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FelAl / gist:5f214de773c01c90c7ce8f410164959d
Last active February 5, 2019 23:24
1. What are pros and cons of NoSQL DB vs. traditional relational DB?
1) NoSQL have column oriented databases(we can take only 3 rows out of 200, it saves memory space)
2) NoSQL is more optimal solution for unstructured data.
3) SQL scales vertically(example, update CPU from 3.0 MHZ to 4.0 MHZ on the server),
NoSQL scales horizontally(example, add one or two new server)
4) Maintence of SQL DB can require downtime, when with NoSQL it's possible to do without any downtime.
5) NoSQL requires additional storage for storing field's name
6) SQL DBs have ACID compliance (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability),
while NoSQL has not(this is how flexibility and access speed achieves).