ubyte[] trash)
int lenSum;
while (!trash.empty)
module bench;
import std;
import std.datetime.stopwatch : benchmark;
int test(alias skip)(ubyte[] trash)
int lenSum;
while (!trash.empty)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
# gcsnoop - trace D garbage collection runs via tgkill() syscalls.
# Written using Linux ftrace.
# Adapted from killsnoop.
# This traces tgkill() syscalls, used by the D runtime to suspend and resume threads
# for garbage collector runs.
module hello;
macro import cx.macros.assert;
macro import cx.macros.cimport;
import c_header("ctype.h");
import c_header("netdb.h");
import c_header("stdio.h");
import c_header("string.h");
import c_header("sys/errno.h");
module hello;
macro import cx.macros.cimport;
import c_header("ctype.h");
import c_header("stdio.h");
import c_header("string.h");
import c_header("sys/ioctl.h");
import c_header("termios.h");
import c_header("time.h");
module fflame;
macro import cx.macros.listcomprehension;
import helpers;
import sdl;
extern(C) float logf(float);
extern(C) float fabsf(float);
extern(C) float expf(float);
module fflame;
import helpers;
import sdl;
extern(C) float logf(float);
extern(C) float fabsf(float);
extern(C) float expf(float);
extern(C) float sinf(float);
extern(C) float cosf(float);
module fflame;
import helpers;
import sdl;
extern(C) float logf(float);
extern(C) float fabsf(float);
extern(C) float expf(float);
extern(C) float sinf(float);
extern(C) float cosf(float);