Use this file to get the CRS definitions you need in southern Africa, particularly South Africa, Lesotho, Swaziland and Zimbabwe.
Most GIS software now implements the South African CRS (SACRS; incorrectly but popularly known as the "LO" system) which is based on south-oriented (or south-facing) transverse mercator (TMSO). The EPSG codes for these are:
- odd numbers from 22275 to 22293 for the Cape datum
- all numbers from 2046 to 2055 for the Hartebeesthoek94 or WGS84 datum.
If you have data in one of these south-oriented CRSs it will draw upside down and back to front in its native CRS but if you have on-the-fly transformation enabled, your layers will overlay your other data perfectly in whatever project CRS you choose. This feature request will result south-oriented coordinates and visualisation being more intutitive to GIS users.
Note on datums: Although there are a few metres difference between the WGS84 and Hartebeethoek94 datums, for all intents and purpos