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-- Q1: Aggregate the data to develop detectors at the student-level. Which student has the highest percentage of gaming? (Hint: One way to do this is to create a dummy variable for each observation, 1 if gaming, 0 if not gaming, and then make a pivot table)
-- A: Open bigdata-edu-Data-Sets-Data-Subset-Pardos-et-al-2013-observations
-- Week 3B.csv with Excel, sort by double-anon-userID and you'll see that the
-- student 39769525 has just one row, wwhich is flagged as GAMING, which
-- means this student has a 100% of gaming. So 39769525 is the answer.
-- Q2: Aggregate the data to develop detectors at the student-level. How many students were never bored in any observation?
20 3039 3544749
33 12597 3713820
33 12597 3737936
52 11109 3238451
52 11109 3533390
79 12220 3842928
79 12220 3887555
123 17817 3485814
123 17817 3348632

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