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FloooD / Makefile
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
basically a wrapper for Get/SetDeviceGammaRamp
gcc lut.c -mconsole -mwindows -o lut
FloooD / Makefile
Created September 6, 2013 03:01
charged particles in a box
gcc -Wall -O2 -o charges charges.c `sdl2-config --cflags --libs`
FloooD / cheathunter.lua
Created September 13, 2012 05:07
cheathunter server lua
local ip = '' -- Your server IP address -> example ''
local port = '36963' -- Your server port number -> example '36963'
local interval = 5 -- DO NOT EDIT
local host = '' -- DO NOT EDIT
local file = 'serverinfo.php' -- DO NOT EDIT
local h
os.execute("touch "..file)
FloooD / Makefile
Created August 19, 2012 07:55
drag/drop something that follows the X cursor perfectly
gcc -O3 asdf.c -o asdf -lGL
bind "MWHEELUP" "+jump"
cl_bob 0
cl_cmdrate 100
cl_crosshair_color "50 250 50"
cl_crosshair_size "large"
cl_crosshair_translucent "0"
cl_dynamiccrosshair 0
cl_logocolor "#Valve_Ltblue"
cl_updaterate 100
ex_interp 0.01
FloooD / 2ddm.lua
Created May 2, 2012 05:18
unreleased cs2d scripts
--2DDM - port of CSDM by FlooD--
parse("sv_gamemode 2")
parse("mp_infammo 1")
parse("mp_freezetime 0")
dm_preset[1]="2DDM: Equip,New Weapons,Previous Setup,2+Don't show menu again"
FloooD / Makefile
Created February 6, 2012 20:35
circle antialiased by using integration to calculate pixel coverage. gamma corrected for srgb.
gcc -O3 -lm -Wall -pedantic -std=c99 -o circ circ.c
FloooD / usgn_name.lua
Created August 7, 2011 20:49
everything up to aug 7 2011
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
usgn_name = {}
usgn_name[1] = "DC"
usgn_name[2] = "DivineDominion"
usgn_name[3] = "mikede"
usgn_name[5] = "INpac"
usgn_name[6] = "darky"
usgn_name[8] = "Inarie"
usgn_name[9] = "Neutral General"
usgn_name[11] = "ZaRaK"
usgn_name[12] = "knochen-jochen"
FloooD / pointer_spec.lua
Created May 23, 2011 18:26
look at where other people are aiming.
--LUA Lag Compensation version 2.0 + pointer speccing by FlooD--
--thx to Jermuk for his custom server, which first encouraged---
-- me to make lag compensation.------------------------------
--thx to lasthope and def3ct for initial testing.---------------
--thx to 3rr0r for ideas and suggestions for refining the code.-
--visit for-
-- the lastest version and information-----------------------
FloooD / antispam.lua
Created May 8, 2011 23:05
prevents server from being crashed by spammerfags
if not antispam then antispam = {}
antispam.blocked = {}
function antispam.unblock(id)
antispam.blocked[tonumber(id)] = nil
function antispam.generic(id)
if antispam.blocked[id] then
return 1