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pgio flamegraph
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<!-- Flame graph stack visualization. See for latest version, and for examples. -->
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<g >
<title>_bt_checkpage (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1160.9" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
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<title>epoll_create1 (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1135.4" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,202,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
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<g >
<title>AcquireExecutorLocks (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="341.0" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="344.01" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_qual_conditions (114 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="423.6" y="373" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="426.57" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_mm_fault (262 samples, 0.36%)</title><rect x="148.1" y="213" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,146,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="151.07" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformAExprOp (195 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="124.6" y="405" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.61" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_rel_persistence (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="75.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="78.74" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (830 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="452.4" y="325" width="13.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="455.42" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_event_mmap (252 samples, 0.34%)</title><rect x="135.2" y="165" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,184,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="138.23" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeExprContext (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="352.4" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,413214)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="355.42" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_comparator (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="318.1" y="325" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="321.08" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dta_xfsaild_3895 (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.7" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,141,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.73" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="869" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_fill_tuple (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="361.1" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,110,9552213)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="364.10" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>proc_reg_read (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.60" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nulltestsel (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="20.7" y="245" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,172)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="23.72" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BitmapHeapNext (7,800 samples, 10.67%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="421" width="125.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,59)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="431.5" >BitmapHeapNext</text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1097.2" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1100.19" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (59 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="419.3" y="357" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.34" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_expr (236 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="40.3" y="405" width="3.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="43.26" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="65.0" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.00" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_move_row (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1133.1" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.08" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clear_page_erms (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="150.5" y="133" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,96,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="153.49" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>note_gp_changes (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1178.8" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,199,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1181.78" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>local_clock (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="136.6" y="101" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,151,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="139.58" y="111.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>restriction_selectivity (806 samples, 1.10%)</title><rect x="99.6" y="309" width="13.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,170,206)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.63" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.9" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,117,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.87" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>bsearch (63 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="528.0" y="389" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,124,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="531.03" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PostmasterMain (49,838 samples, 68.16%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="821" width="804.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(106,173,190)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="831.5" >PostmasterMain</text>
<g >
<title>_IO_getline_info (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,132,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.58" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resolve_aggregate_transtype (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="55.6" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.56" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResult (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="187.9" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,140,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.90" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcmp_sse4_1 (172 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="219.0" y="325" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,151,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="222.03" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeConst (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="197.8" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.77" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformStmt (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,213913721,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionNext (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="789" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,137,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_compute_data_size (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1092.9" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,110,9538813)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1095.90" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_var_clause (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="70.0" y="389" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="73.05" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>max_parallel_hazard (219 samples, 0.30%)</title><rect x="412.0" y="389" width="3.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.03" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_timer (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="755.9" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,142,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="758.92" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1103.5" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.50" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_path (49 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="80.0" y="341" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="82.99" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="68.7" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="71.66" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEndAgg (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="473.1" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="476.10" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__ieee754_log_avx (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="373" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,125,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lru_add_drain_cpu (131 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="485.2" y="245" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,116,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="488.25" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[iostat] (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.8" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,182,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.76" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vma_link_rb (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="482.4" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,122,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="485.41" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__hrtimer_run_queues (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="1174.3" y="693" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,128,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1177.28" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventSetWait (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1135.6" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,122,244)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.60" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (60 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="44.9" y="341" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.94" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="334.7" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="337.68" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>localsub.constprop.4 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="337.7" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,125,161)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="340.70" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationIdGetRelation (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="447.0" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,187,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="449.99" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>deconstruct_recurse (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="70.9" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,80)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="73.85" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>base_yylex (347 samples, 0.47%)</title><rect x="169.4" y="485" width="5.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,155,85935)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="172.37" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>merge.isra.0 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="408.0" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(86,145,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="411.01" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>diskstats_show (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="11.3" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,177,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.27" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>process_one_work (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,184,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.20" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetTransactionSnapshot (86 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="344.0" y="501" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="347.01" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>task_work_run (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.6" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,114,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.57" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="69.4" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.35" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_free (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1136.2" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,176,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1139.21" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="58.3" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.28" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vmacache_find (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="386.8" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,112,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="389.81" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="37.9" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.85" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>core_yy_switch_to_buffer (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1103.0" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,-65860836382541,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.95" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (82 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="342.7" y="501" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="345.69" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__select (177 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="1133.7" y="789" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,132,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.68" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_malloc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="156.9" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,153,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="159.95" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformAExprOp (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="444.2" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="447.21" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>activate_task (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1180.1" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,148,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1183.11" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_interrupt (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1086.6" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,152,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1089.58" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquirePlannerLocks (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="341.6" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="344.62" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="440.0" y="357" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="443.05" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>find_busiest_group (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1186.8" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,177,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.76" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tag_hash (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="180.8" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.80" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_index_paths (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="373" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,136)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_rel_pathlist (1,328 samples, 1.82%)</title><rect x="76.0" y="389" width="21.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="78.97" y="399.5" >s..</text>
<g >
<title>makeSimpleA_Expr (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="176.4" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.41" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEndNode (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="352.2" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="355.19" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1096.5" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.48" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="420.7" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="423.75" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_planner (138 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="437" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_query (1,029 samples, 1.41%)</title><rect x="409.5" y="421" width="16.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="412.48" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="91.0" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.96" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="73.1" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="76.07" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_get_pageentry (5,198 samples, 7.11%)</title><rect x="562.8" y="325" width="83.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="565.84" y="335.5" >tbm_get_p..</text>
<g >
<title>fetch_upper_rel (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="422.5" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,187,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="425.47" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_getline_info (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,132,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (140 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="40.4" y="389" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="43.40" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_one_rel (47 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="31.5" y="389" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="34.53" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_getbuf (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="341" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_beginscan_internal (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="38.5" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.48" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btcostestimate (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="389" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strncpy_sse2_unaligned (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="330.8" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,132,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.81" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetPrivateRefCountEntry (235 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="299.5" y="341" width="3.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="302.54" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="821" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="48.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.73" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1126.1" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1129.06" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_class_aclcheck (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="102.2" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,179)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="105.19" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="490.5" y="309" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,167,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="493.46" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseBuffer (73 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="964.6" y="357" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,15235984)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="967.59" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info_cxt_security (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="188.3" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,99)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.32" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>handle_mm_fault (114 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="639.7" y="197" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,146,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.70" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_agg (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="411.6" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="414.58" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockAcquireExtended (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,24381895395797,161)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.27" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="69.9" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.92" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>oper (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.7" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,-281979738842084)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.68" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="27.2" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="30.22" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_lseek (125 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="60.6" y="277" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,167,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="63.61" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_select (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.3" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,189,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.31" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_epoll_ctl (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1135.1" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,167,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.13" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_nohz_idle_exit (45 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1185.6" y="805" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,142,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1188.64" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="70.0" y="373" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="73.05" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignProjectionInfo (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="155.6" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.58" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_index_paths (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clauselist_selectivity (106 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="84.4" y="277" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,-382411437060680)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="87.36" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>buildRelationAliases.isra.1 (63 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="435.3" y="373" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="438.33" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_brk (789 samples, 1.08%)</title><rect x="384.1" y="325" width="12.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,167,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="387.10" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BufferGetBlockNumber (81 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="891.2" y="357" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="894.20" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tag_hash (435 samples, 0.59%)</title><rect x="766.4" y="373" width="7.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="769.36" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_opfamily_member (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="90.3" y="277" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.25" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_base_rel_tlists (81 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="69.2" y="405" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.21" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_query (4,544 samples, 6.21%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="485" width="73.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="495.5" >pg_plan_..</text>
<g >
<title>ExecAgg (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="677" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecShutdownNode (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="360.1" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="363.13" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>max_parallel_hazard_checker (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="414.2" y="309" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="417.18" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitFunc (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="363.6" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.59" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="661" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="671.5" >exec_stmts</text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshot (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="339.9" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="342.86" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="869" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_tablespace_page_costs (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="79.0" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="81.99" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorStart (503 samples, 0.69%)</title><rect x="323.8" y="485" width="8.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="326.84" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="339.2" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="342.15" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.0" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,147,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.95" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyObject_Call (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.0" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,207,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.95" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unlink_anon_vmas (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="387.7" y="261" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,173,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="390.71" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_estate_setup (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="187.6" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.61" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="56.0" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.99" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_move_row (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="368.9" y="517" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="371.94" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_to_page_cache_lru (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="16.0" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,156,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.04" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>extract_restriction_or_clauses (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="31.0" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,144,95)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="33.99" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_mergejoinable (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="71.9" y="357" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="74.87" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="56.2" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="59.22" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dta_iscsi_xmit_task_160 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,141,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.20" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.5" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.49" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_pathtarget_from_tlist (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1142.3" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,126731,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.35" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BitmapHeapNext (1,645 samples, 2.25%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="469" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,59)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.75" y="479.5" >B..</text>
<g >
<title>timesub.isra.1.constprop.6 (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="333.3" y="469" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,125,235)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="336.33" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_single_vma (61 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="488.1" y="245" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,170,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="491.07" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_varnos (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="74.0" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.00" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,117,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.89" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>prepare_to_swait (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1171.5" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,177,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1174.52" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_simple_query (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="773" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="783.5" >exec_simple_query</text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="337.4" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="340.44" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="741" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>find_busiest_group (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1179.3" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,177,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1182.25" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_var_clause (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="30.5" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="33.54" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSnapshotData (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="42.7" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,177,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.68" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalFrameEx (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyList.isra.15 (49 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="441.0" y="357" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,69,74)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="444.01" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="177.5" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,138,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="180.46" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformFromClause (257 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="434.3" y="421" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="437.30" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_boolean (427 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="342.2" y="533" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="345.16" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationIdGetRelation (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="65.0" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,187,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.96" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="73.8" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="76.81" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>process_integer_literal (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="174.2" y="469" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,-65860836382541,194)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.23" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="179.7" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.65" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_form_tuple (61 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1092.6" y="437" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,110,9554725)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1095.64" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>function_call (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="789" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,172,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_agglevels_and_constraints (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="122.8" y="389" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.82" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ServerLoop (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="853" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(106,173,220)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="581" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pstrdup (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1130.1" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,2608855)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1133.10" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BufferGetLSNAtomic (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1152.9" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.85" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_qual_eval_walker (75 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="113.7" y="341" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="116.67" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>anon_vma_interval_tree_insert (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="483.2" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,164,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="486.17" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="193.4" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.35" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (95 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="10.9" y="869" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.92" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="549" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="725" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>simplify_function (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="34.4" y="341" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,223)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.40" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BitmapHeapNext (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1143.4" y="437" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,59)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.43" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iomap_file_buffered_write (118 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="725" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,181,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.65" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorStart (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.5" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.49" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_rel_size (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="32.2" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="35.16" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_eval_var (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="343.6" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="346.58" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_qual_eval_node (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="87.9" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="90.94" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseCachedPlan (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="427.8" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="430.77" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>malloc (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="38.7" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,112,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.72" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>prefetch_freepointer.isra.60 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="483.5" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,177,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="486.52" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="805" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>initialize_phase (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1100.4" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,148)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1103.37" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.2" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.18" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>llseek (178 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="1145.2" y="373" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,98,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1148.22" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_steppage (121 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="554.4" y="325" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="557.36" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1132.2" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.20" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>malloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.7" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,112,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.74" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeColumnRef (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="175.7" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,56721078991032,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="178.73" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (57 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="61.1" y="261" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,135,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="64.14" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_expression (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="34.4" y="405" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.40" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache4 (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="90.4" y="261" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.40" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vfs_read (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,122,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="73.5" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="76.55" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRun (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="773" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="783.5" >PortalRun</text>
<g >
<title>proc_reg_read (68 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="11.2" y="789" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.23" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rebalance_domains (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1186.7" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,181,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.68" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>core_yy_scan_buffer (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1102.9" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,-65860836382541,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.94" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeFuncCall (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="176.2" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.20" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1144.6" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.61" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_tablespace (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="87.6" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="90.60" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_parsestate (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="428.3" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.35" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>update_process_times (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="756.0" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,150,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="758.97" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>base_yyparse (1,141 samples, 1.56%)</title><rect x="158.5" y="501" width="18.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,176,58)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="161.51" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="755.9" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,134,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="758.86" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1131.6" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1134.61" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free_pages_and_swap_cache (162 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="391.8" y="213" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,177,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="394.76" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="325.3" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.34" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1135.9" y="661" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.94" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>seq_read (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,163,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (36 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1167.2" y="469" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1170.23" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_brk (344 samples, 0.47%)</title><rect x="458.6" y="293" width="5.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,167,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="461.57" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_saveitem (47 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="203.7" y="293" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="206.73" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorStart (493 samples, 0.67%)</title><rect x="1093.7" y="469" width="7.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1096.66" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="306.3" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="309.28" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>table_openrv_extended (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(68,12086,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_region (533 samples, 0.73%)</title><rect x="387.5" y="293" width="8.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,170,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="390.52" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_path (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="77.9" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="80.89" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>planstate_tree_walker (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1091.4" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.42" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="446.4" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="449.44" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="70.2" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="73.18" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OidFunctionCall4Coll (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,173)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (128 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="195.9" y="405" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.90" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>float8_numeric (212 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="21.6" y="533" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.60" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (3,738 samples, 5.11%)</title><rect x="998.9" y="373" width="60.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1001.93" y="383.5" >pg_qsort</text>
<g >
<title>heap_page_prune_opt (3,128 samples, 4.28%)</title><rect x="899.5" y="373" width="50.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,178,9574824)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="902.46" y="383.5" >heap_..</text>
<g >
<title>_int_free (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="474.3" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,153,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="477.31" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_free (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="182.7" y="837" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,153,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.65" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="80.5" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="83.54" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_planner (4,544 samples, 6.21%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="469" width="73.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="479.5" >standard..</text>
<g >
<title>vfs_read (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.3" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,128,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.27" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rangeTableEntry_used (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="446.2" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(116,190,197)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="449.16" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PrefetchBuffer (115 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="647.0" y="389" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,11175973)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="650.01" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_copytuple (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="500.9" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,110,9541326)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="503.90" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>generic_smp_call_function_single_interrupt (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,189,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.50" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_start_range_ns (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1185.2" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,152,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1188.16" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitBitmapHeapScan (310 samples, 0.42%)</title><rect x="325.5" y="421" width="5.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.50" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_hrtimeout_range_clock (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1135.7" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,164,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.75" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecMakeTableFunctionResult (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="725" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free_hot_cold_page_list (51 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="392.8" y="181" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,177,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="395.80" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_aggregate_finalfn_expr (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="331.1" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.12" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scheduler_tick (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="306.4" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,164,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="309.41" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_expr (264 samples, 0.36%)</title><rect x="1123.6" y="485" width="4.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1126.61" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kstat_irqs_usr (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="11.7" y="741" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,122,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.68" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRunSelect (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="741" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="751.5" >PortalRunSelect</text>
<g >
<title>update_process_times (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="306.3" y="245" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,150,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="309.35" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="157.3" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.27" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ServerLoop (8,753 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="869" width="141.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(106,173,220)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="879.5" >ServerLoop</text>
<g >
<title>_IO_fgets (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,132,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.58" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1136.1" y="645" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1139.07" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="156.9" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="159.95" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>contain_volatile_functions_walker (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="112.9" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,72)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="115.86" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.3" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.26" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (8,890 samples, 12.16%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="549" width="143.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="559.5" >exec_stmts</text>
<g >
<title>[] (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.0" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,147,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.95" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>has_relevant_eclass_joinclause (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="75.0" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,81,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.99" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.75" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__block_commit_write.isra.32 (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="16.4" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,148,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.39" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tag_hash (600 samples, 0.82%)</title><rect x="307.7" y="357" width="9.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="310.69" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_default_uflow (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,132,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="350.8" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.82" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>main (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="853" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,248,175070962044235)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="863.5" >main</text>
<g >
<title>get_agg_clause_costs (115 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="53.8" y="421" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.81" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_plan_get_cached_plan (72 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1126.7" y="469" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1129.71" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_free (1,231 samples, 1.68%)</title><rect x="475.1" y="421" width="19.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,153,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="478.06" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_cheapest (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="75.4" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,220)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="78.44" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_next_timer_interrupt (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1184.9" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,170,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.92" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRunSelect (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="805" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="815.5" >PortalRunSelect</text>
<g >
<title>hash_any (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="117.7" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,143)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.68" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>convert_value_to_string.isra.24 (51 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1103.9" y="501" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,73)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.86" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_slow_exit_work (65 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="464.1" y="293" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,167,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="467.12" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="78.1" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="81.07" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dta_iscsi_xmit_task_160 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.0" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,141,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.03" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="34.1" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.08" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_read (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,128,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1099.8" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1102.84" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>epoll_create1 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1134.1" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,202,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.07" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.9" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.92" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>malloc (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="998.2" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,112,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1001.16" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecResult (451 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="352.9" y="469" width="7.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,140,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="355.86" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_return_via_sysret (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1147.2" y="357" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,167,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1150.20" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.2" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.25" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___libc_read (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,119,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.58" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyValue (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="441.3" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,69,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="444.27" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetPrivateRefCountEntry (63 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="963.2" y="341" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="966.24" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAllocTableSlot (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1097.5" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1100.45" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>proc_reg_read (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.3" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.27" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="37.0" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.97" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecShutdownNode (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1091.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.72" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_tablespace_page_costs (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="87.6" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="90.56" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DecodeSpecial (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1111.4" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,79,80)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1114.39" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_path (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="48.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.91" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_queries (138 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="469" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_nohz_irq_exit (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1180.6" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,142,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1183.56" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_open (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="157.1" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,15219231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.09" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>coerce_to_boolean (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="429.7" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,70)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="432.72" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>default_idle_call (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1186.5" y="757" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,200,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.47" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fput (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.6" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,135,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.57" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeExecutorState (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="352.4" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,99)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="355.39" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="613" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="623.5" >exec_stmts</text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="661" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_vmas (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="462.7" y="245" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,170,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="465.67" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAgg (1,724 samples, 2.36%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="517" width="27.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.75" y="527.5" >E..</text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResultTypeTL (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1144.8" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.83" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>addRangeClause (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="84.9" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="87.91" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.8" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.83" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__split_vma (115 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="481.8" y="277" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,132,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="484.83" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_result_opt_error (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="155.2" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.22" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="441.5" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="444.48" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_restriction_variable.part.8 (134 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="100.4" y="245" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="103.39" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_return_via_sysret (241 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="491.0" y="341" width="3.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,167,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="494.04" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__epoll_wait_nocancel (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.2" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,138,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.23" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="34.1" y="309" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.11" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorStart (241 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="1144.2" y="501" width="3.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.20" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_index (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="325" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_hash_value (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="766.0" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,136)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="769.04" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (418 samples, 0.57%)</title><rect x="1094.6" y="453" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1097.61" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>flush_smp_call_function_queue (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1181.3" y="693" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,139,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.32" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="436.7" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="439.66" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="789" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="442.2" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.19" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free_hot_cold_page (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="393.0" y="165" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,177,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="396.01" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformStmt (992 samples, 1.36%)</title><rect x="428.7" y="437" width="16.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,213913721,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.65" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="645" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="655.5" >exec_stmt</text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="34.1" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.08" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_predicate_to_index_quals (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="84.1" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="87.10" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_result_opt_error (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1109.2" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1112.25" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="102.3" y="181" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="105.31" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="95.2" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.19" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vma_adjust (84 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="140.1" y="149" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,122,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="143.05" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformTargetList (418 samples, 0.57%)</title><rect x="117.9" y="485" width="6.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,149,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.86" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="773" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExpr (65 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="439.5" y="389" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="442.47" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heapam_scan_bitmap_next_block (6,988 samples, 9.56%)</title><rect x="204.6" y="405" width="112.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,595463,145)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="207.60" y="415.5" >heapam_scan_b..</text>
<g >
<title>timestamp2tm (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1115.3" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,223,234)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1118.33" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>range_table_walker (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="415.4" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,197)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="418.36" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>med3 (111 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1025.9" y="341" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1028.95" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unlink_anon_vmas (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="461.9" y="229" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,173,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="464.86" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>resolve_polymorphic_argtypes (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="187.3" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,96,13884302)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.29" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache3 (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="89.7" y="261" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="92.65" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_hrtimeout_range_clock (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.3" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,164,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.31" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>downcase_identifier (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="173.9" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,194,313457)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="176.88" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (128 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="195.9" y="389" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.90" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>table_open (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="26.0" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(68,12086,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.04" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="429.5" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="432.46" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1135.7" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.67" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetTransactionSnapshot (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1132.0" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.03" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>find_minmax_aggs_walker (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="55.8" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,170,97)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.78" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_varnos (43 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="74.2" y="357" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.21" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformAggregateCall (89 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="122.6" y="405" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.61" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="129.1" y="229" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,180,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="132.06" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_rebalance_domains (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1186.6" y="613" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,156,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.61" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RecoveryInProgress (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="947.6" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(71,-4665923811366657,11178493)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="950.55" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_varattnos (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="92.6" y="325" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,195)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.56" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>project_aggregates (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1090.2" y="437" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,194)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1093.16" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>timestamptz2timestamp (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="337.5" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,223,235)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="340.52" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_timer (125 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="1174.8" y="677" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,142,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1177.78" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>base_yyparse (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1102.4" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,176,58)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.37" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAgg (36,752 samples, 50.26%)</title><rect x="498.2" y="453" width="593.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="501.16" y="463.5" >ExecAgg</text>
<g >
<title>GetTransactionSnapshot (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="426.3" y="469" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="429.30" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_program_event (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1185.3" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,142,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1188.30" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="709" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vma_compute_subtree_gap (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="396.2" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,112,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="399.18" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ScanKeywords_hash_func (71 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="172.6" y="437" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,121,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="175.58" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitBitmapHeapScan (164 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="155.9" y="469" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.87" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MultiExecBitmapIndexScan (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.4" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,169)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.43" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="805" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="192.9" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.92" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_snprintf (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1109.6" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,184)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1112.57" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_analyze_and_rewrite (313 samples, 0.43%)</title><rect x="192.9" y="485" width="5.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,178)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.92" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSnapshotData (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="334.0" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,177,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="337.01" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1143.6" y="389" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.59" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sync_regs (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="641.7" y="245" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,183,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="644.65" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_program_event (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1186.1" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,142,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.08" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="869" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_beginscan_bitmap (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1144.4" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.38" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apply_tlist_labeling (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="410.5" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,126731,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="413.47" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_var_clause_walker (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="70.3" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="73.29" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btbeginscan (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="156.9" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="159.95" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformFromClauseItem (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="453" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.27" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>down_write_killable (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="489.2" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,189,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="492.22" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_analyze_and_rewrite (1,023 samples, 1.40%)</title><rect x="428.2" y="469" width="16.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,178)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.15" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildCachedPlan (138 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="485" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_eval_var (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="332.9" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.91" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___libc_read (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.3" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,119,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.27" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (909 samples, 1.24%)</title><rect x="222.0" y="357" width="14.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="225.03" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_report_qs_rnp (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1171.4" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,169,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1174.36" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>error_entry (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="641.6" y="261" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,182,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="644.62" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parserOpenTable (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="421" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.27" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>grouping_planner (462 samples, 0.63%)</title><rect x="26.6" y="421" width="7.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,141)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.62" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1133.9" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.86" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memset_sse2 (223 samples, 0.30%)</title><rect x="642.9" y="277" width="3.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,151,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="645.91" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="446.2" y="389" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="449.24" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>subquery_planner (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="105.9" y="197" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="108.86" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TupleDescInitEntry (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="367.3" y="405" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,229,240)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="370.31" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="386.1" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,107,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="389.05" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="95.2" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.17" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_list_collations (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="193.4" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.35" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CatalogCacheComputeHashValue (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="90.6" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.61" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnregisterSnapshot (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="497.2" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,242)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="500.20" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_agg (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="49.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="52.67" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>grouping_planner (4,307 samples, 5.89%)</title><rect x="46.8" y="437" width="69.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,141)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.76" y="447.5" >groupin..</text>
<g >
<title>palloc (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="38.5" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.48" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>try_to_wake_up (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1179.8" y="613" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,158,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1182.83" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_getnext_tid (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fdarray__poll (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,205,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.16" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAgg (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1143.4" y="485" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.43" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (115 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="1123.7" y="469" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1126.68" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sched_clock_cpu (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="136.6" y="85" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,164,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="139.58" y="95.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="773" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cap_mmap_addr (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="134.5" y="149" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,99,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="137.47" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>equal (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1141.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,81,-326335410072356)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1144.72" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>load_balance (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1179.2" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,157,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1182.20" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1134.1" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.07" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_readnextpage (404 samples, 0.55%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="325" width="6.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>timestamp_mi (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1115.7" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,223,235)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1118.67" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprTypmod (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="101.9" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,95)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="104.93" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>record__mmap_read_evlist.constprop.24 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.0" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,178,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.03" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_plan_get_cached_plan (123 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="340.2" y="501" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="343.16" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__remove_hrtimer (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1185.3" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,135,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1188.30" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.3" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.26" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>genericcostestimate (123 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="86.1" y="277" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="89.10" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_expr (420 samples, 0.57%)</title><rect x="342.3" y="517" width="6.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="345.27" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (71 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1116.9" y="421" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1119.87" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>convert_numeric_to_scalar (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="104.8" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,72)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="107.79" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (2,015 samples, 2.76%)</title><rect x="373.1" y="453" width="32.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="376.12" y="463.5" >Al..</text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (91 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="179.2" y="501" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.23" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>planstate_tree_walker (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="360.2" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="363.21" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>numeric_gt (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1124.2" y="453" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,172)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.22" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="45.3" y="309" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="48.32" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RewriteQuery (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="444.9" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(116,190,206)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="447.85" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_query_collations_walker (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="192.9" y="421" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,56)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.92" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dostr (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="177.6" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,83)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="180.64" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_munmap (747 samples, 1.02%)</title><rect x="384.3" y="309" width="12.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,189,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="387.34" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_timeout (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1171.8" y="821" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,164,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1174.85" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyObject_Call (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="805" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,207,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="52.4" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="55.44" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRunSelect (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="773" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_return_via_sysret (62 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="67.4" y="325" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,167,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="70.35" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MultiExecBitmapIndexScan (1,643 samples, 2.25%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="453" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,169)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.75" y="463.5" >M..</text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="460.5" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,107,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="463.49" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>malloc (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="126.5" y="309" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,112,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.48" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecMakeTableFunctionResult (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="677" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="687.5" >ExecMakeTableFunctionResult</text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="741" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="751.5" >standard_ExecutorRun</text>
<g >
<title>ExecMakeTableFunctionResult (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="693" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="703.5" >ExecMakeTableFunct..</text>
<g >
<title>perf_poll (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,184,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.20" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="661" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="671.5" >plpgsql_exec_funct..</text>
<g >
<title>process_one_work (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,184,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.89" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationIdGetRelation (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="193.8" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,187,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.76" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_return_via_sysret (57 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="63.0" y="309" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,167,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="66.03" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fireRIRrules (130 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="445.2" y="437" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(116,190,97)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="448.24" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RangeVarGetRelidExtended (71 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="194.1" y="341" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,197)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="197.06" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_index_paths (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="453" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,136)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_softirq (30 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1186.6" y="629" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,141,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.60" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_search (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="565" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1139.8" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.78" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kstat_irqs (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.3" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,122,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.31" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>colNameToVar (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="195.3" y="341" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,70)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.34" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>find_oper_cache_entry (62 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="124.9" y="357" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,97)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.88" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetTransactionSnapshot (150 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="1116.0" y="469" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1119.01" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="773.3" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,134,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="776.27" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OidOutputFunctionCall (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1103.9" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,173)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.87" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>timestamp2tm (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="337.6" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,223,234)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="340.57" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="195.3" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.34" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_mmap_addr (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="134.6" y="149" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,170,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="137.61" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnpinBuffer.constprop.6 (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1149.7" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,242)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1152.72" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>main (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="869" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,248,175070962044235)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>contain_volatile_functions_walker (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1100.0" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,72)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1102.97" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="193.9" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.89" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DecodeUnits (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1111.7" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,79,80)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1114.75" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfprintf (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="179.0" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,137,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.01" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecTypeFromTLInternal (82 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="367.1" y="421" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="370.09" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="197.2" y="341" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.23" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (256 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="485" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecMakeTableFunctionResult (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="837" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEndBitmapHeapScan (1,328 samples, 1.82%)</title><rect x="473.6" y="453" width="21.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="476.63" y="463.5" >E..</text>
<g >
<title>btcostestimate (538 samples, 0.74%)</title><rect x="82.6" y="293" width="8.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="85.62" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="116.8" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.85" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.3" y="357" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.26" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__clone (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.3" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,144,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.32" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___ioctl (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,119,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.39" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="187.6" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.62" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBuffer_common (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="501" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,198)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="413.2" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="416.19" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1112.7" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1115.67" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__hrtimer_run_queues (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="607.2" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,128,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.17" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_simple_rel (805 samples, 1.10%)</title><rect x="56.2" y="389" width="13.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,187,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="59.22" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_cancel (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1185.9" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,152,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1188.87" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExpr (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="195.3" y="405" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.34" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="645" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="34.4" y="357" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.40" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="112.5" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="115.46" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="331.2" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.15" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_bitmap_heap_scan (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="78.4" y="341" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="81.44" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>generate_base_implied_equalities (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="31.4" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,81,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="34.40" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshot (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1118.8" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1121.83" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="661" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_readnextpage (99 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="554.7" y="309" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="557.72" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_planner (598 samples, 0.82%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="453" width="9.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="853" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fetch_input_tuple (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="645" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typcollation (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="193.1" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.08" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_targetlist (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="29.2" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(97,176,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.16" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RevalidateCachedQuery (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="334.8" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,206)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="337.80" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyRun_FileExFlags (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,197,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.79" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="169.0" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="172.00" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>bms_copy (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="70.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,58,60)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="73.71" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_end_call.part.0 (2,033 samples, 2.78%)</title><rect x="372.8" y="485" width="32.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="375.83" y="495.5" >_S..</text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_qual_conditions (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="34.4" y="421" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.40" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseSysCache (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="354.8" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,76965,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="357.78" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionCall2Coll (113 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="201.9" y="277" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,31898427440)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="204.89" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="372.3" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="375.28" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vmstat (88 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="1188.1" y="885" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,92,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.13" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info_cxt_security (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="112.0" y="277" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,99)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="115.02" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_add_tuples (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.71" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (5,380 samples, 7.36%)</title><rect x="669.4" y="373" width="86.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="672.41" y="383.5" >LWLockAcqu..</text>
<g >
<title>down_write_killable (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="463.5" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,189,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="466.51" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1143.6" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.59" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_restrictinfo (62 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="73.2" y="357" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,190,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="76.21" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1118.0" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1121.01" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="757" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__default_morecore (1,938 samples, 2.65%)</title><rect x="374.4" y="405" width="31.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,141,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="377.35" y="415.5" >__..</text>
<g >
<title>ExecBuildProjectionInfo (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.5" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.49" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>spi_printtup (75 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1092.4" y="453" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,227)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1095.45" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parse_analyze (1,019 samples, 1.39%)</title><rect x="428.2" y="453" width="16.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,213913721,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.22" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly.part.1 (2,025 samples, 2.77%)</title><rect x="373.0" y="469" width="32.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="375.96" y="479.5" >Me..</text>
<g >
<title>ServerLoop (49,838 samples, 68.16%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="805" width="804.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(106,173,220)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="815.5" >ServerLoop</text>
<g >
<title>typeOrDomainTypeRelid (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="124.0" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,149,241)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.04" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>flush_tlb_func_common.isra.9 (118 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="389.7" y="213" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,139,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="392.70" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeConst (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="126.5" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.48" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExprEvalPushStep (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="327.7" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,95)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="330.66" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_planner (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="837" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,170,14676556)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>table_open (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(68,12086,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>swapfunc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1038.7" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1041.66" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_attstatsslot (85 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="88.1" y="277" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.09" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_queries (256 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="453" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,162,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.20" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_vsnprintf (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="176.9" y="485" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,187)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.93" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__default_morecore (1,082 samples, 1.48%)</title><rect x="128.6" y="277" width="17.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,141,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="131.63" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kstat_irqs_usr (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,122,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.53" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PostgresMain (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="869" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,190)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquireExecutorLocks (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1121.4" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1124.35" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_sse42 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="127.0" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,132,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.03" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="426.7" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="429.70" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btgetbitmap (411 samples, 0.56%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="373" width="6.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="45.2" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="48.21" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="565" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeString (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="176.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,240,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.73" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1131.6" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1134.55" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>generic_smp_call_function_single_interrupt (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1181.3" y="709" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,189,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.32" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>core_yylex (291 samples, 0.40%)</title><rect x="169.5" y="469" width="4.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,-65860836382541,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="172.53" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="741" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_class_aclmask (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1094.4" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,179)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1097.42" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformTargetEntry (418 samples, 0.57%)</title><rect x="117.9" y="469" width="6.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,149,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.86" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__restore_rt (177 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="1133.7" y="773" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,135,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.68" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBuffer_common (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1166.3" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,198)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1169.34" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="805" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[vmstat] (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1188.2" y="821" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,178,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.24" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>contain_volatile_functions_checker (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="331.4" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,72)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.39" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_qual_eval_walker (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="52.4" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="55.44" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_irq_enter (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1177.7" y="693" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,142,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1180.69" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mark_buffer_dirty (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="16.6" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,93,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.60" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BitmapHeapNext (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="645" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,59)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>seq_read (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.3" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,163,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.27" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1125.7" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1128.68" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="108.9" y="165" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="111.89" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_vsprintf (212 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="21.6" y="453" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,132,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.60" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>default_idle (649 samples, 0.89%)</title><rect x="1173.2" y="773" width="10.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,200,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1176.20" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="430.0" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="433.01" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan_recurse (130 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="389" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_munmap (295 samples, 0.40%)</title><rect x="458.7" y="277" width="4.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,189,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="461.75" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ttwu_do_activate (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1174.6" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,116,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1177.57" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CatalogCacheComputeHashValue (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="101.5" y="197" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="104.47" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fix_scan_expr (78 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="416.7" y="357" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,97)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="419.70" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="157.8" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.83" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_compile (56 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="354.4" y="421" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="357.44" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="661" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="671.5" >plpgsql_call_handler</text>
<g >
<title>fetch_input_tuple (7,800 samples, 10.67%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="453" width="125.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="463.5" >fetch_input_tuple</text>
<g >
<title>__split_vma (91 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="459.2" y="261" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,132,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="462.18" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache3 (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="156.4" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="159.38" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typavgwidth (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="116.1" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.14" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute_plan_with_paramlist (219 samples, 0.30%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="533" width="3.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExprStillValid (79 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="358.7" y="453" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="361.71" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="92.3" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.25" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memset_sse2 (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1093.5" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,151,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1096.50" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__tick_nohz_idle_enter (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1180.6" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,128,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1183.59" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_add_tuples (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="204.5" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="207.49" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="28.8" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="31.77" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tm2timestamp (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="333.9" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,223,236)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="336.88" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_expression (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.2" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.18" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (163 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="1170.0" y="853" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,117,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1172.96" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1098.7" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1101.66" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>gather_grouping_paths (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="50.3" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="53.28" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformColumnRef (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="195.3" y="357" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.34" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>generate_gather_paths (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="46.9" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.94" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="365.7" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.73" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSnapshotData (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="351.4" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,177,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="354.35" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (83 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="332.7" y="533" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.67" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitLatchOrSocket (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1133.8" y="693" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,122,244)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.79" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAlloc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="346.0" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="349.01" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_opfamily_proc (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1161.2" y="533" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.23" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="116.5" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.47" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="37.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.85" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="306.3" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,134,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="309.28" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_var (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.4" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.38" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>all (73,122 samples, 100%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="901" width="1180.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(255,230,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.00" y="911.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PopActiveSnapshot (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1118.4" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1121.45" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>deconstruct_jointree (272 samples, 0.37%)</title><rect x="70.5" y="405" width="4.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,80)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="73.52" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_tree_walker (175 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="431.4" y="421" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="434.41" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_getroot (58 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1166.0" y="533" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1169.00" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_class_aclmask (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="21.2" y="197" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,179)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.23" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="182.7" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.65" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clauselist_selectivity (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="86.8" y="261" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,-382411437060680)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="89.80" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecReadyInterpretedExpr (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="324.2" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="327.16" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformTargetList (108 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="438.8" y="421" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,149,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="441.77" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprSlots (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="39.0" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.98" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetDelete (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="496.3" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.27" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_poll (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1135.7" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,176,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.70" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info_cxt_security (71 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="364.0" y="373" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,99)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.96" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecMakeTableFunctionResult (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="757" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="187.8" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.77" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btgetbitmap (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="565" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorStart (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="187.9" y="501" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.90" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResult (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,140,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parserOpenTable (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1129.5" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1132.53" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>namehashfast (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="117.6" y="309" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,170)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.64" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="442.2" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.21" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitBitmapHeapScan (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1097.3" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1100.26" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_delete_cell (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="424.3" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,160)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="427.28" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iomap_write_end (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="16.3" y="677" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,181,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.34" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="709" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[iostat] (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.8" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,182,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.76" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int84le (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1164.4" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,115,150)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1167.42" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1134.6" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.55" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_file_write_iter (120 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="757" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,192,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.62" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (310 samples, 0.42%)</title><rect x="325.5" y="437" width="5.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.50" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1167.2" y="485" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1170.20" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="362.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="365.89" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="124.9" y="341" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.88" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateCommandTag (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1101.6" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,239,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.65" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateExprContext (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="187.6" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.61" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSysCacheOid (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,76965,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_nohz_restart_sched_tick (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1185.9" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,142,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1188.85" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kstat_irqs (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,122,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.53" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="72.3" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="75.27" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1171.9" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,132,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1174.94" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parse_analyze (642 samples, 0.88%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="517" width="10.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,213913721,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.39" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_planner (3,708 samples, 5.07%)</title><rect x="56.2" y="421" width="59.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,170,14676556)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="59.22" y="431.5" >query_..</text>
<g >
<title>get_variable_numdistinct (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="111.5" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="114.47" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_getbitmap (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.4" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.43" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1136.5" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,134,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1139.54" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExpr (128 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="195.9" y="421" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.90" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CheckVarSlotCompatibility.isra.2 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="527.8" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,68)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="530.75" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_begin_iterate (4,659 samples, 6.37%)</title><rect x="984.1" y="389" width="75.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="987.07" y="399.5" >tbm_begi..</text>
<g >
<title>ExecCheckRTPerms (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="362.3" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="365.26" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_search (207 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="1165.0" y="549" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1167.99" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__ieee754_log_avx (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="83.9" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,125,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="86.86" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kvm_sched_clock_read (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="136.6" y="53" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,130,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="139.61" y="63.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_vfs_ioctl (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.39" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache3 (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="19.2" y="229" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.17" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iscsi_tcp_task_xmit (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,155,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.20" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (63 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="439.5" y="373" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="442.50" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1143.6" y="341" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.59" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="193.1" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.13" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PrefetchBufferGuts (7,716 samples, 10.55%)</title><rect x="648.9" y="389" width="124.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,192)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="651.86" y="399.5" >PrefetchBufferG..</text>
<g >
<title>pg_class_aclmask (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="102.2" y="197" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,179)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="105.21" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>colNameToVar (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="440.4" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,70)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="443.38" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprSlots (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="323.9" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="326.92" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="363.0" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.02" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fetch_input_tuple (1,645 samples, 2.25%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="501" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.75" y="511.5" >f..</text>
<g >
<title>alloc_pages_vma (60 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="150.3" y="165" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,128,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="153.28" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (93 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="11.0" y="853" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.95" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>reschedule_interrupt (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1186.6" y="693" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,165,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.56" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_expr (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="176.9" y="549" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.93" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationClose (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="64.2" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,187,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.19" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>update_process_times (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="607.2" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,150,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.25" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_getbuf (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1166.1" y="517" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1169.05" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>subquery_planner (320 samples, 0.44%)</title><rect x="420.9" y="389" width="5.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="423.92" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprLocation (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="193.5" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,95)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.45" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kworker/u96:0 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,118,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.89" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="74.7" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.74" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1173.2" y="757" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,134,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1176.23" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (30 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="432.3" y="357" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="435.30" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_open (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="157.1" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.09" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecResult (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="533" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,140,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scalarineqsel_wrapper (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="484.4" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,107,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="487.42" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mpn_lshift (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="24.5" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,151,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.46" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="661" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="116.2" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.15" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_output_copy (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="138.9" y="117" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,184,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.91" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_timer (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="899.2" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,142,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="902.17" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_index_paths (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="357" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="92.3" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.32" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprSlots (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1144.6" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.61" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.3" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.26" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>deconstruct_jointree (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="30.8" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,80)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="33.80" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="998.8" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1001.79" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>update_process_times (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="949.6" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,150,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="952.63" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeExprContext (52 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="496.2" y="437" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,413214)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.22" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kstat_irqs_usr (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.3" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,122,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.27" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (175 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="453" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__split_vma (98 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="384.9" y="293" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,132,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="387.92" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="38.7" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.68" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitQual (59 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="327.0" y="405" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.97" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="35.7" y="325" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.67" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitRangeTable (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="368.6" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="371.57" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBufferExtended (6,988 samples, 9.56%)</title><rect x="204.6" y="389" width="112.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,14823127)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="207.60" y="399.5" >ReadBufferExt..</text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="116.3" y="309" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.26" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clause_selectivity (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,69)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="469" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeVar (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="25.8" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.78" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="837" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="789" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="799.5" >standard_Executor..</text>
<g >
<title>palloc (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="95.2" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.21" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_vsnprintf (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="517" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,187)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="485" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_index_paths (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionNext (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="725" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,137,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memset_sse2 (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="183.0" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,151,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.96" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAlloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="43.1" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="46.10" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="629" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecTypeFromTLInternal (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1097.8" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1100.81" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="442.8" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.77" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="411.8" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="414.82" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>match_foreign_keys_to_quals (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="115.5" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.52" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>irq_exit (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1186.6" y="645" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,153,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.60" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_eval_var (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1130.2" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1133.24" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_read (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,128,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.60" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_eval_var_ro (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1130.4" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1133.40" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCatalogRelation (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="947.2" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,62,152)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="950.21" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (247 samples, 0.34%)</title><rect x="1128.0" y="485" width="4.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1131.05" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__raw_callee_save___pv_queued_spin_unlock (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="392.7" y="165" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,135,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="395.68" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scanRTEForColumn (53 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="126.9" y="341" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.90" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pick_next_task_fair (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1184.2" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,174,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.22" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PostmasterMain (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="869" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(106,173,190)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>show_stat (45 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="11.6" y="757" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,155,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.60" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecPushExprSlots (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1144.2" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.23" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformFromClause (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="183.0" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,599291,145)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.96" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>timestamp2timestamptz (57 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1114.8" y="453" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,223,234)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1117.75" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sbrk (1,504 samples, 2.06%)</title><rect x="448.7" y="357" width="24.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,132,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="451.71" y="367.5" >_..</text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="432.5" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="435.46" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>native_write_msr (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1176.5" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,158,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1179.54" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalFrameEx (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="757" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (244 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="440.6" y="389" width="4.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="443.63" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_call_function_single_interrupt (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.50" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_qual_eval_node (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="52.3" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="55.31" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>task_work_run (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1136.1" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,114,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1139.08" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>QueryRewrite (166 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="444.7" y="453" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(116,190,3093740)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="447.69" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.9" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.92" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="581" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="591.5" >exec_stmts</text>
<g >
<title>__hrtimer_run_queues (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="949.6" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,128,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="952.62" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_class_aclcheck (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="19.6" y="229" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,179)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.59" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dta_xfsaild_3895 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.9" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,141,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.87" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="483.0" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,107,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="485.97" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vma_compute_subtree_gap (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="141.1" y="133" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,112,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.05" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyRun_SimpleFileExFlags (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,197,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.77" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fetch_search_path_array (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="126.0" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.04" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignProjectionInfo (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="38.1" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.13" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="45.1" y="325" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="48.10" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (455 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="517" width="7.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_proc_aclcheck (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="158.3" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="161.29" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_column_to_pathtarget (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="48.6" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,126731,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.55" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnpinBuffer.constprop.6 (1,003 samples, 1.37%)</title><rect x="967.7" y="357" width="16.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,242)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.72" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildCachedPlan (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="613" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprCollation (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="368.0" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,95)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="370.98" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_op (116 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="124.6" y="389" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,87,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.61" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (43 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1100.5" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1103.49" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_abs (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1113.5" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,143,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1116.48" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_plan_get_cached_plan (232 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="1119.8" y="469" width="3.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1122.79" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int8_avg_accum (351 samples, 0.48%)</title><rect x="510.8" y="421" width="5.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,150)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="513.79" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="116.4" y="293" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.38" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_simple_var.isra.13 (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1106.0" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,56)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1108.99" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_readnextpage (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="357" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>raw_parser (82 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="1102.3" y="453" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,991270719862,197)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.31" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_readpage (206 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="1161.7" y="549" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.66" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_gp_kthread (161 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="1170.0" y="837" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,169,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1172.97" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (7,800 samples, 10.67%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="437" width="125.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="447.5" >ExecScan</text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1135.4" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.41" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TupleDescInitEntry (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="328.2" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,229,240)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="331.25" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (401 samples, 0.55%)</title><rect x="317.4" y="373" width="6.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="320.37" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="34.2" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.19" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (230 samples, 0.31%)</title><rect x="1144.4" y="453" width="3.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.38" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (401 samples, 0.55%)</title><rect x="317.4" y="357" width="6.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="320.37" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="192.9" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.92" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_expression (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.3" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.26" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_comparator (45 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1011.2" y="341" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.21" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (1,568 samples, 2.14%)</title><rect x="447.7" y="421" width="25.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="450.73" y="431.5" >A..</text>
<g >
<title>CreateTupleDescCopy (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="360.5" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,229,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="363.49" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TidQualFromRestrictInfoList (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="97.1" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,223,234)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="100.09" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_aggregate_transfn_expr (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1099.2" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1102.16" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>reconsider_outer_join_clauses (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="115.7" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,81,199)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.67" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>buffered_vfprintf (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.8" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,111,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.76" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DirectFunctionCall1Coll (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1108.7" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,81)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1111.70" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshot (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1126.4" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1129.40" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (326 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="318.6" y="341" width="5.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="321.58" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_deform_tuple (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1133.2" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,110,9545513)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.18" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (43 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="418.1" y="325" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="421.12" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free_pgtables (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="387.6" y="277" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,177,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="390.57" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="92.4" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,12881895)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.43" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRunSelect (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="757" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="767.5" >PortalRunSelect</text>
<g >
<title>copy_user_enhanced_fast_string (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="16.7" y="661" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,140,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.73" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_steppage (404 samples, 0.55%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="341" width="6.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="142.9" y="181" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,151,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="145.88" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>up_write (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="463.8" y="277" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,128,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="466.80" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (210 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="59.6" y="309" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.64" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (353 samples, 0.48%)</title><rect x="353.0" y="453" width="5.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="356.02" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (1,640 samples, 2.24%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="341" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.80" y="351.5" >A..</text>
<g >
<title>block_write_end (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="16.4" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,110,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.37" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_prepare_oneshot_plan.isra.1 (1,141 samples, 1.56%)</title><rect x="158.5" y="549" width="18.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="161.51" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="364.3" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="367.26" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>remote_function (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1181.3" y="677" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,184,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.32" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformStmt (642 samples, 0.88%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="501" width="10.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,213913721,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.39" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="117.2" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.20" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_hrtimeout_range (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.3" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,164,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.31" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_interrupt (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="306.3" y="309" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,152,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="309.30" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="339.5" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="342.53" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="773" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.4" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.38" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CatalogCacheComputeHashValue (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.0" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.01" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="124.7" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.66" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcmp_sse4_1 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="122.4" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,151,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.45" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[mpstat] (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,158,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>async_page_fault (101 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="129.4" y="229" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,145,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="132.45" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="629" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_oprrest (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="112.6" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="115.63" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockAcquireExtended (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,24381895395797,161)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.39" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_expression (107 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="423.7" y="357" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="426.68" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tts_buffer_heap_getsomeattrs (581 samples, 0.79%)</title><rect x="518.1" y="405" width="9.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,239)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="521.13" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionCall2Coll (206 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="1161.7" y="517" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,31898427440)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.66" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int84ge (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1164.0" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,115,150)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1167.02" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_execsql (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="581" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="773" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.2" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.18" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PostgresMain (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="789" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,190)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="799.5" >PostgresMain</text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="533" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_actual_variable_range.isra.0 (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="105.0" y="213" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="107.97" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecComputeSlotInfo.isra.1 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1144.2" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.23" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_number_of_groups (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="52.8" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,136)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="55.83" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TidQualFromRestrictInfo (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="97.2" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,223,234)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="100.24" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformWhereClause (251 samples, 0.34%)</title><rect x="440.5" y="421" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="443.51" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorStart (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformColumnRef (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="124.3" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.32" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="414.3" y="277" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="417.32" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>process_timeout (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1179.8" y="645" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,184,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1182.80" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="773" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>colNameToVar (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.4" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,70)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.38" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_tidscan_paths (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="97.0" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,223,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="99.98" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>textin (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1131.9" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,241,234)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1134.92" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="441.8" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,69,74)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="444.80" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="607.1" y="293" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.15" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_row_security_policies (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="445.5" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(116,192,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="448.52" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1146.7" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,151,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1149.69" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateExprContext (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="362.7" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="365.72" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>numericvar_to_int64 (49 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="179.9" y="469" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,173)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.86" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAlloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="345.9" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="348.90" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1133.9" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.91" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DiscardWorkerMain (73 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1133.7" y="709" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(73,77,82)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.73" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="70.1" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="73.06" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_read (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.5" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,128,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.53" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MakeExpandedObjectReadOnlyInternal (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1125.4" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,87,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1128.35" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_planner (1,016 samples, 1.39%)</title><rect x="409.7" y="405" width="16.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="412.69" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kstat_irqs (30 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="11.7" y="725" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,122,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.68" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_tablespace_page_costs (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="96.2" y="341" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="99.21" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAlloc (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1119.2" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1122.24" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parse_analyze (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,213913721,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__block_write_begin_int (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.7" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,148,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.71" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_brk (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="465.7" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,167,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="468.70" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (43 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="416.9" y="325" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="419.94" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecResult (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="517" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,140,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clauselist_selectivity_simple (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="277" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,69)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="37.9" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.85" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>text_catenate (71 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1130.6" y="469" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,241,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1133.61" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="442.6" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.63" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_indexscan_plan (151 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="44.2" y="373" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.20" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetDelete (1,576 samples, 2.16%)</title><rect x="447.6" y="453" width="25.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="450.60" y="463.5" >A..</text>
<g >
<title>get_op_opfamily_properties (30 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="156.3" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="159.33" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_move_row_from_fields (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="39.6" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.64" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_read (51 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="837" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,167,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.66" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_brk (608 samples, 0.83%)</title><rect x="133.0" y="197" width="9.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,167,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="136.02" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_planner (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="485" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_var_from_str (59 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1110.1" y="437" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1113.10" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tag_hash (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="64.6" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.59" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>estimate_rel_size (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="58.7" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,170,389005409343)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.73" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parse_analyze (122 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="501" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,213913721,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.27" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="949.6" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="952.62" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan_recurse (62 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="405" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="837" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>irq_exit (164 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="1178.3" y="709" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,153,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1181.28" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>irqbalance (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.5" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,153,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.50" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_intr (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1183.5" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,162,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1186.55" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_page_range (56 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="488.2" y="229" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,170,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="491.15" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_return_via_sysret (98 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="144.5" y="229" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,167,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="147.51" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventSetWait (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.2" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,122,244)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.23" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_start_main (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1188.2" y="853" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,154,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.24" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1119.1" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1122.11" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mem_cgroup_update_lru_size (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="486.5" y="197" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,144,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="489.51" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="757" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_pages_vma (57 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="640.2" y="149" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,128,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="643.21" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ttwu_do_activate (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1180.1" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,116,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1183.11" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mdnblocks (148 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="66.0" y="357" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(132,79958,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.96" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>bsearch (59 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="359.0" y="405" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,124,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="362.04" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="48.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.75" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MakeTupleTableSlot (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1097.5" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1100.50" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scheduler_tick (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.3" y="197" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,164,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.29" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_call_function_single (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,126,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.39" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__tick_nohz_idle_enter (65 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1184.6" y="789" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,128,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.56" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_delete_cell (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="357.3" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,160)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="360.34" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_async_page_fault (131 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="639.5" y="245" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,189,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.50" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="424.0" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="427.01" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getTypeOutputInfo (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1104.2" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.25" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalCode (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,201,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.82" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_malloc (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="126.6" y="293" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,153,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.61" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pvclock_clocksource_read (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="136.8" y="37" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,163,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="139.82" y="47.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parserOpenTable (70 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="436.8" y="373" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="439.79" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>malloc (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="109.1" y="149" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,112,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.08" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (163 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="1170.0" y="869" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,162,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1172.96" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="175.4" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="178.42" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ScanKeywordLookup (124 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="171.9" y="453" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,121,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="174.87" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sbrk (1,922 samples, 2.63%)</title><rect x="374.6" y="389" width="31.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,132,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="377.61" y="399.5" >__..</text>
<g >
<title>btbeginscan (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="38.5" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.48" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1094.0" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1096.98" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="58.3" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.28" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_checkkeys (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1168.5" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,133,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.50" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.4" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.38" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_var (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="155.0" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,143,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.03" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>remove_vma (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="461.5" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,184,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="464.51" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scheduler_ipi (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1186.6" y="661" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,164,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.56" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRunSelect (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="837" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__perf_event_header__init_id (62 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="136.5" y="117" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,141,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="139.52" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>float8mul (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="41.6" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,93,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="44.58" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="38.1" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.13" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>arch_vma_name (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="134.0" y="165" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,144,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="136.95" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>selinux_mmap_addr (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="134.7" y="149" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,179,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="137.74" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_partial_path (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="48.7" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.73" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="122.0" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="124.98" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.7" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.74" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__list_add_valid (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="485.5" y="213" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,154,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="488.51" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprType (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="101.8" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,95)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="104.76" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_new_column_to_pathtarget (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="26.7" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,126731,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.72" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="741" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (969 samples, 1.33%)</title><rect x="653.8" y="357" width="15.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="656.77" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="49.5" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="52.49" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_beginscan (181 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="1145.2" y="421" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,597377,9537138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1148.17" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="44.6" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.58" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1143.6" y="357" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.59" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecCreateScanSlotFromOuterPlan (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1097.1" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1100.08" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="693" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="645" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fix_upper_expr_mutator (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="419.9" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.87" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fix_expr_common (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="417.7" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,97)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="420.71" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btgetbitmap (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="581" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformStmt (313 samples, 0.43%)</title><rect x="192.9" y="453" width="5.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,213913721,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.92" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_default_xsputn (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="23.0" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,132,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="25.99" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (128 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="195.9" y="373" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.90" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocExtended (660 samples, 0.90%)</title><rect x="631.7" y="293" width="10.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="634.74" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (515 samples, 0.70%)</title><rect x="1107.6" y="469" width="8.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1110.62" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_open (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="437.2" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,15219231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="440.16" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typbyval (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="52.6" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="55.55" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__next_timer_interrupt (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1184.9" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,148,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.93" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sprintf (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="485" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,160,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_create_econtext.isra.11 (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="358.2" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="361.23" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>bsearch (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1090.6" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,124,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1093.58" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iov_iter_copy_from_user_atomic (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="16.7" y="677" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,152,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.73" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BufTableLookup (1,059 samples, 1.45%)</title><rect x="204.9" y="357" width="17.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="207.94" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>colNameToVar (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="124.3" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,70)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.32" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1096.6" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.63" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>x86_64_start_kernel (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1186.5" y="853" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,205,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.47" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_any (435 samples, 0.59%)</title><rect x="766.4" y="357" width="7.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,143)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="769.36" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalFrameEx (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.9" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.90" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="425.3" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="428.26" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_search (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1160.4" y="533" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1163.37" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="757" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEvalStepOp (61 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="359.0" y="421" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="362.00" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRunSelect (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="789" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_baserel_size_estimates (1,054 samples, 1.44%)</title><rect x="97.9" y="373" width="17.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,220)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="100.87" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xmin_cmp (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="408.0" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,248)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="411.05" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="123.0" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.98" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="949.6" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,134,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="952.62" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="368.4" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="371.41" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="709" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_epoll_wait (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.3" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,167,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.26" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="193.4" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.35" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBufferExtended (67 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1167.0" y="517" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,14823127)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1170.04" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>numeric_add_opt_error (59 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1113.1" y="453" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,172)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1116.11" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_tablespace (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="21.4" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.43" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (383 samples, 0.52%)</title><rect x="362.4" y="469" width="6.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="365.39" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>med3 (75 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="317.4" y="341" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="320.37" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>security_vm_enough_memory_mm (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="139.3" y="165" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,170,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.33" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="444.0" y="357" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="447.02" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.6" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,177,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.63" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_slow_exit_work (30 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="142.8" y="197" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,167,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="145.83" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_sys_poll (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,189,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.16" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="773" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="783.5" >ExecScan</text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache3 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="83.7" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="86.68" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_tree_walker (182 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="412.4" y="373" width="3.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.42" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scheduler_tick (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="756.0" y="229" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,164,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="759.00" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_nohz_idle_enter (67 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1184.6" y="805" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,142,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.56" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_functions_in_node (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="413.9" y="325" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="416.92" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_handle (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="949.6" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,142,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="952.63" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnpinBuffer.constprop.6 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="497.6" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,242)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="500.62" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="677" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateQueryDesc (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="350.2" y="485" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.16" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (43 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="110.7" y="181" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="113.67" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionNext (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="693" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,137,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="703.5" >FunctionNext</text>
<g >
<title>exec_assign_expr (1,169 samples, 1.60%)</title><rect x="1104.7" y="501" width="18.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.68" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SS_identify_outer_params (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="422.3" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,218,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="425.28" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OverrideSearchPathMatchesCurrent (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1127.7" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,176)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1130.71" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TransactionIdPrecedes (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="898.1" y="325" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(71,225,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="901.07" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_idle (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1186.5" y="773" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,189,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.47" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="324.0" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="327.00" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="78.1" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="81.08" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_qual_eval_walker (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="114.6" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="117.57" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_query (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="501" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1135.6" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.65" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>datumCopy (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1106.3" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,23627,79)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1109.30" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iscsi_xmitworker (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,155,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.89" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_eventpoll_release (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1136.2" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,176,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1139.21" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_pages_nodemask (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="150.3" y="149" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,151,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="153.31" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_idle (831 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1173.0" y="821" width="13.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,189,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1175.96" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_move_row_from_fields (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="369.0" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="371.96" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="62.7" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,167,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="65.67" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.9" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.92" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_region (276 samples, 0.38%)</title><rect x="484.6" y="277" width="4.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,170,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="487.60" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (655 samples, 0.90%)</title><rect x="780.4" y="373" width="10.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="783.43" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="646.8" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="649.85" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="48.6" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.57" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZero (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="646.6" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="649.57" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clauselist_selectivity_simple (941 samples, 1.29%)</title><rect x="98.3" y="341" width="15.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,69)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="101.34" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="677" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="687.5" >exec_stmt_block</text>
<g >
<title>SysCacheGetAttr (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="106.1" y="197" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,76965,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="109.11" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecBuildProjectionInfo (209 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="363.2" y="421" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.17" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fput (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1136.1" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,135,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1139.08" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute_plan_with_paramlist (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>namestrcpy (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="367.7" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,81521574,170)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="370.70" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeQueryDesc (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="408.4" y="469" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,100)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="411.37" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>writen (130 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="15.5" y="869" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,108,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.54" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_index_paths (1,160 samples, 1.59%)</title><rect x="76.9" y="373" width="18.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="79.89" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vmacache_find (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="148.0" y="197" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,112,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="150.96" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="709" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iscsi_tcp_task_xmit (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,155,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.89" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExpr (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.4" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.38" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="693" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="899.1" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="902.11" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_expr (1,014 samples, 1.39%)</title><rect x="1107.2" y="485" width="16.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1110.18" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>func_get_detail (216 samples, 0.30%)</title><rect x="119.1" y="405" width="3.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,132)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="122.11" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iomap_apply (118 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="709" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,181,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.65" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="68.7" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="71.66" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>med3 (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="322.2" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="325.18" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_compile (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (869 samples, 1.19%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="533" width="14.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAgg (7,800 samples, 10.67%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="469" width="125.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="479.5" >ExecAgg</text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1093.4" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1096.45" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clauselist_selectivity_simple (89 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="84.6" y="261" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,69)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="87.64" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_default_uflow (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,132,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.58" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_functions_in_node (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="415.2" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="418.19" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_other_rels_to_query (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="30.1" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="33.09" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="421" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1133.5" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.50" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_nohz_stop_sched_tick (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1180.6" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,142,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1183.64" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>irq_enter (40 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1177.6" y="709" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,153,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1180.64" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copy_plpgsql_datums.isra.12 (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="355.8" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,74)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="358.78" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_slow_exit_work (84 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="396.8" y="325" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,167,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="399.83" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="56.0" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.99" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__ceil_sse41 (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="86.6" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,144,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="89.56" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_sse2_pminub (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="173.7" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,132,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="176.73" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="34.8" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.77" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typavgwidth (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="33.9" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="36.85" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_old_init (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="178.6" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,132,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="181.60" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (1,724 samples, 2.36%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="533" width="27.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.75" y="543.5" >s..</text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="53.2" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.22" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSysCacheOid (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="117.6" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,76965,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.64" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.3" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.27" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformFromClause (102 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="193.7" y="437" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.69" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>grouping_planner (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="453" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,141)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__page_cache_alloc (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.9" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,141,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.87" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>error_entry (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="152.6" y="277" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,182,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="155.57" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__epoll_wait_nocancel (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1135.6" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,138,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.65" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="501" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vfs_read (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.3" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,122,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.27" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>med3 (94 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1010.4" y="357" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1013.42" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_finish (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="354.0" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="356.95" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelnameGetRelid (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="35.7" y="357" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.67" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule (36 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1171.9" y="805" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,164,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1174.91" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateExecutorState (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1093.9" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1096.85" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignProjectionInfo (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.5" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.49" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CompleteCachedPlan (66 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="406.6" y="469" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,71)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="409.58" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>datebsearch (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1111.9" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,79,79)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1114.93" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="821" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="517" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clause_selectivity (827 samples, 1.13%)</title><rect x="99.3" y="325" width="13.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,69)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.29" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute (45,302 samples, 61.95%)</title><rect x="372.6" y="501" width="731.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="375.58" y="511.5" >SPI_execute</text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.5" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.50" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (138 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="501" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>simplify_function (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.8" y="357" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,223)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.83" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>native_write_msr (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1181.3" y="565" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,158,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.32" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitFunc (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="741" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__perf_event__output_id_sample (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="136.4" y="117" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,141,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="139.36" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_begin_iterate (401 samples, 0.55%)</title><rect x="317.4" y="405" width="6.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="320.37" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.3" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.29" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>t_bootstrap (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="869" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,140,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_hrtimeout_range (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1134.3" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,164,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.33" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions (52 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="423.8" y="341" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="426.80" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache2 (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="127.4" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.35" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute_plan_with_paramlist (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="565" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>flush_smp_call_function_queue (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,139,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.50" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="85.5" y="229" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="88.51" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_page_range (97 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="394.5" y="245" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,170,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="397.54" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ArrayGetNItems (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="108.7" y="181" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,53,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="111.70" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshot (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="43.0" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="46.05" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ktime_get (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1177.7" y="677" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,114,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1180.70" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_aggregate_transfn_expr (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="331.3" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.26" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_rtes_to_flat_rtable (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="415.7" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="418.74" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseAndReadBuffer (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.1" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.12" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BitmapHeapNext (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="613" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,59)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="68.4" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="71.35" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_getbitmap (1,643 samples, 2.25%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="437" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.75" y="447.5" >i..</text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1143.4" y="501" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.43" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PopActiveSnapshot (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="351.6" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="354.60" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_to_usermode_loop (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1136.1" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,142,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1139.08" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_comparator (256 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="1038.8" y="325" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1041.79" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="853" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_malloc (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="998.2" y="325" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,153,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1001.22" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformFromClauseItem (102 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="193.7" y="421" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.69" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.9" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,162,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.87" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>find_vma (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="483.9" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,177,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="486.86" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="114.4" y="309" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="117.44" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>subquery_planner (4,377 samples, 5.99%)</title><rect x="46.8" y="453" width="70.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.76" y="463.5" >subquer..</text>
<g >
<title>create_index_path (636 samples, 0.87%)</title><rect x="81.7" y="325" width="10.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="84.73" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>deactivate_task (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1172.0" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,216,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1175.04" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vmacache_find (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="483.9" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,112,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="486.92" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__brk (1,173 samples, 1.60%)</title><rect x="476.0" y="357" width="18.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,148,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="479.00" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pagetable_grow (1,640 samples, 2.24%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="373" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,176)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.80" y="383.5" >p..</text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorEnd (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="352.0" y="485" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="355.05" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_compare (63 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1165.0" y="517" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1167.99" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>writeback_sb_inodes (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,108,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.31" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_other_operands_eval_cost (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="87.7" y="261" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="90.73" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="789" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="357.5" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,12881895)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="360.52" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="330.5" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.51" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_eval_var (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="358.5" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="361.52" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1146.9" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,167,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1149.88" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_agg_path (47 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="49.1" y="405" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="52.10" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_timer (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="306.3" y="277" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,142,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="309.32" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="998.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1001.67" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>has_unique_index (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="102.0" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,170,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="105.05" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (47 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="997.8" y="357" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1000.82" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_seqscan (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="95.9" y="357" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.95" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_physical_tlist (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="189.4" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,170,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="192.42" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dopr.constprop.2 (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="501" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,82)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="645" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (1,298 samples, 1.78%)</title><rect x="378.1" y="357" width="21.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="381.13" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_file_underflow@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,132,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="597" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEvalStepOp (71 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="527.9" y="405" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="530.90" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>start_thread (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1187.3" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,156,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.34" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformGroupClause (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="438.4" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="441.45" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cap_capable (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="139.4" y="149" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,99,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.42" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_tuple_untoast_attr (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="179.5" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,1805034,145)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.52" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.60" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_page_fault (327 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="147.3" y="245" width="5.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,189,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="150.28" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="366.9" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="369.90" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expand_function_arguments (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="34.9" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,94)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.88" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tts_buffer_heap_copy_heap_tuple (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1091.0" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,239)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.03" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="693" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1136.7" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1139.71" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>max_parallel_hazard_walker (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="414.8" y="357" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="417.81" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (1,645 samples, 2.25%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="485" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.75" y="495.5" >E..</text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="645" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecPushExprSlots (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="39.0" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.98" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI_____strtoll_l_internal (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="174.5" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,119,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.49" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_assign_expr (212 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="21.6" y="581" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.60" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>grab_cache_page_write_begin (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="15.9" y="661" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,182,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.86" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,124,2160785)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.39" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>max_parallel_hazard_walker (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="413.5" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="416.48" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1143.4" y="453" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.43" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="25.8" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.78" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_functions_in_node (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1099.5" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1102.50" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRun (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="805" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CopySnapshot (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1119.0" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1121.98" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshot (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="345.6" y="501" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="348.64" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btbeginscan (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1144.4" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.41" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>start_secondary (841 samples, 1.15%)</title><rect x="1172.9" y="853" width="13.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,156,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1175.89" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprTypmod (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="368.2" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,95)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="371.19" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>epoll_ctl (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1133.8" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,202,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.81" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_ands (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="425.0" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(97,176,195)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="428.02" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_checkkeys (206 samples, 0.28%)</title><rect x="1161.7" y="533" width="3.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,133,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.66" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquireExecutorLocks (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="43.7" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="46.68" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="805" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RevalidateCachedQuery (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="351.1" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,206)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="354.14" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (50 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="423.8" y="325" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="426.83" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_checkkeys (372 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="1153.1" y="517" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,133,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1156.11" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dispatch_compare_ptr (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="359.7" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,82)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="362.67" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_getbitmap (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="581" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="447.2" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="450.21" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clockevents_program_event (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1177.2" y="677" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,102,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1180.19" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PinBuffer (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.2" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,187)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.18" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSnapshotData (47 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="338.9" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,177,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="341.88" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RangeVarGetRelidExtended (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,197)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquirePlannerLocks (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1122.5" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1125.48" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_bitmap_subplan (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="26.2" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.17" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock_irqsave (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="392.4" y="181" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,166,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="395.41" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshot (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="427.6" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="430.57" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextReset (127 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="1087.0" y="405" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1090.01" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyObject_Call (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.0" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,207,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.95" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="94.2" y="309" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.17" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iscsi_xmitworker (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,155,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.20" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockAcquireExtended (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="157.1" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,24381895395797,161)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.09" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_parse_query (85 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="1102.3" y="469" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.26" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="442.7" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.69" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformTargetEntry (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="195.3" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,149,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.34" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_first (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="554.2" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="557.15" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tm2timestamp (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1115.5" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,223,236)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1118.54" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationIdGetRelation (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="26.0" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,187,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.04" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dispatch_compare_ptr (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="528.7" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,82)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="531.66" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_tablespace (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="91.6" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.56" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>find_vma (49 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="141.6" y="181" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,177,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.65" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ctx_resched (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1181.3" y="629" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,127,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.32" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fix_scan_expr_walker (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="417.6" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="420.63" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (195 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="124.6" y="453" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.61" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_drop_lock_and_maybe_pin.isra.1 (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="554.5" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="557.54" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>zap_pte_range (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="463.0" y="197" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,155,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="465.98" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vma_adjust (47 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="385.1" y="277" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,122,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="388.07" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="78.3" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="81.28" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="613" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionNext (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="773" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,137,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_vm_normal_page (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="395.5" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,146,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="398.49" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="489.8" y="293" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,151,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="492.85" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="58.3" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.28" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_tree_walker (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="192.9" y="437" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.92" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="363.7" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.70" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="187.6" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.61" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>estimate_expression_value (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.6" y="229" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,88)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="103.56" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReservePrivateRefCountEntry (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="303.3" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="306.33" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[crond] (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,202,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.03" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>oper (113 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="124.7" y="373" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,-281979738842084)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.66" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="677" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="432.6" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="435.61" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TupleDescInitEntry (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="330.7" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,229,240)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.71" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_file_underflow@@GLIBC_2.2.5 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,132,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.58" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>addRangeTableEntry (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.39" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>grouping_planner (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="533" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,141)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="116.5" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.51" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_vsnprintf (212 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="21.6" y="501" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,187)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.60" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strncpy_sse2_unaligned (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="367.7" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,132,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="370.73" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="192.9" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.92" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="192.7" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.66" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnpinBuffer.constprop.6 (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.1" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,242)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.12" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_CallObjectWithKeywords (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="853" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,201,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vma_link_rb (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="385.4" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,122,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="388.39" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="443.8" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="446.76" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RangeVarGetRelidExtended (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="373" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,197)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.27" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_function_cost (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="114.1" y="309" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,170,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="117.05" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="597" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="607.5" >exec_stmt</text>
<g >
<title>GetTransactionSnapshot (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1125.5" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1128.53" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>superuser_arg (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="365.3" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(195,218,231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.33" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="597" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_event_task_tick (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1176.0" y="613" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,184,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1179.04" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>merge_collation_state (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="193.6" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.58" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dta_xfs_vm_writepages_3187 (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,141,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.31" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.4" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.38" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBuffer_common (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="309" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,198)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>worker_thread (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.0" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,133,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.03" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_next (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="389" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignExprContext (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1096.4" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.40" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="418.4" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="421.37" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcmp@plt (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="221.9" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,144,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="224.85" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="446.4" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="449.36" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_add_tuples (5,600 samples, 7.66%)</title><rect x="556.3" y="341" width="90.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="559.35" y="351.5" >tbm_add_tu..</text>
<g >
<title>set_rel_width (40 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="114.9" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="117.88" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>examine_variable (115 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="100.7" y="229" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="103.69" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scalarineqsel_wrapper (737 samples, 1.01%)</title><rect x="100.1" y="261" width="11.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="103.13" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="725" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionCall1Coll (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1103.9" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,31890052095)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.91" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fetch_upper_rel (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="27.2" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,187,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="30.22" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="116.4" y="277" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.44" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan (130 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="405" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>account_process_tick (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1175.0" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,164,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1178.04" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_reschedule_interrupt (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1186.6" y="677" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.56" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="607.1" y="309" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,134,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.15" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_free (1,249 samples, 1.71%)</title><rect x="474.9" y="437" width="20.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="477.89" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalCodeEx (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.0" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.95" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (49,492 samples, 67.68%)</title><rect x="335.0" y="565" width="798.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="338.01" y="575.5" >exec_stmts</text>
<g >
<title>query_tree_walker (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="446.2" y="405" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="449.24" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>default_idle (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1186.5" y="725" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,200,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.47" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="741" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (7,800 samples, 10.67%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="485" width="125.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="495.5" >standard_Execut..</text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (47 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1127.1" y="453" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1130.11" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_handle (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="607.2" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,142,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.23" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextReset (132 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="529.0" y="437" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="532.04" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAllocTableSlot (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="328.9" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="331.94" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_openrv_extended (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>postgres (71,402 samples, 97.65%)</title><rect x="17.6" y="885" width="1152.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,186,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="20.65" y="895.5" >postgres</text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="629" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="639.5" >exec_stmt</text>
<g >
<title>release_pages (149 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="392.0" y="197" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,187,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="394.97" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationGetIndexList (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="58.1" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,187,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.14" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1050.0" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,134,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1053.02" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseAndReadBuffer (1,255 samples, 1.72%)</title><rect x="817.8" y="373" width="20.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="820.76" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clauselist_selectivity (93 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="19.9" y="277" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,-382411437060680)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.92" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_tablespace_page_costs (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="21.4" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.43" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="95.0" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.03" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="187.6" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.62" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>compute_function_hashkey (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="354.9" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,71)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="357.89" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fix_scan_expr (45 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="418.1" y="341" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,97)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="421.12" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>spi_printtup (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="360.8" y="469" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,227)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="363.84" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalFrameEx (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="741" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.82" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>addRangeClause (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="98.9" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="101.92" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__handle_mm_fault (251 samples, 0.34%)</title><rect x="148.2" y="197" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,128,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="151.23" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clause_selectivity (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="85.1" y="245" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,69)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="88.14" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_brk (518 samples, 0.71%)</title><rect x="481.4" y="309" width="8.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,167,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="484.42" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExpr (248 samples, 0.34%)</title><rect x="440.6" y="405" width="4.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="443.56" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecReadyInterpretedExpr (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="327.5" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="330.46" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="330.5" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.51" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBufferExtended (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="517" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,14823127)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_var (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="124.3" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.32" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[vmstat] (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1188.2" y="837" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,178,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.24" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="34.4" y="389" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.40" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1098.4" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1101.39" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AddWaitEventToSet (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1133.8" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,122,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.81" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_create_econtext.isra.11 (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="187.6" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.61" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parserOpenTable (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.39" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>path_put (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="464.8" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,142,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="467.82" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="51.6" y="341" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="54.62" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (114 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="347.2" y="485" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="350.19" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>async_page_fault (401 samples, 0.55%)</title><rect x="146.1" y="277" width="6.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,145,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="149.09" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_relandgetbuf (83 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="1167.0" y="533" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1169.99" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelnameGetRelid (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="117.6" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.64" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1143.1" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.10" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hack_digit.13663 (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1139.0" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,142,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1141.97" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_simple_query (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="805" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetTransactionSnapshot (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="351.3" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="354.34" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>proc_reg_read (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cmp_abs_common (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1124.6" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,70)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.63" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_const (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.9" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.87" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="386.3" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,107,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="389.34" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBuffer_common (65 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1167.1" y="501" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,198)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1170.07" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_binsrch (60 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1148.7" y="533" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.70" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_index_predicates (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="97.6" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="100.64" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelnameGetRelid (47 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="194.5" y="325" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="197.45" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__pagevec_lru_add_fn (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="486.0" y="213" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,141,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="488.99" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="416.8" y="341" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="419.81" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="38.5" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.48" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecBuildProjectionInfo (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="96.4" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="99.37" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="34.1" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.08" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseCachedPlan (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="346.1" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="349.14" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1105.1" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1108.13" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="94.9" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.87" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vfs_read (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,122,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.60" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecBuildProjectionInfo (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="38.1" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.13" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_actual_variable_range.isra.0 (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>native_apic_msr_eoi_write (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1180.9" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,158,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1183.93" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="755.9" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="758.86" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBufferExtended (921 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="802.9" y="373" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,14823127)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="805.90" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayAdd (101 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="965.8" y="357" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="968.77" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_epoll_create1 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1135.4" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,167,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.44" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateQueryDesc (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="407.7" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.74" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1102.0" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.03" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_cheapest (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="47.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,220)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="50.37" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>find_minmax_aggs_walker (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="29.0" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,170,97)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="31.96" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_simple_query (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="837" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="847.5" >exec_simple_query</text>
<g >
<title>makeFuncExpr (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="331.2" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.15" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>enforce_generic_type_consistency (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="118.7" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,86)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="121.65" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_empty_pathtarget (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="56.6" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,126731,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="59.59" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_idle (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1184.0" y="805" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,164,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.01" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="432.9" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="435.88" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>native_write_msr (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1177.3" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,158,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1180.33" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildCachedPlan (1,061 samples, 1.45%)</title><rect x="409.0" y="453" width="17.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="411.97" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_path_tlist.isra.1 (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="411.0" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="414.03" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_tlist_index (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="419.2" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.21" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_preprocess_array_keys (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="326.1" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,133,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.07" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_hot_search_buffer (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="183.0" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,597377,145)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.96" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="331.4" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.43" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="75.8" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="78.76" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="517" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vfs_read (68 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="11.2" y="805" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,122,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.23" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSnapshotData (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1132.1" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,177,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.07" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="65.4" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.42" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>compute_parallel_worker (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="76.6" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,71)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="79.62" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (43,128 samples, 58.98%)</title><rect x="405.6" y="485" width="696.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="408.64" y="495.5" >_SPI_execute_plan</text>
<g >
<title>relation_open (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="193.8" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,15219231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.76" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfprintf (212 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="21.6" y="437" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,137,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.60" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>zap_pte_range (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="488.5" y="213" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,155,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="491.52" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitQual (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="39.0" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.98" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="20.3" y="229" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="23.30" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_rte_attribute_type (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="124.3" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.32" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="366.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="369.75" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="821" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_first (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="565" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fix_scan_expr_walker (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="418.5" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="421.52" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>flatCopyTargetEntry (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="420.5" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="423.54" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>uncharge_batch (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="393.8" y="165" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,164,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="396.81" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1135.1" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.12" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>event_function_call (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,165,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.39" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>numeric_poly_sum (64 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="154.5" y="469" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,172)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.54" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_get_pageentry (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.71" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="122.3" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="125.28" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>float8_numeric (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="176.9" y="517" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.93" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_sse2_pminub (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="372.4" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,132,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="375.41" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__fget_light (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1146.3" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,135,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1149.35" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="193.4" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.35" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>planstate_tree_walker (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1091.6" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.58" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_op (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="444.4" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,87,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="447.39" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="356.0" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="359.02" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="629" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="639.5" >exec_stmt_block</text>
<g >
<title>btgetbitmap (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="597" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationGetIndexScan (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1144.5" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,97,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.46" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="397.0" y="309" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,151,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="399.99" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typcollation (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="434.1" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="437.06" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_qual_eval_node (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="54.7" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="57.73" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CheckExprStillValid (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1090.5" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1093.48" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_scan_plan (167 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="405" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vfs_write (120 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="773" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,122,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.62" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__ctype_b_loc (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1110.4" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,144,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1113.39" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_open (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,15219231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ctx_resched (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="197" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,127,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.50" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_queries (1,042 samples, 1.43%)</title><rect x="409.3" y="437" width="16.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="412.27" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_start_main (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="869" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,154,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="879.5" >__libc_start_main</text>
<g >
<title>dequeue_entity (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1172.1" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,203,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1175.14" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="189.8" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,160)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="192.80" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetDatabaseEncoding (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1112.3" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(150,128,135)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1115.30" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitRangeTable (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1101.4" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.36" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>instancemethod_call (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="821" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,167,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcmp@plt (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="669.3" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,144,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="672.29" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_index_path (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="341" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExpr (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1143.1" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.10" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CatalogCacheComputeHashValue (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="21.0" y="197" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.02" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>localsub.constprop.4 (43 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="333.2" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,125,161)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="336.17" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_readpage (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.5" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.46" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_output_put_handle (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="139.1" y="117" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,184,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.05" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_move_row_from_fields (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="188.6" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.61" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_mem_cgroup_from_mm (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="151.8" y="149" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(220,170,17)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="154.75" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_write (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.3" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,167,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.32" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="176.8" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.81" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strlcpy (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="126.2" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,217,578071)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.22" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="805" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1100.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1103.87" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnregisterSnapshotFromOwner (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="497.3" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,242)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="500.33" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_estate_setup (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="357.6" y="405" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="360.63" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>compute_bitmap_pages (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="79.2" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,71)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="82.25" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecTypeFromTLInternal (62 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="327.9" y="389" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="330.92" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_op (82 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="195.9" y="341" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,87,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.90" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mem_cgroup_commit_charge (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="151.5" y="165" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,144,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="154.53" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strtoint (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="174.4" y="453" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,216,230)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.42" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RevalidateCachedQuery (89 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="1122.1" y="437" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,206)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1125.08" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="581" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fix_upper_expr_mutator (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="420.3" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="423.29" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_andclause (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="424.4" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="427.41" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (564 samples, 0.77%)</title><rect x="236.7" y="357" width="9.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="239.70" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fetch_upper_rel (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="28.1" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,187,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="31.09" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_read (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="11.2" y="837" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,167,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.21" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>float8_numeric (130 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="1109.0" y="453" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1111.96" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_rel_size (1,123 samples, 1.54%)</title><rect x="97.4" y="389" width="18.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="100.40" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="642.0" y="261" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,141,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="644.97" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_base_rels_to_query (36 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="29.5" y="389" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.51" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1135.0" y="629" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.99" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_proc_aclmask (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1101.2" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.21" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1097.8" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1100.77" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyObject_Call (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.0" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,207,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.95" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="677" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="687.5" >plpgsql_call_handler</text>
<g >
<title>nulltestsel (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="113.1" y="325" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,172)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="116.07" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="34.1" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.08" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitAgg (94 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="38.1" y="485" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.13" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExpr (195 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="124.6" y="469" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.61" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionNext (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="709" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,137,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="719.5" >FunctionNext</text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="422.0" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="424.96" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.7" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,162,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.73" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_any (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="180.8" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,143)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.81" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>remove_vma (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="387.1" y="293" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,184,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="390.15" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="725" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (94 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="38.1" y="501" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.13" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="196.5" y="309" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="199.47" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>generate_gather_paths (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="27.0" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.98" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (122 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="821" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.58" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>table_openrv_extended (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(68,12086,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.39" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAgg (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="661" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_boolean (268 samples, 0.37%)</title><rect x="1123.5" y="501" width="4.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1126.55" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_get_pageentry (1,640 samples, 2.24%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="389" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.80" y="399.5" >t..</text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="338.3" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="341.32" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pick_next_task_fair (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1172.3" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,174,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1175.30" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="175.2" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="178.20" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="125.4" y="341" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="128.41" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.2" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.18" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btrescan (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="326.2" y="373" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.24" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_query_collations_walker (153 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="431.8" y="405" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,56)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="434.77" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_fgets (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,132,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_lseek (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1146.2" y="325" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,167,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1149.22" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>force_qs_rnp (63 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1170.5" y="821" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,189,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1173.51" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_read (51 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="821" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,128,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.66" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitFunc (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="187.9" y="405" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.90" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1125.6" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1128.64" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="46.4" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.36" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OverrideSearchPathMatchesCurrent (43 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1122.8" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,176)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1125.82" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>oracle-cloud-ag (67 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="13.9" y="885" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,198,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.89" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_openrv_extended (79 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="194.1" y="357" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="197.06" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerForgetPlanCacheRef (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1119.6" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1122.61" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_brk (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="490.9" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,167,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="493.91" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_agg_clause_costs (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="27.6" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="30.56" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_entry (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="398.4" y="309" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,151,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="401.40" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="437.9" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="440.95" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_execsql (230 samples, 0.31%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="549" width="3.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="419.6" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.57" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_detoast_datum_copy (51 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="110.6" y="197" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,179)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="113.65" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_move_row_from_fields (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="332.0" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.96" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vma_adjust (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="459.3" y="245" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,122,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="462.35" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (219 samples, 0.30%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="517" width="3.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_checkpage (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1166.8" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1169.81" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_proc_aclmask (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="158.3" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="161.29" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cpumask_next (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.1" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,118,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.13" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_start_main (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,154,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.03" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RevalidateCachedQuery (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1132.8" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,206)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.79" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_ordinary_grouping_paths (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1141.6" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1144.60" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1144.4" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.38" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_index_paths (769 samples, 1.05%)</title><rect x="80.8" y="341" width="12.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="83.78" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="362.0" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="365.04" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecTypeFromTLInternal (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="330.5" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.51" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_var_clause (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="53.2" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.18" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fix_indexqual_operand (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="45.9" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,97)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="48.91" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_get_pageentry (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="204.5" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="207.49" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>page_remove_rmap (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="395.6" y="213" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,146,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="398.64" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_close (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="497.8" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="500.80" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>remove_vma (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="484.3" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,184,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="487.29" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="193.8" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.77" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_single_vma (100 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="394.5" y="261" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,170,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="397.51" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter (30 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="465.2" y="293" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,167,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="468.17" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerForgetBuffer (277 samples, 0.38%)</title><rect x="979.4" y="341" width="4.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="982.42" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_begin_iterate (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1143.6" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.59" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_readpage (65 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="555.3" y="293" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="558.27" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecBuildProjectionInfo (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="323.9" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="326.92" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__writeback_single_inode (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,119,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.31" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scanner_init (59 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1102.7" y="437" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,-65860836382541,-201043323280969)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1105.68" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_open (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="69.1" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,15219231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.06" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (124 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="837" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.55" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_plan_get_cached_plan (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="334.5" y="533" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="337.46" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>x86_pmu_enable (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1181.3" y="597" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,205,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.32" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_query (256 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="437" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1050.0" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1053.02" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_minmax_aggregates (40 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="28.5" y="405" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,170,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="31.51" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="196.0" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="199.03" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_timer (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="949.6" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,142,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="952.63" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (195 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="124.6" y="437" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.61" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="88.6" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.62" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (486 samples, 0.66%)</title><rect x="457.9" y="309" width="7.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="460.86" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>systrim.isra.2 (1,210 samples, 1.65%)</title><rect x="475.4" y="405" width="19.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,167,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="478.40" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mpn_mul (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1138.5" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,151,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1141.49" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kstat_irqs_usr (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1188.8" y="741" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,122,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.76" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_rewrite_query (168 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="444.7" y="469" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,184)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="447.66" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="964.3" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="967.25" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_minmax_aggregates (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="55.8" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,170,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.77" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_analyze_and_rewrite (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="501" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,178)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalFrameEx (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heapam_scan_bitmap_next_block (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="183.0" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,595463,145)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.96" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_endscan (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="497.4" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,597377,9548863)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="500.45" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitFunc (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DecrTupleDescRefCount (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="495.7" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,229,80)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="498.69" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_attstatsslot (378 samples, 0.52%)</title><rect x="105.4" y="213" width="6.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="108.37" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kstat_irqs (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1188.8" y="725" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,122,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.77" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vfs_read (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.5" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,122,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.53" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetPrivateRefCountEntry (447 samples, 0.61%)</title><rect x="823.5" y="341" width="7.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="826.54" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprType (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="72.0" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,95)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="74.98" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clauselist_selectivity (964 samples, 1.32%)</title><rect x="98.0" y="357" width="15.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,-382411437060680)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="100.98" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (7,092 samples, 9.70%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="549" width="114.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="559.5" >_SPI_execute_p..</text>
<g >
<title>__printf_fp (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="24.6" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,141,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.62" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_flush_mmu (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="487.5" y="229" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,130,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="490.46" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="757" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_partial_bitmap_paths (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="79.2" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="82.16" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="293" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateWaitEventSet (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1134.1" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,122,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.07" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>addRangeClause (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="19.9" y="245" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.92" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>worker_thread (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="837" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,133,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.20" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="438.9" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="441.90" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>show_stat (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.3" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,155,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.27" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>native_write_msr (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="133" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,158,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.50" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vfs_read (51 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="805" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,122,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.66" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_gather_mmu (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="487.6" y="261" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,130,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="490.64" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_prepare_oneshot_plan.isra.1 (125 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="1101.6" y="485" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.62" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_interrupt (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="607.2" y="277" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,152,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.17" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_check_callbacks (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1175.3" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,169,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1178.27" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,117,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.20" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>arch_cpu_idle (651 samples, 0.89%)</title><rect x="1173.2" y="789" width="10.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,144,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1176.20" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="474.6" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,177,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="477.60" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (182 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="155.6" y="517" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.58" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_start (49,838 samples, 68.16%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="869" width="804.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,139,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="879.5" >_start</text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (417 samples, 0.57%)</title><rect x="784.2" y="357" width="6.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="787.19" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.43" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_result_opt_error (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1113.9" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1116.90" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan_recurse (80 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="410.7" y="373" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="413.68" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecResetTupleTable (40 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="495.4" y="453" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="498.37" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalCodeEx (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRun (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="853" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_varnos (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="102.4" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="105.44" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="48.6" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.57" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>addRangeTableEntry (102 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="193.7" y="405" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.69" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="709" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="719.5" >ExecScan</text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (885 samples, 1.21%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="565" width="14.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memset_sse2 (649 samples, 0.89%)</title><rect x="631.9" y="277" width="10.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,151,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="634.90" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="180.7" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.70" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_physical_tlist (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,170,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (162 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="375.4" y="357" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,180,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="378.35" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>contain_volatile_functions_walker (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1099.4" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,72)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1102.42" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="445.7" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="448.73" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_slow_exit_work (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1146.7" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,167,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1149.65" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_return_via_sysret (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1169.8" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,167,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1172.78" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>addRangeTableEntry (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="437" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.27" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fetch_input_tuple (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="485" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExprEvalPushStep (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.5" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,95)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.49" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="21.3" y="181" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.30" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseCatCache (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="100.3" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="103.27" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_class_aclcheck (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="21.2" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,179)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.22" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_getbitmap (5,837 samples, 7.98%)</title><rect x="552.5" y="373" width="94.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="555.52" y="383.5" >index_getbi..</text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_qual_conditions (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.8" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.83" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="693" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformAExprOp (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="36.7" y="389" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.68" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_analyze_and_rewrite (122 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="517" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,178)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.27" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pagetable_grow (2,152 samples, 2.94%)</title><rect x="607.8" y="309" width="34.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,176)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.78" y="319.5" >pa..</text>
<g >
<title>match_clause_to_index.part.3 (132 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="93.4" y="341" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.41" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_move_row_from_fields (124 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="179.1" y="549" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.12" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="443.4" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="446.43" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_var (30 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1113.3" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1116.33" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayAdd (135 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="303.7" y="341" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="306.75" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>anon_vma_clone (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="460.1" y="245" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,164,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="463.07" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_resolve_polymorphic_argtypes (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="187.3" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.29" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResultTupleSlotTL (85 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="367.0" y="437" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="370.04" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_malloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.7" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,153,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.74" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResultSlot (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1097.5" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1100.45" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_index (621 samples, 0.85%)</title><rect x="81.9" y="309" width="10.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="84.92" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mem_cgroup_update_lru_size (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="394.2" y="181" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,144,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="397.15" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>reaper (173 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="1133.7" y="757" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(106,173,199)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.68" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildCachedPlan (598 samples, 0.82%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="501" width="9.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecBuildProjectionInfo (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="155.6" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.58" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_expr (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="581" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typavgwidth (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="53.7" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.67" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_interrupt (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="899.1" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,152,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="902.12" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="443.8" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="446.77" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>async_page_fault (132 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="639.5" y="261" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,145,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.49" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_move_row (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="39.6" y="549" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.64" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exprType (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="119.0" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,95)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="121.99" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>bms_copy (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="69.3" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,58,60)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.29" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="773.3" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="776.27" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="869" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="90.9" y="261" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.91" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="437" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>timestamp2tm (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="333.1" y="501" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,223,234)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="336.10" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitQual (64 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="157.5" y="453" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.48" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_getbitmap (411 samples, 0.56%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="389" width="6.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSnapshotData (140 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1116.2" y="453" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,177,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1119.16" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_assign_value (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="39.6" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.64" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_up_subqueries (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="425.4" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(97,175,195)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="428.41" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignExprContext (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="325.5" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.50" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>arch_tlb_finish_mmu (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="462.4" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,144,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="465.43" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnregisterSnapshotFromOwner (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="350.6" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,242)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.63" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clauselist_selectivity_simple (93 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="19.9" y="261" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,69)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.92" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="117.1" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.09" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_member (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="190.0" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,-162870119724888)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="193.05" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="821" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>anon_inode_getfile (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1134.1" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,164,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.08" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeString (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="436.2" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,240,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="439.24" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_tablespace_io_concurrency (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1145.1" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1148.06" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wb_writeback (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,72,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.31" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache2 (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="124.3" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.32" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="27.6" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="30.56" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__brk (1,492 samples, 2.04%)</title><rect x="448.9" y="341" width="24.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,148,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="451.91" y="351.5" >_..</text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="193.4" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.35" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>arch_tlb_finish_mmu (382 samples, 0.52%)</title><rect x="388.2" y="261" width="6.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,144,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="391.24" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (78 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="432.0" y="389" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="434.99" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSnapshotData (66 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="426.3" y="453" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,177,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="429.31" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.3" y="341" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.26" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MultiExecBitmapIndexScan (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="597" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,169)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (57 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="412.8" y="341" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.79" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="581" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="591.5" >exec_stmt</text>
<g >
<title>CheckExprStillValid (89 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="527.6" y="421" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="530.61" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btgetbitmap (1,643 samples, 2.25%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="421" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.75" y="431.5" >b..</text>
<g >
<title>rcu_sched (167 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1169.9" y="885" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,169,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1172.89" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vmacache_find (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="461.2" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,112,48)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="464.17" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_one_rel (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="501" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>call_timer_fn (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1179.8" y="661" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,112,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1182.79" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.39" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>worker_thread (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,133,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.89" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[iostat] (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.8" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,182,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.76" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>maybe_start_bgworkers (170 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1133.7" y="741" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(106,173,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.73" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="409.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="412.35" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateTemplateTupleDesc (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="330.5" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,229,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.51" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cpu_function_call (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="709" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,118,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.39" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_writepages (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,189,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.31" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_query_collations (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="429.6" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,56)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="432.59" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_simple_query (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="821" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="693" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nulltestsel (53 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="19.1" y="261" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,172)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.07" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="29.3" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.35" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_page_fault (131 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="639.5" y="229" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,189,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.50" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_comparator (84 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="322.5" y="325" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="325.48" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>match_clauses_to_index (145 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="93.3" y="357" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.27" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventAdjustEpoll.isra.0 (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1133.8" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,122,244)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.81" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="187.9" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.90" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1099.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1102.87" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="124.3" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.32" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ServerLoop (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="821" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(106,173,220)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="831.5" >ServerLoop</text>
<g >
<title>index_pages_fetched (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="91.8" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.75" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionNext (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="757" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,137,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="767.5" >FunctionNext</text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (71 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="38.5" y="469" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.48" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_nohz_stop_sched_tick (49 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1184.8" y="773" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,142,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.80" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAllocTableSlot (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1098.1" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1101.13" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_interrupt (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="755.9" y="309" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,152,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="758.86" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>examine_variable (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="20.9" y="229" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="23.89" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_tablespace (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="96.3" y="325" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="99.25" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="155.6" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.58" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="176.5" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.46" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="805" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__task_pid_nr_ns (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="137.1" y="85" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,128,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="140.11" y="95.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExpr (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="36.7" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.68" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_brk_flags (492 samples, 0.67%)</title><rect x="133.5" y="181" width="8.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,189,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="136.53" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_beginscan_internal (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="156.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="159.95" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_plan_get_cached_plan (50 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="43.3" y="389" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="46.26" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typlen (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="116.1" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.14" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_rte_attribute_type (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="127.2" y="309" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.17" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__hrtimer_run_queues (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="306.3" y="293" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,128,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="309.32" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_proc_aclcheck (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1101.2" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.20" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_timeout (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.7" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,164,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.73" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (79 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="126.5" y="389" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.48" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecBuildProjectionInfo (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="187.9" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.90" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>proc_reg_read (51 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="789" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.66" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateExecutorState (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="361.7" y="469" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="364.73" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>interval_justify_hours (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1108.8" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,223,151)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1111.76" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorStart (94 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="38.1" y="517" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.13" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_ioctl (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,167,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.39" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfsaild/sda3 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.7" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,192,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.73" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (401 samples, 0.55%)</title><rect x="317.4" y="389" width="6.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="320.37" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GrantLockLocal (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="35.5" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,24381895395797,141)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.51" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.8" y="389" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.83" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>table_openrv_extended (98 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="193.8" y="373" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(68,12086,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.76" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_iterate_sb (231 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="135.5" y="149" width="3.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,184,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="138.53" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="69.6" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,69,74)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.63" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unlink_anon_vmas (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="484.9" y="245" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,173,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="487.89" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tag_hash (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="125.0" y="325" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.98" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_flush_mmu_free (166 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="391.7" y="229" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,130,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="394.70" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>core_yyensure_buffer_stack (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1103.0" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,-65860836382541,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.04" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fetch_input_tuple (34,565 samples, 47.27%)</title><rect x="531.4" y="437" width="557.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="534.40" y="447.5" >fetch_input_tuple</text>
<g >
<title>btcostestimate (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="309" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_func_retset (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="196.4" y="325" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,136)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="199.35" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_trace_enter (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="398.2" y="325" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,167,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="401.19" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>secondary_startup_64 (882 samples, 1.21%)</title><rect x="1172.9" y="869" width="14.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,170,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1175.89" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typbyval (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="55.3" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.35" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__floor_sse41 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="41.4" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,135,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="44.44" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_cast_value (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="337.3" y="501" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="340.28" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="196.9" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="199.90" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="54.4" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="57.44" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_page_fault (130 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="639.5" y="213" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,141,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.52" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeVar (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="127.6" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.58" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_up_subqueries_recurse (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="425.7" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(97,175,195)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="428.68" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btgetbitmap (5,826 samples, 7.97%)</title><rect x="552.7" y="357" width="94.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="555.70" y="367.5" >btgetbitmap</text>
<g >
<title>ExecBuildAggTrans (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1144.2" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.20" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_hash_value (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="307.1" y="357" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,136)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="310.06" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fetch_upper_rel (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="49.9" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,187,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="52.94" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_expr (212 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="21.6" y="565" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.60" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mdnblocks (181 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="1145.2" y="389" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(132,79958,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1148.17" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vma_compute_subtree_gap (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="463.3" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,112,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="466.27" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_page_range (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="462.8" y="213" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,170,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="465.75" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_simple_query (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="869" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__errno_location (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="174.3" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,138,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.28" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.5" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.50" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitBitmapHeapScan (71 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="38.5" y="453" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.48" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="437.7" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,199,199)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="440.66" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_expr (245 samples, 0.34%)</title><rect x="338.2" y="517" width="4.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="341.20" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetTransactionSnapshot (47 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="338.9" y="501" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="341.88" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>show_stat (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,155,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="469" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="387.2" y="277" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,107,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="390.24" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_upper_references (118 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="419.0" y="373" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.02" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DetermineTimeZoneOffsetInternal (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1115.0" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,73,81)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1117.96" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PlanCacheComputeResultDesc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="407.5" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.50" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>core_sys_select (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.3" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,133,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.29" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="64.6" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.56" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>subquery_planner (126 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="190.9" y="405" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="193.88" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rebalance_domains (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1179.2" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,181,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1182.19" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_timer (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1086.6" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,142,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1089.58" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_binsrch (63 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1165.0" y="533" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1167.99" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecTypeFromTLInternal (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="406.6" y="453" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="409.63" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule_hrtimeout_range_clock (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1134.3" y="565" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,164,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.33" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>bms_make_singleton (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="56.5" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,58,60)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="59.46" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_unmapped_area (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="134.3" y="165" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,170,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="137.32" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitAgg (503 samples, 0.69%)</title><rect x="323.8" y="453" width="8.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="326.84" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_read (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.5" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,167,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.53" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>intel_pmu_disable_all (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1176.2" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,164,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1179.22" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_rel_pathlist (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="405" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="334.2" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="337.15" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_anonymous_page (161 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="149.4" y="181" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,189,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="152.43" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sysmalloc (1,640 samples, 2.24%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="293" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,167,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.80" y="303.5" >s..</text>
<g >
<title>transformAExprOp (128 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="195.9" y="357" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.90" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__perf_event_enable (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1181.3" y="645" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,141,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.32" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PinBuffer (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1167.8" y="485" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,187)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1170.81" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_copyColumnRef.isra.38 (64 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="440.9" y="373" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,69,73)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="443.95" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>llseek (138 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="66.1" y="341" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,98,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="69.13" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_pathtarget_from_tlist (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="28.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,126731,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="31.36" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_saveitem (78 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="1159.1" y="517" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1162.11" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="613" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="623.5" >exec_stmt_block</text>
<g >
<title>__ldexp (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="40.8" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,154,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="43.84" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_close (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1135.9" y="677" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,154,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.92" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>name_matches_visible_ENR (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="438.1" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,170)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="441.06" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apply_scanjoin_target_to_paths (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="46.9" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.92" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_epoll_wait (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1135.7" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,167,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.67" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>bms_copy (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="73.7" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,58,60)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="76.74" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1143.6" y="405" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.59" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>max_parallel_hazard_walker (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="412.1" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.08" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sched_clock (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="136.6" y="69" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,164,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="139.61" y="79.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MultiExecBitmapIndexScan (411 samples, 0.56%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="405" width="6.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,169)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>slot_getsomeattrs_int (685 samples, 0.94%)</title><rect x="516.5" y="421" width="11.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,224)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="519.46" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>initialize_aggregate.isra.2 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1090.0" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,148)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1093.00" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (47,364 samples, 64.77%)</title><rect x="369.3" y="533" width="764.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="372.35" y="543.5" >exec_stmts</text>
<g >
<title>standard_planner (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="565" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformTargetList (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1143.1" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,149,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.10" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="365.6" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.57" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBuffer_common (6,988 samples, 9.56%)</title><rect x="204.6" y="373" width="112.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,198)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="207.60" y="383.5" >ReadBuffer_co..</text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (324 samples, 0.44%)</title><rect x="353.3" y="437" width="5.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="356.29" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>grouping_planner (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,141)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_binsrch (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1160.4" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1163.44" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="420.8" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="423.78" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_fill_tuple (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1093.0" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,110,9552213)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1096.01" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_rel_consider_parallel (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="32.0" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="35.04" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__default_morecore (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="182.7" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,141,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.65" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute_plan_with_paramlist (1,197 samples, 1.64%)</title><rect x="349.5" y="517" width="19.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="352.48" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_alloc (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="483.3" y="261" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,107,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="486.29" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_database_encoding_max_length (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1112.2" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(150,244,179)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1115.23" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitAgg (182 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="155.6" y="501" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.58" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorStart (456 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="361.4" y="485" width="7.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="364.44" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_ordinary_grouping_paths (390 samples, 0.53%)</title><rect x="47.5" y="421" width="6.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="50.52" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_agg_clause_costs (140 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="50.6" y="405" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="53.57" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>distribute_qual_to_rels (231 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="71.2" y="373" width="3.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,82)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="74.18" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_rel_from_joinlist (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="75.2" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="78.20" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocExtended (1,640 samples, 2.24%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="357" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.80" y="367.5" >M..</text>
<g >
<title>show_stat (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,155,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.60" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (72 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="66.2" y="325" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="69.19" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_timer_softirq (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1179.5" y="677" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,156,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1182.51" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BufTableHashCode (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="204.6" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="207.60" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_new_columns_to_pathtarget (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="26.7" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,126731,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.65" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__brk (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="183.2" y="853" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,148,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.24" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BitmapHeapNext (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="629" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,59)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>i8tod (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="42.2" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,115,146)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.21" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_const (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="197.4" y="325" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.37" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan_recurse (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mem_cgroup_from_task (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="152.3" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,144,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="155.30" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_create_pagetable (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="642.6" y="309" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="645.55" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_copytuple (36 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1089.4" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,110,9541326)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1092.42" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_first (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="581" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>planstate_tree_walker (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1091.8" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.77" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="629" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan_recurse (62 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="421" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildCachedPlan (4,544 samples, 6.21%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="517" width="73.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="527.5" >BuildCac..</text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="36.7" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.68" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_page_from_freelist (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="151.0" y="133" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,170,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="153.99" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mdnblocks (294 samples, 0.40%)</title><rect x="59.2" y="341" width="4.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(132,79958,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.24" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heapam_scan_bitmap_next_block (10,940 samples, 14.96%)</title><rect x="773.4" y="389" width="176.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,595463,145)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="776.41" y="399.5" >heapam_scan_bitmap_nex..</text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="433.0" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="436.04" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>main (49,838 samples, 68.16%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="837" width="804.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,248,175070962044235)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="847.5" >main</text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetContextCreateInternal (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="361.9" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="364.92" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_free (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.0" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,153,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="609.99" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="118.5" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="121.48" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__brk (1,060 samples, 1.45%)</title><rect x="129.0" y="245" width="17.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,148,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="131.98" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="55.4" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.43" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BitmapHeapNext (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="453" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,59)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>grouping_planner (115 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="1141.1" y="405" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,141)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1144.12" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="19.8" y="197" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.78" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="39.1" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.11" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typlen (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="53.7" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.68" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__default_morecore (1,196 samples, 1.64%)</title><rect x="475.6" y="389" width="19.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,141,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="478.63" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_pathtarget_cost_width (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="116.1" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.12" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_start_main (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.8" y="853" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,154,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.76" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="117.6" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.64" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>core_yylex_init (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1103.2" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,-65860836382541,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.25" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info_cxt_security (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="331.6" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,99)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.60" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeQueryDesc (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="350.6" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,100)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.63" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_query (598 samples, 0.82%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="469" width="9.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockAcquireExtended (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="64.5" y="309" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,24381895395797,161)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.46" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_gather_path (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="47.1" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="50.13" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mpn_mul_1 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1138.6" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,151,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1141.55" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="117.0" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.99" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="169.1" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="172.15" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchSysCacheExists (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="94.0" y="325" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,76965,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="96.96" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>isTempToastNamespace (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="946.7" y="341" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,153)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="949.71" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clockevents_program_event (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1186.1" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,102,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.11" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateExprContext (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="325.5" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.50" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int84ge (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="203.2" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,115,150)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="206.21" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>generate_bitmap_or_paths (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="79.4" y="357" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="82.39" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>update_process_times (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="899.2" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,150,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="902.19" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitLatchOrSocket (95 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1134.9" y="693" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,122,244)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.94" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSysCacheOid (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="194.6" y="309" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,76965,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="197.58" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_plan_refs (153 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="416.5" y="373" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="419.55" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="87.4" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="90.40" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>try_to_wake_up (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1174.5" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,158,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1177.48" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="435.7" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="438.74" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>x86_64_start_reservations (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1186.5" y="837" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,205,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.47" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEndBitmapIndexScan (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="473.9" y="437" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="476.87" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__brk (1,908 samples, 2.61%)</title><rect x="374.8" y="373" width="30.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,148,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="377.83" y="383.5" >__..</text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute (8,233 samples, 11.26%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="565" width="132.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="575.5" >SPI_execute</text>
<g >
<title>ep_eventpoll_release (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.6" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,176,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.62" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_simple_rel (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="29.7" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,187,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.67" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_softirq (127 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="1178.3" y="693" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,141,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1181.33" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CatalogCacheComputeHashValue (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="20.5" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="23.46" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="500.9" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="503.92" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AddWaitEventToSet (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1135.0" y="677" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,122,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.97" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_file_llseek (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="62.8" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,192,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="65.80" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IncrTupleDescRefCount (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="329.0" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,229,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="332.00" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprSlots (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="327.2" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="330.25" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResult (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.5" y="501" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,140,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.49" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerEnlargeBuffers (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="306.7" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="309.72" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationIdGetRelation (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,187,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>systrim.isra.2 (1,981 samples, 2.71%)</title><rect x="373.7" y="421" width="31.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,167,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="376.66" y="431.5" >sy..</text>
<g >
<title>vma_merge (92 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="140.0" y="165" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,112,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="142.99" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>float8_numeric (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="549" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_form_tuple (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="360.9" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,110,9554725)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="363.89" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="757" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="442.0" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,69,74)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="444.98" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1086.6" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1089.56" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_connect_ext (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="353.6" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="356.65" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeTargetEntry (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="411.1" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="414.11" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1109.4" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1112.36" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>copyObjectImpl (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="46.0" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,69,74)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.00" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetTransactionSnapshot (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="42.7" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.66" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,147,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.82" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute (455 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="533" width="7.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_snprintf (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="176.9" y="501" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,184)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.93" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecShutdownNode (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1091.3" y="453" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.29" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (83 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="340.8" y="485" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="343.80" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformWhereClause (128 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="195.9" y="437" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.90" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_class_aclmask (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="19.6" y="213" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,179)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.62" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_qp_callback (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="33.0" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="36.03" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="74.3" y="325" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.34" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (231 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="181.2" y="869" width="3.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,180,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="184.15" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="565" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="575.5" >exec_stmt</text>
<g >
<title>pagecache_get_page (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="15.9" y="645" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,146,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.86" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExprStillValid (95 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="527.5" y="437" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="530.51" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>distribute_restrictinfo_to_rels (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="72.8" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,82)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="75.76" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="501" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1096.8" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.77" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RevalidateCachedQuery (62 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="348.0" y="469" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,206)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="351.00" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>timestamptz2timestamp (57 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="333.1" y="517" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,223,235)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="336.09" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_readpage (397 samples, 0.54%)</title><rect x="198.1" y="309" width="6.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="201.08" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_file_llseek (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1147.0" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,192,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1149.99" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__hrtimer_run_queues (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1086.6" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,128,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1089.58" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clauselist_selectivity_simple (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,69)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan_recurse (167 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="437" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finalize_grouping_exprs_walker (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="431.1" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="434.12" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dta_iscsi_xmit_task_160 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="789" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,141,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.89" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BitmapHeapNext (33,988 samples, 46.48%)</title><rect x="538.5" y="405" width="548.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,59)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="541.53" y="415.5" >BitmapHeapNext</text>
<g >
<title>tlb_flush_mmu (376 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="388.3" y="245" width="6.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,130,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="391.33" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_qual_eval_walker (58 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="113.9" y="325" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="116.94" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_first (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="565" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_single_vma (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="462.8" y="229" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,170,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="465.75" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_attavgwidth (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="115.0" y="357" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.02" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_file_llseek (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1146.5" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,192,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1149.46" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (608 samples, 0.83%)</title><rect x="756.2" y="373" width="9.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="759.23" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iscsi_xmitworker (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.0" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,155,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.03" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mpx_notify_unmap (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="387.0" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,147,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="390.00" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_apic_timer_interrupt (446 samples, 0.61%)</title><rect x="1174.1" y="725" width="7.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1177.12" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="121.9" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="124.95" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_andclause (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="425.3" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="428.26" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>genericcostestimate (104 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="19.9" y="293" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.92" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dequeue_task_fair (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1172.1" y="757" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,203,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1175.12" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBufferExtended (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,14823127)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="92.2" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.17" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_query (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="581" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_freestack (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1149.9" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,133,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1152.93" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="188.3" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.32" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lapic_next_deadline (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1177.2" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,107,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1180.22" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>try_to_wake_up (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1178.9" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,158,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1181.88" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (47,325 samples, 64.72%)</title><rect x="370.0" y="517" width="763.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="372.98" y="527.5" >exec_stmt</text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="613" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CatalogCacheComputeHashValue (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="121.3" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="124.27" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_finish_mmu (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="487.4" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,130,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="490.38" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FileSize (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="59.4" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(122,89,142044)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.36" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>equal (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="190.2" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,81,-326335410072356)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="193.16" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unroll_tree_refs (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="398.0" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,154,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="400.99" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_scan_plan (130 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="357" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cmp_numerics (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1124.4" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,70)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.39" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_select (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.3" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,167,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.29" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_qual_eval_walker (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="52.3" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="55.34" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="96.5" y="309" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="99.51" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="182.7" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,180,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.65" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_sse2 (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1138.7" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,132,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1141.70" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_assign_value (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="188.6" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.61" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="426.7" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="429.67" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly.part.1 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1105.1" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1108.10" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan (167 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="453" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>show_interrupts (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.6" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,155,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.58" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (100 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="155.9" y="453" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.87" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="126.5" y="325" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.48" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OidFunctionCall4Coll (777 samples, 1.06%)</title><rect x="99.9" y="293" width="12.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,173)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.85" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (62 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="157.5" y="437" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.48" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>contain_volatile_functions_checker (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1099.6" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,72)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1102.63" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_posix_cpu_timers (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1175.5" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,156,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1178.51" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="693" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecMakeTableFunctionResult (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="709" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>extract_nonindex_conditions (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="91.3" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,95)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.32" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (8,493 samples, 11.61%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="597" width="137.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="607.5" >exec_stmts</text>
<g >
<title>makeParamList (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="358.0" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,146,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="360.95" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>generic_write_end (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="16.3" y="661" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,189,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.34" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wake_up_process (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1174.5" y="661" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,77,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1177.48" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (663 samples, 0.91%)</title><rect x="132.7" y="213" width="10.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="135.73" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_quals_from_indexclauses (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="87.3" y="261" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="90.27" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pairingheap_remove (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="408.6" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(86,145,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="411.63" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_boolean (153 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="332.5" y="565" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.52" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquireExecutorLocks (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="347.4" y="469" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="350.35" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="693" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pagevec_lru_move_fn (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="16.2" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,146,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.18" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ineq_histogram_selectivity (521 samples, 0.71%)</title><rect x="103.2" y="229" width="8.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.23" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__default_morecore (1,513 samples, 2.07%)</title><rect x="448.6" y="373" width="24.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,141,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="451.57" y="383.5" >_..</text>
<g >
<title>make_var (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="127.1" y="325" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.14" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="473.3" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="476.31" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1104.4" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.37" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (8,890 samples, 12.16%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="533" width="143.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="543.5" >exec_stmt</text>
<g >
<title>table_open (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="446.8" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(68,12086,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="449.84" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_async_page_fault (331 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="147.2" y="261" width="5.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,189,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="150.22" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_endscan (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="474.0" y="421" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="476.98" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OverrideSearchPathMatchesCurrent (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="348.6" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,176)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="351.64" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>markRTEForSelectPriv (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="195.8" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.77" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_event_pid_type (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="137.0" y="101" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,184,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="140.05" y="111.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_proc_aclcheck (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="365.2" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.23" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_comparator (442 samples, 0.60%)</title><rect x="1043.0" y="341" width="7.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1046.00" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="157.1" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,124,2160785)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.09" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1171.7" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,164,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1174.67" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (73 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="325.8" y="405" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.79" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecCleanTargetListLength (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="406.8" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="409.82" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strncpy_sse2_unaligned (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="407.1" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,132,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.14" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>____fput (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.6" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,119,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.57" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnpinBuffer.constprop.6 (1,033 samples, 1.41%)</title><rect x="821.3" y="357" width="16.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,242)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="824.34" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,124,2160785)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.27" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache3 (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="115.2" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="118.25" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>zap_pte_range (75 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="394.9" y="229" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,155,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="397.89" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_setb (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="178.9" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,132,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="181.89" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_one_rel (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_function_cost (71 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="51.2" y="357" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,170,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="54.17" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cpumask_any_but (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="389.5" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,118,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="392.46" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_var_clause_walker (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="56.1" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="59.10" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="108.9" y="181" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="111.87" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_output_begin (52 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="138.1" y="117" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,184,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="141.07" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateTemplateTupleDesc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1092.1" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,229,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1095.11" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>x86_pmu_enable (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1176.4" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,205,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1179.40" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_handle (115 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="1174.9" y="661" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,142,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1177.93" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_iterate (1,701 samples, 2.33%)</title><rect x="1059.3" y="389" width="27.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1062.30" y="399.5" >t..</text>
<g >
<title>get_typlen (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="366.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="369.43" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="34.1" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.08" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_op_opfamily_strategy (49 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="89.5" y="277" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="92.46" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tag_hash (49 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="185.3" y="405" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.28" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="629" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="639.5" >exec_stmts</text>
<g >
<title>event_function (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1181.3" y="661" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,165,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.32" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_functions_in_node (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="331.4" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.39" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_pmu_disable (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1176.2" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1179.15" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResultSlot (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="366.7" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="369.65" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_enable_rls (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="445.6" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(195,191,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="448.65" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="367.4" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="370.40" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pfree (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1106.2" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,12881895)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1109.17" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_execsql (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FuncnameGetCandidates (173 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="119.4" y="389" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,132)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="122.44" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OverrideSearchPathMatchesCurrent (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="351.2" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,176)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="354.21" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_begin_iterate (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="37.9" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.85" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>compute_bitmap_pages (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="78.7" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,71)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="81.66" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>table_openrv_extended (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="437.0" y="357" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(68,12086,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="440.04" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSysCacheOid (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="35.7" y="341" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,76965,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.67" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_oprrest (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="112.4" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="115.39" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>round_var (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="180.1" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,207)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.09" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (241 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="1144.2" y="485" width="3.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.20" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_deform_tuple (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="369.1" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,110,9545513)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="372.11" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="123.4" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.45" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="428.4" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="431.41" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="34.1" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.08" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="345.1" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="348.08" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (115 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="53.8" y="405" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.81" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.0" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,147,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.95" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sbrk (1,071 samples, 1.46%)</title><rect x="128.8" y="261" width="17.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,132,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="131.80" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="433.5" y="357" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="436.48" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>anon_vma_interval_tree_insert (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="460.4" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,164,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="463.38" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_tablespace (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1145.1" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1148.06" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mpstat (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="885" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,125,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>numeric_int8 (80 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="179.4" y="485" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,172)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.41" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int8out (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1129.4" y="469" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,115,151)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1132.36" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info_cxt_security (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="102.8" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,99)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="105.81" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>malloc (1,640 samples, 2.24%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="325" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,112,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.80" y="335.5" >m..</text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="417.4" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="420.41" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_varnos_walker (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="74.0" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.00" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.5" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.53" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="565" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (941 samples, 1.29%)</title><rect x="1027.7" y="341" width="15.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1030.74" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_IRQ (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1183.5" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,189,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1186.55" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>uint32_hash (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="65.0" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,241)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.00" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___libc_read (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,119,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heapam_scan_bitmap_next_tuple (2,108 samples, 2.88%)</title><rect x="950.0" y="389" width="34.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,595463,145)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="952.96" y="399.5" >he..</text>
<g >
<title>RelationIdGetRelation (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="69.1" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,187,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.06" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_create_pagetable (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.7" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.74" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecCheckRTPerms (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1094.3" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1097.29" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="76.5" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="79.49" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="43.5" y="373" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="46.55" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[] (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.0" y="693" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,147,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.95" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_handle (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="899.2" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,142,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="902.19" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateOneShotCachedPlan (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1102.0" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1104.95" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="365.6" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.59" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_no_init (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="178.5" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,132,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="181.49" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CatalogCacheComputeHashValue (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="94.6" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.56" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>find_vma (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="147.8" y="213" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,177,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="150.80" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache3 (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="20.9" y="213" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="23.93" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.3" y="325" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.26" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_eval_var_ro (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1114.5" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1117.53" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iscsi_tcp_task_xmit (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.0" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,155,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.03" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionCall4Coll (743 samples, 1.02%)</title><rect x="100.0" y="277" width="12.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,31915178131)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="103.03" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquirePlannerLocks (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="348.4" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="351.42" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>load_balance (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1186.7" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,157,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.72" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="709" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="65.3" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.27" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parserOpenTable (98 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="193.8" y="389" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="196.76" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_perf_event_enable (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,163,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.39" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_move_row (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="332.0" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.96" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="677" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReceiveSharedInvalidMessages (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="195.2" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,199,199)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.21" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dopr.constprop.2 (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1109.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,82)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1112.91" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___printf_fp_l (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="437" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,119,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OverrideSearchPathMatchesCurrent (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="341.8" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,176)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="344.80" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="35.1" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.13" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_process_callbacks (40 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1178.5" y="677" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,169,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1181.53" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="90.8" y="277" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="93.85" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rcu_gp_kthread_wake (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1178.9" y="645" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,169,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1181.87" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fix_indexqual_clause (92 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="44.8" y="357" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,97)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.79" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__add_to_page_cache_locked (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="16.1" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,151,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.05" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="409.4" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="412.37" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___printf_fp_l (94 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="23.1" y="421" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,119,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="26.10" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>native_safe_halt (618 samples, 0.85%)</title><rect x="1173.7" y="757" width="10.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,158,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1176.69" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>addRangeTableEntry (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>equal (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="99.0" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,81,-326335410072356)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="102.03" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeAlias (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="436.5" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="439.51" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.5" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.49" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionNext (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="741" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,137,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info_cxt_security (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1161.1" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,99)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.08" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>native_write_msr (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1176.2" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,158,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1179.22" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="180.9" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.94" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>crond (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,128,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.03" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_ssse3_back (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="326.4" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="329.36" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wb_workfn (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,72,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.31" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_readpage (575 samples, 0.79%)</title><rect x="1151.1" y="533" width="9.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1154.09" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btendscan (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="474.4" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="477.42" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (8,493 samples, 11.61%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="581" width="137.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="591.5" >exec_stmt</text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="361.2" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="364.23" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="789" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="48.6" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.60" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="183.0" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,180,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.96" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_comparator (64 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1026.7" y="325" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1029.71" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="117.0" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.01" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_assign_expr (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="597" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btgettuple (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="581" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>poll_schedule_timeout (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.3" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,208,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.31" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>datumTransfer (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1106.8" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,23627,2958940)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1109.76" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_remove (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1136.2" y="533" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,176,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1139.23" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_physical_tlist (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,170,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="645" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="655.5" >plpgsql_exec_function</text>
<g >
<title>lappend (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="87.3" y="245" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="90.35" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSnapshotData (43 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1125.5" y="453" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,177,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1128.53" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_expr (318 samples, 0.43%)</title><rect x="1128.0" y="501" width="5.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1130.95" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_wakeup (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1174.5" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,152,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1177.48" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_assign_value (74 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="337.0" y="517" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="339.98" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_expression (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.8" y="421" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.83" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_physical_tlist (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,170,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_assign_expr (330 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="336.8" y="533" width="5.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="339.83" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_execsql (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="597" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend_oid (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="123.7" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.74" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitBitmapHeapScan (230 samples, 0.31%)</title><rect x="1144.4" y="437" width="3.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.38" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_str_init_static_internal (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="178.7" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,132,27)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="181.72" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_open (58 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="64.3" y="341" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,15219231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.33" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformTargetList (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.4" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,149,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.38" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_list_collations (61 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="433.3" y="389" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="436.25" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="645" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="549" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dyntick_save_progress_counter (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1170.3" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,223,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1173.26" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mpn_extract_double (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="24.3" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="27.33" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MakeTupleTableSlot (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="366.7" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="369.69" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (991 samples, 1.36%)</title><rect x="206.0" y="341" width="16.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="209.04" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wake_up_process (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1179.8" y="629" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,77,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1182.82" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int4eq (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="343.4" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,570645941054194,150)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="346.38" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__writeback_inodes_wb (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(223,119,20)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.31" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1135.4" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.44" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unroll_tree_refs (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="465.0" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,154,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="468.03" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (598 samples, 0.82%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="517" width="9.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="661" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (546 samples, 0.75%)</title><rect x="352.6" y="485" width="8.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="355.63" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAlloc (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="997.8" y="373" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1000.80" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="709" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.16" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (36,915 samples, 50.48%)</title><rect x="497.9" y="469" width="595.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="500.95" y="479.5" >standard_ExecutorRun</text>
<g >
<title>make_const (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="126.5" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.48" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="645" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="655.5" >exec_stmt</text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly.part.1 (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="371.9" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="374.91" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>compare_pathkeys (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="80.4" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,151,70)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="83.42" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (67 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1146.1" y="341" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1149.11" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1086.6" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,134,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1089.56" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ScanQueryForLocks (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1122.6" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1125.64" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="725" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (195 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="124.6" y="421" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.61" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>down_write_killable (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="396.4" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,189,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="399.39" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="629" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="334.2" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="337.15" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>down_write_killable (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="141.5" y="181" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,189,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="144.47" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="64.7" y="293" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.74" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MakeTupleTableSlot (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="329.0" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="331.96" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="453" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitFunc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.5" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.49" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_destroy_econtext.isra.34 (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="356.9" y="405" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="359.92" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="677" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cmd_record (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.0" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,94,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.97" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReScanExprContext (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="531.2" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="534.17" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lru_cache_add_active_or_unevictable (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="151.3" y="165" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,116,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="154.33" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>systrim.isra.2 (1,536 samples, 2.10%)</title><rect x="448.2" y="389" width="24.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,167,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="451.20" y="399.5" >s..</text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (140 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="412.5" y="357" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.55" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="477.6" y="341" width="13.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="480.57" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_var (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1143.1" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.10" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>seq_read (51 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="773" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,163,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.66" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DataChecksumsEnabled (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1152.9" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(71,-4665923811366657,78)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1155.85" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformWhereClause (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="36.7" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.68" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RevalidateCachedQuery (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1127.5" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,206)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1130.52" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>arch_tlb_finish_mmu (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="487.4" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,144,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="490.43" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_cast_value (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1107.0" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1109.96" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_any (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="64.6" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,143)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.63" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecBuildAggTrans (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="155.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.70" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="709" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="719.5" >plpgsql_exec_func..</text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_handle (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="306.3" y="261" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,142,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="309.35" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>activate_task (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1174.6" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,148,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1177.57" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildCachedPlan (256 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="469" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetReset (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="372.0" y="485" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="374.96" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fetch_input_tuple (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="661" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_move_row (124 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="179.1" y="565" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.12" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_qual_eval_walker (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="55.1" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.14" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_compile (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.5" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.49" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_pages_nodemask (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.9" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,151,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.87" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly.part.1 (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="473.3" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="476.27" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRun (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="837" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.60" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>subquery_planner (536 samples, 0.73%)</title><rect x="26.6" y="437" width="8.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.62" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BufTableHashCode (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="652.3" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="655.25" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>llseek (276 samples, 0.38%)</title><rect x="59.5" y="325" width="4.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,98,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="62.49" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="899.1" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,134,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="902.11" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_getbitmap (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_expression (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="422.8" y="373" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="425.83" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="187.8" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.77" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>grouping_planner (80 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="190.9" y="389" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,141)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="193.88" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kworker/u96:2 (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="13.2" y="885" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,118,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.20" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (98 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="443.0" y="373" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.98" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="58.2" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,160)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.22" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_snprintf (212 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="21.6" y="517" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,184)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.60" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_slow_exit_work (42 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="489.8" y="309" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,167,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="492.78" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_checkkeys (350 samples, 0.48%)</title><rect x="198.1" y="293" width="5.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,133,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="201.08" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finalize_aggregates (79 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="154.3" y="501" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.30" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="176.0" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.01" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_openrv_extended (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="389" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.27" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MultiExecBitmapIndexScan (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="629" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,169)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>seq_read (68 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="11.2" y="773" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,163,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.23" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfsaild/sdb (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.9" y="885" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,192,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.87" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_add_tuples (1,640 samples, 2.24%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="405" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.80" y="415.5" >t..</text>
<g >
<title>scanRTEForColumn (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="195.3" y="325" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.34" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (418 samples, 0.57%)</title><rect x="117.9" y="437" width="6.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.86" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pagevec_lru_move_fn (123 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="485.4" y="229" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,146,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="488.38" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>generate_base_implied_equalities (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="74.9" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,81,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.92" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_getrootheight (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="58.5" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.51" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (61 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="183.8" y="837" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,180,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.80" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="423.3" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="426.33" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cstring_to_text (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1128.8" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,241,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1131.84" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_attstatsslot (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="111.7" y="213" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="114.67" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="65.1" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.11" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="565" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="117.2" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.20" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kworker/u96:1 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.0" y="885" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,118,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.03" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignProjectionInfo (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="187.9" y="453" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.90" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>use_physical_tlist.isra.3 (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="190.4" y="341" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,243)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="193.38" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>alloc_pages_current (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.9" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,128,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.87" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_return_via_sysret (444 samples, 0.61%)</title><rect x="465.8" y="325" width="7.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,167,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="468.82" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_planner (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="517" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,170,14676556)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="38.7" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.69" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorEnd (3,134 samples, 4.29%)</title><rect x="447.4" y="469" width="50.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="450.37" y="479.5" >stand..</text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_eval_var (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1114.1" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1117.06" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan (62 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="437" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TransactionIdLimitedForOldSnapshots (100 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="948.0" y="357" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="951.00" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dyntick_save_progress_counter (42 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1170.7" y="805" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,223,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1173.68" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="356.7" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="359.71" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateTupleDescCopy (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1092.1" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,229,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1095.08" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ServerLoop (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="837" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(106,173,220)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_assign_value (115 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="1105.3" y="485" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1108.26" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>is_pseudo_constant_clause_relids (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="20.6" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,153)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="23.60" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_vsnprintf (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1109.8" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,187)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1112.81" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_new_columns_to_pathtarget (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="48.5" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,126731,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.54" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (4,544 samples, 6.21%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="533" width="73.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="543.5" >GetCache..</text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="192.3" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.30" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>examine_variable (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="113.1" y="309" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="116.13" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>replace_nestloop_params_mutator (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="45.6" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,204)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="48.57" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="344.5" y="469" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="347.53" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__udivti3 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="154.9" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,125,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.87" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>deconstruct_recurse (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="30.8" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,80)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="33.85" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>setup_simple_rel_arrays (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="32.8" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,187,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="35.82" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_vmas (101 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="394.5" y="277" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,170,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="397.49" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="195.3" y="389" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.34" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_start (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,139,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.77" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="549" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="419.5" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.47" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__next_timer_interrupt (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1179.6" y="661" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,148,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1182.59" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>enqueue_entity (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1180.1" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,205,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1183.14" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan_recurse (167 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="421" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>may_expand_vm (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="142.5" y="181" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(222,109,19)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="145.49" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RangeVarGetRelidExtended (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="389" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,197)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.39" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="175.8" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="178.83" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_steppage (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="373" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="187.9" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.90" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalFrameEx (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1188.0" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.95" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dtrunc (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="41.2" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,93,84)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="44.16" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>op_mergejoinable (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="72.2" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,174)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="75.19" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CheckExprStillValid (70 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="358.9" y="437" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="361.86" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_free (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.6" y="549" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,176,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.62" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_evsel__enable (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.39" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>interval_part (86 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="1111.2" y="453" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,223,151)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1114.17" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateWaitEventSet (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1135.4" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,122,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.39" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcpy_erms (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="137.6" y="117" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,144,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="140.55" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1103.5" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.50" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>flush_tlb_mm_range (174 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="388.9" y="229" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,139,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="391.89" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>rest_init (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1186.5" y="805" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,165,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.47" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>max_parallel_hazard_walker (68 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="413.7" y="341" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="416.71" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="65.4" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.43" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="485.0" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,107,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="487.96" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_getbitmap (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="613" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="74.0" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.02" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_plan_get_cached_plan (172 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="346.3" y="501" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="349.26" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PushActiveSnapshot (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="351.7" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="354.73" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>is_pseudo_constant_clause_relids (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="112.8" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,153)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="115.81" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextDelete (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="496.5" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.53" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>arch_cpu_idle (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1186.5" y="741" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,144,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.47" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cstring_to_text_with_len (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1129.1" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,241,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1132.08" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SIGetDataEntries (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="195.2" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,199,223)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.21" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="64.4" y="325" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,124,2160785)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.35" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PostmasterMain (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="837" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(106,173,190)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="847.5" >PostmasterMain</text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_interrupt (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="949.6" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,152,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="952.62" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_one_rel (2,503 samples, 3.42%)</title><rect x="75.1" y="405" width="40.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="78.13" y="415.5" >mak..</text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="677" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>subquery_planner (115 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="1141.1" y="421" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1144.12" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRun (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="757" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="767.5" >PortalRun</text>
<g >
<title>PyObject_Call (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="837" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,207,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (34 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="418.2" y="309" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="421.16" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_path (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="76.4" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="79.37" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute (8,872 samples, 12.13%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="517" width="143.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="527.5" >SPI_execute</text>
<g >
<title>initscan (181 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="1145.2" y="405" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,597377,9885519)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1148.17" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scheduler_tick (64 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1175.7" y="629" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,164,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1178.72" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecMakeTableFunctionResult (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="741" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="751.5" >ExecMakeTableFunc..</text>
<g >
<title>do_munmap (469 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="481.6" y="293" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,189,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="484.65" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_varnos_walker (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="74.6" y="309" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.57" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="46.3" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.28" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecStoreBufferHeapTuple (1,798 samples, 2.46%)</title><rect x="954.9" y="373" width="29.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="957.89" y="383.5" >Ex..</text>
<g >
<title>sync_mm_rss (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="488.4" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,183,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="491.39" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>func_volatile (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="331.4" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.39" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitFunc (131 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="363.4" y="389" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.36" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>write_cache_pages (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,108,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.31" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dta_xfs_do_writepage_3188 (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.3" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,141,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.31" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (53 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="185.2" y="421" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.22" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cached_plan_cost.isra.1 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="426.1" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,65)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="429.14" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (885 samples, 1.21%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="581" width="14.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_compare (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1148.8" y="517" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.80" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sync_regs (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="153.3" y="261" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,183,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="156.35" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (8,872 samples, 12.13%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="501" width="143.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="511.5" >_SPI_execute_plan</text>
<g >
<title>_vm_normal_page (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="394.7" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,146,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="397.75" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="88.5" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.46" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerForgetTupleDesc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="495.7" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="498.72" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_comparator (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="37.9" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.87" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finalize_aggregates (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1089.2" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1092.19" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parse_analyze (313 samples, 0.43%)</title><rect x="192.9" y="469" width="5.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,213913721,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.92" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_assign_expr (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="176.9" y="565" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.93" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_simple_query (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="789" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="799.5" >exec_simple_query</text>
<g >
<title>x86_pmu_enable (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="165" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,205,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.50" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>default_idle_call (654 samples, 0.89%)</title><rect x="1173.2" y="805" width="10.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,200,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1176.18" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iscsi_sw_tcp_xmit_segment (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.1" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,155,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.07" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_typlen (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="324.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="327.41" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>max_parallel_hazard_test (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="414.6" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="417.65" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UpdateActiveSnapshotCommandId (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="427.9" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,242)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="430.91" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_event_for_each_child (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,184,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.39" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heapam_estimate_rel_size (329 samples, 0.45%)</title><rect x="58.8" y="357" width="5.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,595463,9512852)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="61.85" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btgetbitmap (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="405" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_lseek (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="66.9" y="293" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,167,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="69.85" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>drandom (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="40.7" y="373" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,93,83)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="43.69" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.5" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.49" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateExprContext (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1096.4" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1099.40" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>bms_make_singleton (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="74.7" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,58,60)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.74" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__hrtimer_run_queues (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="899.1" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,128,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="902.12" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>swake_up (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1178.9" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,141,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1181.87" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResultTypeTL (62 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="327.9" y="405" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="330.92" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.0" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,117,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.03" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>find_duplicate_ors (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="424.6" y="341" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(97,176,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="427.63" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (168 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="449.6" y="325" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,180,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="452.60" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ParseFuncOrColumn (400 samples, 0.55%)</title><rect x="117.9" y="421" width="6.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.86" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_openrv_extended (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="437.4" y="341" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="440.40" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>DetermineTimeZoneOffset (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1114.8" y="437" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,73,81)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1117.80" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_restrictinfo_internal (56 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="73.3" y="341" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,190,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="76.31" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformFromClause (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="469" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.27" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_getbitmap (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="597" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_agg_clause_costs_walker.part.5 (115 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="53.8" y="389" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.81" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_path (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="47.0" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="49.97" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="37.9" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.85" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kmem_cache_free (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="462.0" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,107,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="465.04" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info_cxt_security (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="188.3" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,99)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.32" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PostmasterMain (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="853" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(106,173,190)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_mark_scankey_required (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1150.9" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,133,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1153.87" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>error_entry (63 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="143.5" y="229" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,182,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="146.49" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>namehashfast (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="121.3" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,170)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="124.27" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_outerjoin_delay.isra.0 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="72.6" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="75.61" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.3" y="373" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.26" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode (64 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1168.7" y="869" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,141,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.73" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__write_nocancel (130 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="15.5" y="853" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,119,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.54" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.3" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.27" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_varnos_walker (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="74.3" y="341" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.26" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="36.7" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.68" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (958 samples, 1.31%)</title><rect x="383.3" y="341" width="15.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="386.32" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (196 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="355.3" y="421" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="358.34" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="613" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (49,464 samples, 67.65%)</title><rect x="335.5" y="549" width="798.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="338.46" y="559.5" >exec_stmt</text>
<g >
<title>ExecBuildAggTrans (61 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="324.5" y="437" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="327.52" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_beginscan_bitmap (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="156.9" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="159.95" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>match_index_to_operand (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="95.4" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.37" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_functions_in_node (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="412.3" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="415.27" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_cheapest (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="426.0" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,220)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="428.96" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_start_range_ns (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1180.8" y="645" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,152,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1183.75" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pairingheap_add (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="350.4" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(86,145,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.40" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_vmas (66 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="488.0" y="261" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(235,170,33)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="490.99" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (586 samples, 0.80%)</title><rect x="791.0" y="373" width="9.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="794.00" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>memcpy_erms (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="135.0" y="165" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,144,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="138.05" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_cheapest (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="53.4" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,220)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.39" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="155.7" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.70" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scanRTEForColumn (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.4" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.38" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_free_private (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="65.6" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,161)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.61" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MultiExecBitmapIndexScan (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="613" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,169)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (455 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="565" width="7.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="103.0" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.05" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_baserel_parampathinfo (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="96.8" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,187,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="99.82" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="66.8" y="309" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="69.80" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBufferExtended (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1166.2" y="501" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,14823127)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1169.25" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="789" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clear_page_erms (36 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="640.4" y="117" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,96,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="643.38" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1171.7" y="805" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,132,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1174.67" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (75 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="186.1" y="421" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="189.08" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_next (127 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="554.3" y="341" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="557.27" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache3 (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="101.1" y="213" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="104.13" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (769 samples, 1.05%)</title><rect x="131.1" y="229" width="12.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="134.08" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fix_upper_expr_mutator (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="419.6" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="422.60" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IncrBufferRefCount (168 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="961.9" y="357" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="964.88" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_getbuf (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="533" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>IsCatalogClass (103 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="945.6" y="357" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,62,152)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="948.55" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>anon_vma_clone (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="482.8" y="261" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,164,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="485.79" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_next (404 samples, 0.55%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="357" width="6.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_scan_plan (62 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="389" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RevalidateCachedQuery (47 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="341.4" y="469" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,206)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="344.37" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitFunc (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="187.9" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.90" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>malloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="330.6" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,112,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.60" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clauselist_selectivity (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,-382411437060680)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelationGetIndexScan (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="38.5" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,97,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.48" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAgg (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="693" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="837" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.39" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="55.0" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.01" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignProjectionInfo (211 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="363.1" y="437" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.14" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>XidInMVCCSnapshot (139 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="896.5" y="341" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,247)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="899.46" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="121.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="124.67" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1106.5" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1109.54" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>show_stat (45 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1188.7" y="757" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,155,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.71" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquireExecutorLocks (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1127.2" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1130.19" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_queries (4,544 samples, 6.21%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="501" width="73.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="511.5" >pg_plan_..</text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="639.9" y="149" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,166,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.89" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseCatCache (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="94.0" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.04" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int128_to_numericvar (30 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="154.7" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,149)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.74" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_interrupt (212 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="1174.2" y="709" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,152,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1177.20" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (164 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="155.9" y="485" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.87" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_eval_var_ro (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1125.1" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1128.06" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_program_event (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1177.1" y="693" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,142,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1180.12" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_base_rel_tlists (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="30.3" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="33.30" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitBitmapIndexScan (68 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="325.9" y="389" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="328.86" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextResetOnly.part.1 (1,570 samples, 2.15%)</title><rect x="447.7" y="437" width="25.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="450.70" y="447.5" >M..</text>
<g >
<title>replace_empty_jointree (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="425.8" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(97,175,204)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="428.81" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1134.5" y="661" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.52" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pairingheap_add (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="408.0" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(86,145,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.96" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecReadyInterpretedExpr (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="366.0" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="369.02" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>intel_pmu_enable_all (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="149" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,164,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.50" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_snprintf (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="533" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,184)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_SPI_execute_plan (1,182 samples, 1.62%)</title><rect x="349.7" y="501" width="19.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="352.72" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iomap_write_actor (116 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="15.7" y="693" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,181,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.68" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>textcat (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1131.8" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,241,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1134.76" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>WaitEventAdjustEpoll.isra.0 (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1135.0" y="661" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,122,244)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.99" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BitmapHeapNext (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="183.0" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,59)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.96" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>wake_up_process (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1178.9" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,77,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1181.88" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="423.4" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="426.36" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>downcase_identifier (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1112.2" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,194,313457)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1115.17" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeConst (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.9" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.87" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sigsetjmp (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="354.3" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,132,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="357.32" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="329.1" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="332.13" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_free (1,999 samples, 2.73%)</title><rect x="373.4" y="437" width="32.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,153,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="376.37" y="447.5" >_i..</text>
<g >
<title>bms_make_singleton (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="74.0" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,58,60)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="77.02" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_index_paths (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="389" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.3" y="389" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.26" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayRemove (200 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="980.7" y="325" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="983.67" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__isinf (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="42.0" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,125,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.05" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="629" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockRelease (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="427.1" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="430.14" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_drop_lock_and_maybe_pin.isra.1 (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1149.7" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1152.67" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeInt128AggState (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="516.2" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="519.23" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignProjectionInfo (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PopActiveSnapshot (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="427.4" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="430.43" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BufTableLookup (1,040 samples, 1.42%)</title><rect x="652.6" y="373" width="16.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="655.62" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>unmap_region (97 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="461.6" y="261" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,170,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="464.64" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__dta_xfs_file_buffered_aio_write_3295 (119 samples, 0.16%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="741" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,141,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.63" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_finish_mmu (389 samples, 0.53%)</title><rect x="388.1" y="277" width="6.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,130,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="391.15" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_op (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.7" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(208,87,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.68" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_getbuf (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="198.0" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="200.97" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_pathtarget_cost_width (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="33.5" y="405" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="36.48" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>swapgs_restore_regs_and_return_to_usermode (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="153.8" y="277" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,141,49)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="156.85" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan (103 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="410.3" y="389" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="413.30" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ktime_get_update_offsets_now (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1176.9" y="693" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,114,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1179.93" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="36.9" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.87" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tts_buffer_heap_clear (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1086.8" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,239)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1089.75" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>deconstruct_recurse (272 samples, 0.37%)</title><rect x="70.5" y="389" width="4.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,80)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="73.52" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1184.0" y="789" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,132,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1187.01" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sprintf (67 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="178.0" y="453" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,160,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="181.04" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>parseCheckAggregates (70 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="430.3" y="421" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="433.28" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEndNode (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="495.1" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="498.06" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="661" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionNext (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="853" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,137,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.5" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.53" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>native_safe_halt (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1186.5" y="709" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(233,158,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.47" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>table_openrv_extended (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="405" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(68,12086,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.27" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_page_from_freelist (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="641.0" y="117" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,170,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="643.96" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformTargetEntry (93 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="439.0" y="405" width="1.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,149,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="442.01" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_start_main (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="853" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,154,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.77" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clauselist_selectivity_simple (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="86.9" y="245" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,69)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="89.93" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (2,367 samples, 3.24%)</title><rect x="1011.9" y="357" width="38.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1014.94" y="367.5" >pg_..</text>
<g >
<title>malloc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="156.9" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,112,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="159.95" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="117.0" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.96" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1104.0" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1107.00" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__schedule (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.3" y="725" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,132,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.34" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_qual_eval (83 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="113.5" y="357" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="116.54" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mem_cgroup_uncharge_list (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="393.7" y="181" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,144,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="396.70" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__rb_insert_augmented (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="140.8" y="117" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,135,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="143.78" y="127.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_mutator (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="116.5" y="261" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,4521593)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.47" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_vars_to_targetlist (51 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="69.2" y="389" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.21" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_difference_ptr (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="189.9" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,160)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="192.92" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__hrtimer_run_queues (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="755.9" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,128,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="758.86" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformFromClause (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="485" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.39" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="409.3" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="412.34" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>x86_pmu_disable (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1176.2" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,205,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1179.17" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cpu_startup_entry (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1186.5" y="789" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,118,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.47" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__do_page_fault (320 samples, 0.44%)</title><rect x="147.3" y="229" width="5.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,141,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="150.35" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="69.9" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.90" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_cast_value (123 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="179.1" y="517" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.14" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformFromClauseItem (240 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="434.6" y="405" width="3.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="437.58" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_ssse3_back (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="180.4" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.38" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_next_dst_boundary (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1115.2" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,125,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1118.19" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformTargetEntry (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1143.1" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,149,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.10" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_calculate_entries (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="78.9" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="81.86" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_analyze_and_rewrite (642 samples, 0.88%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="533" width="10.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,178)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.39" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (110 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1145.4" y="357" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1148.43" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_agg_arguments_walker (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="123.1" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.14" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerForgetRelationRef (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="474.2" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="477.16" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayRemove (267 samples, 0.37%)</title><rect x="833.7" y="325" width="4.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="836.69" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1134.1" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.07" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_queries (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="597" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PostgresMain (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="853" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,190)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="863.5" >PostgresMain</text>
<g >
<title>schedule_hrtimeout_range (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1135.7" y="581" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,164,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1138.75" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="92.3" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.27" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="725" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformColumnRef (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1143.1" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.10" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="39.1" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.11" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (56 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1188.6" y="853" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.64" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitBitmapIndexScan (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1144.4" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.38" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.2" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.18" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scanNameSpaceForCTE (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="438.3" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="441.29" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_open (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="447.0" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,15219231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="449.97" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_equalList (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1141.2" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,81,87)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1144.15" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>swapfunc (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1050.2" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1053.15" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>xfs_file_llseek (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="67.0" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,192,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="70.03" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ep_poll (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.3" y="597" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,176,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.28" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>namestrcpy (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="407.1" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,81521574,170)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.14" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_free (1,551 samples, 2.12%)</title><rect x="448.0" y="405" width="25.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,153,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="450.95" y="415.5" >_..</text>
<g >
<title>get_tablespace_page_costs (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="91.5" y="293" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.54" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="365.1" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.10" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitAgg (406 samples, 0.56%)</title><rect x="1094.8" y="437" width="6.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1097.79" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="65.4" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.42" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PinBuffer (3,775 samples, 5.16%)</title><rect x="245.8" y="357" width="60.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,187)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="248.80" y="367.5" >PinBuf..</text>
<g >
<title>query_planner (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1142.6" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,170,14676556)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.62" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>planner (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="409.6" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,134290393494712)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="412.58" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_agg_clause_costs_walker.part.5 (125 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="50.7" y="373" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="53.73" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="356.3" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="359.33" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.5" y="517" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.49" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (51 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="432.1" y="373" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="435.06" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strcmp_sse42 (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="195.5" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,132,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.47" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apply_scanjoin_target_to_paths (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="26.9" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,54)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.88" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="87.4" y="229" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="90.40" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.3" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.26" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_timer (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="607.2" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,142,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.23" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_first (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="549" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1119.3" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1122.32" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="445.1" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="448.08" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="176.9" y="533" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.93" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>strtol (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="174.8" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,140,32)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.78" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="725" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="735.5" >plpgsql_call_hand..</text>
<g >
<title>numeric_add (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1113.0" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,12237018)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1115.96" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="12.9" y="869" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,162,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.89" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fetch_input_tuple (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1143.4" y="469" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.43" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1143.1" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.10" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[vmstat] (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1188.2" y="869" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,178,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.24" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_index_path (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1093.2" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1096.24" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_beginscan (50 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="329.6" y="405" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,597377,9537138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="332.59" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_baserel_size_estimates (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,220)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_sse2_pminub (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1129.8" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,132,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1132.76" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AcquireExecutorLocks (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="350.9" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.90" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="79.6" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,160)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="82.62" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_assign_value (124 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="179.1" y="533" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="182.12" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_lltoa (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1129.9" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,182)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1132.87" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetPrivateRefCountEntry (78 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="978.2" y="341" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="981.16" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_plan_refs (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="418.8" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="421.84" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_pmu_enable (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1181.3" y="613" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.32" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free_pgtables (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="461.7" y="245" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,177,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="464.72" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>restriction_selectivity (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="725" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,170,206)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="156.9" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="159.95" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__GI___libc_poll (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,119,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.16" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecForceStoreHeapTuple (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="500.9" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="503.88" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1089.4" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1092.42" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (132 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="50.6" y="389" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="53.62" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="21.4" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.43" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>is_redundant_with_indexclauses (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="91.4" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,81,153)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.43" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_entry (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="465.4" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,151,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="468.37" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="183.2" y="837" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,180,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.24" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__strlen_sse2_pminub (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1110.6" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,132,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1113.57" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="597" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mem_cgroup_try_charge (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="641.3" y="149" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,144,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="644.28" y="159.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sprintf (212 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="21.6" y="469" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,160,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.60" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[crond] (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,202,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.03" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>proc_reg_read (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.5" y="789" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.53" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="693" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="703.5" >exec_stmt</text>
<g >
<title>initscan (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="329.7" y="389" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,597377,9885519)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="332.73" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RelnameGetRelid (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_vsprintf (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="469" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,132,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecResult (175 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="485" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,140,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_opcode (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="103.0" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="106.02" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcmp_sse4_1 (49 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="186.5" y="405" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,151,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="189.49" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_bitmap_subplan (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="44.2" y="389" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.20" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="51.0" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="53.96" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_expression (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.5" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.53" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>systrim.isra.2 (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="182.7" y="821" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(252,167,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.65" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_delete_cell (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="496.7" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,160)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.69" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="423.1" y="357" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="426.13" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sbrk (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="182.7" y="789" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,132,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.65" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>native_flush_tlb_one_user (108 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="389.9" y="197" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,158,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="392.86" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="433.1" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="436.09" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="54.0" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="57.04" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iomap_write_begin.constprop.18 (40 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="15.7" y="677" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,181,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.70" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (503 samples, 0.69%)</title><rect x="323.8" y="469" width="8.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="326.84" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (618 samples, 0.85%)</title><rect x="480.9" y="325" width="10.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="483.94" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>path_put (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="397.8" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,142,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="400.85" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>call_function_single_interrupt (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1181.3" y="741" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,112,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.32" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="149.6" y="165" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,166,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="152.62" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>getstat (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1188.2" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,170,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.24" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mem_cgroup_try_charge (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="151.7" y="165" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,144,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="154.70" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CopySnapshot (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1126.5" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1129.45" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.16" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>leaps_thru_end_of (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="333.7" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(250,125,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="336.73" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_lock_irqsave (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="486.7" y="213" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,166,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="489.70" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_any (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="125.0" y="309" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,143)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.98" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_qsort (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="37.9" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,181,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.85" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_varattnos_walker (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="92.9" y="293" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,195)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.95" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCacheList (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="121.0" y="373" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="124.01" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAllocTableSlot (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="366.7" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="369.67" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TupleDescInitEntry (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="407.1" y="437" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,229,240)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.06" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_openrv_extended (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.39" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>____fput (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1136.1" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,119,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1139.08" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_cast_value (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="356.2" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="359.23" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalFrameEx (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="741" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_raw_spin_unlock_irqrestore (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="392.6" y="181" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,166,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="395.60" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_brk (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="398.8" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,167,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="401.78" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>syscall_return_via_sysret (406 samples, 0.56%)</title><rect x="399.1" y="357" width="6.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,167,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="402.07" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1144.8" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.83" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>entry_SYSCALL_64_after_hwframe (59 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="1188.6" y="869" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,196,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.60" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="175.3" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="178.28" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExprStillValid (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1090.4" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1093.45" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_pmu_enable (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="181" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.50" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_read (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="741" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,167,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.60" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf.4.14.35-18 (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="15.0" y="885" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,184,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.97" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>seq_read (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="677" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,163,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.60" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RegisterSnapshotOnOwner (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="407.8" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.82" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAgg (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="501" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PopActiveSnapshot (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="339.6" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="342.64" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_pmu_enable (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1176.4" y="597" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,184,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1179.38" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalCodeEx (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecTypeFromTLInternal (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1144.8" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.83" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_rel_size (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="805" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_execsql (1,258 samples, 1.72%)</title><rect x="349.0" y="533" width="20.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="352.05" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>swapper (889 samples, 1.22%)</title><rect x="1172.8" y="885" width="14.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,141,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1175.80" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (212 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="21.6" y="549" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.60" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>remote_function (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="245" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,184,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.50" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_pathtarget_cost_width (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="53.5" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="56.51" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_index_paths (830 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="79.9" y="357" width="13.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,112,136)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="82.86" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformStmt (122 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="35.3" y="485" width="1.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,213913721,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="38.27" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_agg_arg (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1099.0" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1102.05" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>intel_pmu_enable_all (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1181.3" y="581" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,164,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.32" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="424.1" y="309" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,160)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="427.13" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>event_function (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="229" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,165,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.50" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UndoLauncherMain (97 samples, 0.13%)</title><rect x="1134.9" y="709" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(73,234,241)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.91" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scalarineqsel (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="661" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__lru_cache_add (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="16.2" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,154,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.18" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (175 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="469" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_finish_mmu (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="462.3" y="245" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,130,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="465.35" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btint84cmp (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1165.8" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,131,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1168.81" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="741" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="725" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="735.5" >ExecScan</text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (34,369 samples, 47.00%)</title><rect x="534.5" y="421" width="554.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="537.55" y="431.5" >ExecScan</text>
<g >
<title>sys_epoll_ctl (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1133.9" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,167,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.91" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_oper_cache_key (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="125.9" y="357" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="128.88" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>namestrcpy (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="330.8" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,81521574,170)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.81" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetTransactionSnapshot (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="334.0" y="533" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,139)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="337.01" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nocachegetattr (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="88.7" y="261" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,110,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.73" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_any (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="185.3" y="389" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,143)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.30" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceArrayRemove (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1119.6" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1122.64" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="37.3" y="277" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.26" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_relation_info (770 samples, 1.05%)</title><rect x="56.8" y="373" width="12.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,170,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="59.78" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>btgetbitmap (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.4" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,51424,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.43" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>enqueue_task_fair (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1174.6" y="597" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,205,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1177.59" y="607.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_base_rels_to_query (805 samples, 1.10%)</title><rect x="56.2" y="405" width="13.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="59.22" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>find_vma (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="386.6" y="293" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,177,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="389.60" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__perf_event_enable (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,141,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.50" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_rte_attribute_type (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.4" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.38" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="95.0" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="97.98" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_query (138 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="453" width="2.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformTargetList (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="195.3" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,149,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="198.34" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exit_to_usermode_loop (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1134.6" y="629" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,142,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.57" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_event_mmap_output (184 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="136.2" y="133" width="3.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(234,184,31)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="139.23" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1090.2" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1093.22" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRun (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="821" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="831.5" >PortalRun</text>
<g >
<title>nocachegetattr (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,110,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.99" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>systemd (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.2" y="885" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,167,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.24" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (1,083 samples, 1.48%)</title><rect x="408.8" y="469" width="17.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="411.82" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>mcv_selectivity (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="111.6" y="229" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,167)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="114.63" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBuffer_common (567 samples, 0.78%)</title><rect x="808.6" y="357" width="9.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,198)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="811.61" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_int_malloc (1,640 samples, 2.24%)</title><rect x="127.8" y="309" width="26.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,153,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="130.80" y="319.5" >_..</text>
<g >
<title>llseek (66 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="183.8" y="853" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,98,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="186.80" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>swake_up_locked (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1178.9" y="613" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,141,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1181.88" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="360.6" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="363.57" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan_recurse (130 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="373" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MultiExecBitmapIndexScan (38 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,169)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fix_scan_expr_walker (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="417.5" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="420.52" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_oprrest (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="85.4" y="245" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="88.38" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_eval_var (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1124.9" y="453" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.93" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformExprRecurse (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="36.7" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.68" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_getroot (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="549" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_queries (598 samples, 0.82%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="485" width="9.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>apic_timer_interrupt (454 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="1174.0" y="741" width="7.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,134,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1176.99" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="429.8" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="432.80" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitBitmapIndexScan (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="38.5" y="421" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.48" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kthread (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1189.7" y="853" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,117,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1192.73" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecEvalStepOp (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1090.5" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1093.51" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cmp_var_common (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1124.8" y="421" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,70)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1127.76" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>anon_vma_interval_tree_insert (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="140.8" y="133" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,164,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="143.78" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>free_pgtables (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="484.7" y="261" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(244,177,43)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="487.73" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>examine_variable (51 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="19.1" y="245" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.10" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>float8pl (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="42.0" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,93,98)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="44.95" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan_recurse (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="411.3" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="414.26" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetSnapshotData (84 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="344.0" y="485" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(126,177,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="347.04" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cap_vm_enough_memory (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="134.1" y="165" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(246,99,45)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="137.06" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="187.9" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.90" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitFunc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="25.5" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.49" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (32 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="344.6" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="347.56" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>addRangeTableEntry (180 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="435.0" y="389" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="438.04" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="111.4" y="181" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="114.36" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReleaseCachedPlan (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1119.5" y="469" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,202)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1122.54" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>call_function_single_interrupt (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="607.5" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,112,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="610.50" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_bitmap_heap_path (58 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="78.2" y="357" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="81.23" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_var_from_var (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="180.2" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="183.22" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PostgresMain (9,120 samples, 12.47%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="805" width="147.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,190)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="815.5" >PostgresMain</text>
<g >
<title>heap_hot_search_buffer (3,807 samples, 5.21%)</title><rect x="838.0" y="373" width="61.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,597377,145)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="841.03" y="383.5" >heap_h..</text>
<g >
<title>palloc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="48.8" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="51.76" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>remove_useless_joins (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="32.6" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,51,203)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="35.56" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="725" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="735.5" >standard_ExecutorRun</text>
<g >
<title>transformColumnRef (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.4" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.38" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformColumnRef (53 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="126.9" y="373" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.90" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_qual_eval_node (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="33.6" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="36.61" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__isinf (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1109.0" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,125,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1112.01" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PostgresMain (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="837" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,190)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_parse_query (1,141 samples, 1.56%)</title><rect x="158.5" y="533" width="18.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="161.51" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="92.6" y="309" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="95.62" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>enqueue_task_fair (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1180.1" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,205,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1183.12" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="741" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionCall2Coll (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1165.7" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,31898427440)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1168.66" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="91.0" y="229" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="94.03" y="239.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_gather_path (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="50.4" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="53.44" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (138 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="363.3" y="405" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.26" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__mpn_mul_1 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1139.5" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,151,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.54" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>schedule (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="14.3" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,164,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.34" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iscsi_sw_tcp_pdu_xmit (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.1" y="757" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,155,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.07" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>anon_vma_clone (28 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="385.8" y="277" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,164,50)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="388.82" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformColumnRef (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="440.1" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="443.14" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_close (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="64.2" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.17" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>Py_Main (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="837" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,194,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.77" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="629" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_create (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="646.7" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="649.72" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (49,661 samples, 67.92%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="597" width="801.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="607.5" >exec_stmts</text>
<g >
<title>transformExpr (418 samples, 0.57%)</title><rect x="117.9" y="453" width="6.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.86" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_up_subqueries_recurse (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="425.5" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(97,175,195)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="428.54" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>numeric (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1112.6" y="453" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,143,362999539748942)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1115.56" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>intel_pmu_enable_all (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1176.5" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(230,164,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1179.49" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="424.9" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="427.86" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute_plan_with_paramlist (258 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="581" width="4.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>BuildCachedPlan (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="533" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeVar (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="65.8" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="68.84" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>prepare_to_swait_event (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1171.5" y="821" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,177,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1174.52" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>contain_volatile_functions_walker (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="331.4" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,72)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="334.39" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.5" y="325" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.53" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_plan_recurse (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>int84le (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="203.4" y="261" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,115,150)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="206.39" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="175.9" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="178.94" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocExtended (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.7" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.74" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lappend (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="436.1" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,156)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="439.12" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAcquire (74 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="1116.8" y="437" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1119.82" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_call_handler (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="709" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,172,13100431)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerForgetBuffer (448 samples, 0.61%)</title><rect x="830.8" y="341" width="7.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="833.77" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_beginscan_bitmap (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="38.5" y="405" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="41.48" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_eval_expr (152 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="332.5" y="549" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,90)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.54" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>StartBackgroundWorker (170 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1133.7" y="725" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(106,57,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1136.73" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PopActiveSnapshot (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1126.2" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1129.24" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextStrdup (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="372.1" y="501" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="375.14" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="837" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="447.1" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="450.08" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitQual (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1144.6" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.61" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_write (121 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="789" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,128,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.60" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PinBuffer (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="37.5" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,187)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.55" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_function_cost (36 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="54.2" y="373" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,170,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="57.15" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_proc_aclmask (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="365.3" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,50,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.27" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_qual_eval_walker (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="54.8" y="357" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="57.83" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_task_cpu (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1178.9" y="565" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,154,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1181.93" y="575.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__alloc_pages_nodemask (52 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="640.3" y="133" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,151,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="643.26" y="143.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="430.8" y="405" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="433.83" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CatalogCacheComputeHashValue (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="89.9" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="92.93" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iostat (132 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="10.4" y="885" width="2.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,162,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.36" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>bms_copy (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="81.4" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,58,60)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="84.44" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PopActiveSnapshot (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="345.4" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="348.42" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>deconstruct_array (190 samples, 0.26%)</title><rect x="106.2" y="197" width="3.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,52,80)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="109.24" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc0 (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="68.5" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,177)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="71.51" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MakeTupleTableSlot (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1098.1" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1101.13" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1094.1" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1097.14" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nocachegetattr (81 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="109.3" y="197" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,110,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="112.31" y="207.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>finalize_aggregate (79 samples, 0.11%)</title><rect x="154.3" y="485" width="1.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="157.30" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_simple_query (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="853" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitAgg (241 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="1144.2" y="469" width="3.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.20" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="1132.6" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.65" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt_block (922 samples, 1.26%)</title><rect x="25.0" y="661" width="14.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.02" y="671.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerRememberBuffer (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="967.4" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="970.40" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache3 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="113.2" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="116.21" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>func_parallel (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="414.2" y="293" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,132)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="417.21" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecIndexBuildScanKeys (66 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="155.9" y="421" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,138,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.87" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>release_pages (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="487.2" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(239,187,37)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="490.15" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>iov_iter_fault_in_readable (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="17.4" y="677" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,152,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="20.36" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="725" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dopr.constprop.2 (212 samples, 0.29%)</title><rect x="21.6" y="485" width="3.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,82)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="24.60" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="187.8" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.77" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (8,751 samples, 11.97%)</title><rect x="39.9" y="613" width="141.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="42.90" y="623.5" >exec_stmt</text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprSlots (30 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="365.5" y="405" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="368.49" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (455 samples, 0.62%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="549" width="7.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>reconsider_outer_join_clauses (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="32.3" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,81,199)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="35.30" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeExecutorState (71 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="496.0" y="453" width="1.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,99)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="499.01" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_scan_plan (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1140.7" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,70,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.75" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitNode (44 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="187.9" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="190.90" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_anonymous_page (101 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="639.9" y="165" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,189,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.86" y="175.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_var_clause (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="56.0" y="421" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.99" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>OverrideSearchPathMatchesCurrent (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1132.9" y="437" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,81693,176)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.92" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="126.5" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.48" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FreeExprContext (26 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="357.1" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,413214)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="360.10" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitScanTupleSlot (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1098.1" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1101.10" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalCodeEx (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1187.8" y="757" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.82" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>epoll_ctl (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1135.0" y="645" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,202,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.99" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ResourceOwnerRememberBuffer (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="305.9" y="341" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(198,189,205)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="308.93" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>subquery_planner (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="469" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (15 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="442.7" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.68" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInterpExpr (1,623 samples, 2.22%)</title><rect x="501.3" y="437" width="26.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,83,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="504.32" y="447.5" >E..</text>
<g >
<title>xfs_file_llseek (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="62.1" y="261" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,192,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="65.06" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>build_aggregate_finalfn_expr (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1098.9" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,64)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1101.94" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>generate_gather_paths (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="50.3" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,133)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="53.30" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorRun (175 samples, 0.24%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="501" width="2.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>UnregisterSnapshotFromOwner (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="408.5" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,242)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="411.53" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_plan_queries (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="517" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,183)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>spi_dest_startup (33 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1091.9" y="453" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.92" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignExprContext (27 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="362.7" y="437" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="365.70" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MultiExecBitmapIndexScan (5,862 samples, 8.02%)</title><rect x="552.4" y="389" width="94.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,169)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="555.36" y="399.5" >MultiExecBi..</text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextReset (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="371.7" y="501" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="374.72" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clauselist_selectivity (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="293" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,64,-382411437060680)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lcons (47 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="175.0" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,158)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.97" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>update_process_times (108 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="1175.0" y="645" width="1.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,150,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1178.04" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>seq_read (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="12.5" y="773" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,163,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="15.55" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="44.1" y="325" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="47.07" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>check_ungrouped_columns_walker (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="431.0" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,68)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="433.96" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>dopr.constprop.2 (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="176.9" y="469" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(54790,201,82)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="179.93" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>GetCachedPlan (153 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="1121.1" y="453" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,170,134)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1124.06" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_poll (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="15.2" y="805" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(229,167,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.16" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_exec_function (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="677" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__remove_hrtimer (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1180.8" y="629" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,135,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1183.77" y="639.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAlloc (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1119.1" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1122.09" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalCodeEx (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="773" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__rint_sse41 (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="104.6" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(227,135,24)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="107.63" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>raw_parser (1,141 samples, 1.56%)</title><rect x="158.5" y="517" width="18.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,991270719862,197)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="161.51" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_exit (59 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="464.2" y="277" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,151,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="467.20" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_page_from_freelist (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.9" y="581" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,170,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.91" y="591.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>clockevents_program_event (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1185.3" y="709" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,102,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1188.34" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>subquery_planner (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="549" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecMakeTableFunctionResult (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="773" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,86,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_planner (241 samples, 0.33%)</title><rect x="29.5" y="405" width="3.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,170,14676556)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.51" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fmgr_info_cxt_security (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="364.8" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,99)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="367.78" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_plan_refs (66 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="418.0" y="357" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="420.95" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_start_main (49,838 samples, 68.16%)</title><rect x="332.3" y="853" width="804.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,154,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="335.28" y="863.5" >__libc_start_main</text>
<g >
<title>__vma_adjust (43 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="482.0" y="261" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,122,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="485.04" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lru_add_drain (133 samples, 0.18%)</title><rect x="485.2" y="261" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,116,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="488.23" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_qual_conditions (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.5" y="389" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.53" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__libc_close (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1134.5" y="677" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(245,154,44)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.52" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ChoosePortalStrategy (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="407.5" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,68)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="410.53" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionCall4Coll (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="693" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,31915178131)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="703.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockBuffer (151 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="800.5" y="373" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,2156597)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="803.46" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRun (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="789" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="435.9" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="438.87" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_rte_attribute_type (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.2" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,138)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.17" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>run_rebalance_domains (21 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1179.2" y="677" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,156,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1182.17" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>text_to_cstring (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1104.0" y="453" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,241,234)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.96" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__audit_syscall_entry (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="490.6" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,151,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="493.64" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>table_open (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="69.0" y="357" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(68,12086,232)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="72.01" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="363.0" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="365.97" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tbm_comparator (552 samples, 0.75%)</title><rect x="1050.3" y="357" width="9.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,222,233)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1053.35" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>nameeqfast (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="36.3" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,170)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.27" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CatalogCacheComputeHashValue (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="156.7" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="159.66" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PredicateLockTid (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="898.8" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,175,192)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="901.78" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecAssignProjectionInfo (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="323.9" y="437" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,87,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="326.92" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_write (122 samples, 0.17%)</title><rect x="15.6" y="805" width="2.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,167,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.58" y="815.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcpy_ssse3_back (42 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1130.9" y="453" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1133.86" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CreateTemplateTupleDesc (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="406.7" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,229,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="409.69" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>colNameToVar (53 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="126.9" y="357" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,70)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="129.90" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="114.2" y="293" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="117.25" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>RegisterSnapshotOnOwner (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="350.3" y="469" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,201)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="353.26" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_getnext_slot (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="613" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_execute (869 samples, 1.19%)</title><rect x="25.6" y="549" width="14.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="28.62" y="559.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="95.8" y="357" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.75" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__handle_mm_fault (108 samples, 0.15%)</title><rect x="639.8" y="181" width="1.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,128,25)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="642.78" y="191.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smp_call_function_single_interrupt (136 samples, 0.19%)</title><rect x="1181.3" y="725" width="2.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,126,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1184.32" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecScan (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="645" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>query_planner (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="437" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,170,14676556)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>process_one_work (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.0" y="821" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,184,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.03" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>start_kernel (41 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="1186.5" y="821" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,156,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.47" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_rel_consider_parallel (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="75.7" y="389" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="78.68" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="445.1" y="405" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="448.10" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_seqscan_path (85 samples, 0.12%)</title><rect x="95.6" y="373" width="1.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,151,77)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="98.61" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_eval_var (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="42.5" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="45.50" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>find_vma (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="460.8" y="261" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(224,177,21)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="463.80" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_any (600 samples, 0.82%)</title><rect x="307.7" y="341" width="9.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,107,143)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="310.69" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>relation_open (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="26.0" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,98942,15219231)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="29.04" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfs_read (69 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="11.2" y="821" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,128,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="14.21" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[unknown] (70 samples, 0.10%)</title><rect x="476.4" y="341" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,180,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="479.39" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions_mutator (54 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="34.4" y="373" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.40" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>spi_dest_startup (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="360.3" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="363.34" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memmove_ssse3_back (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="177.8" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,151,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="180.81" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_param_compile (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="188.1" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.09" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>heap_tuple_untoast_attr (23 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="88.4" y="261" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,1805034,145)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="91.36" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_fix_scankey_strategy (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1150.7" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,133,62)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1153.66" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_plan_references (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="415.6" y="389" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="418.57" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>vfprintf (165 samples, 0.23%)</title><rect x="1137.0" y="453" width="2.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,137,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1140.02" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>assign_collations_walker (55 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="433.3" y="373" width="0.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,55)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="436.35" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tlb_flush_mmu (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="462.5" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,130,28)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="465.46" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>plpgsql_compile (157 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="185.1" y="437" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,188)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="188.07" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>HeapTupleSatisfiesVisibility (323 samples, 0.44%)</title><rect x="893.6" y="357" width="5.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(59,599291,145)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="896.57" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_planner (256 samples, 0.35%)</title><rect x="188.8" y="421" width="4.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.79" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>new_list (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="123.8" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,171)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="126.75" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_one_rel (159 samples, 0.22%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="421" width="2.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>fetch_input_tuple (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="677" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,96)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="687.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>tick_sched_handle (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="756.0" y="261" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,142,39)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="758.95" y="271.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache4 (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1161.3" y="517" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.29" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_epoll_create1 (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1134.1" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(231,167,29)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1137.08" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__sbrk (1,185 samples, 1.62%)</title><rect x="475.8" y="373" width="19.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,132,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="478.81" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitBitmapIndexScan (100 samples, 0.14%)</title><rect x="155.9" y="437" width="1.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.87" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_beginscan_internal (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1144.4" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.38" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformFromClauseItem (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1143.0" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1145.98" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ret_from_fork (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="13.0" y="869" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(236,162,34)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.03" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (5,177 samples, 7.08%)</title><rect x="672.7" y="357" width="83.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="675.65" y="367.5" >LWLockAtt..</text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (835 samples, 1.14%)</title><rect x="1148.1" y="757" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1151.11" y="767.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>do_syscall_64 (156 samples, 0.21%)</title><rect x="60.4" y="293" width="2.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,189,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="63.43" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_read (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="13.5" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,167,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="16.52" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_rel_pathlist (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="485" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,50,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>list_copy (9 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="420.1" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,1623125281314712,160)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="423.05" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cpu_startup_entry (839 samples, 1.15%)</title><rect x="1172.9" y="837" width="13.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,118,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1175.89" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformWhereClause (195 samples, 0.27%)</title><rect x="124.6" y="485" width="3.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.61" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SearchCatCache1 (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="112.7" y="309" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,219)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="115.65" y="319.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>get_oprrest (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="20.2" y="245" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,126,137)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="23.20" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CatalogCacheComputeHashValue (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="117.6" y="325" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.64" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>sys_read (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1188.3" y="741" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,167,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1191.27" y="751.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>perf_ioctl (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="15.4" y="773" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(232,184,30)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="18.39" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[iostat] (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="10.6" y="869" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(242,182,41)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.58" y="879.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="192.9" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="195.92" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ReadBufferExtended (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="37.2" y="325" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(121,61,14823127)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="40.24" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>is_pseudo_constant_clause_relids (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="85.8" y="245" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,153)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="88.85" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_plan_get_cached_plan (37 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1132.5" y="485" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1135.49" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformTargetEntry (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="36.4" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,149,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="39.38" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_IO_vsprintf (47 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="178.4" y="437" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,132,42)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="181.36" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PostgresMain (471 samples, 0.64%)</title><rect x="1140.5" y="821" width="7.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,173,190)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1143.49" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecShutdownNode (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1091.5" y="421" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,85,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1094.53" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pull_var_clause (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="29.3" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,241,196)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="32.35" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitExprRec (25 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="363.5" y="373" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="366.52" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>standard_ExecutorStart (182 samples, 0.25%)</title><rect x="155.6" y="533" width="2.9" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,229)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="158.58" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>has_subclass (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="422.7" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(78,160,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="425.68" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>palloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="117.2" y="293" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(3537,90,-354911973014429)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.23" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (667 samples, 0.91%)</title><rect x="225.9" y="341" width="10.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="228.92" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_grouping_rel (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="28.1" y="405" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,165)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="31.07" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>[crond] (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="10.0" y="837" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,202,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="13.03" y="847.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocExtended (236 samples, 0.32%)</title><rect x="642.8" y="293" width="3.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="645.76" y="303.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>smgrnblocks (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="64.0" y="341" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(132,200,224)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="66.98" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="56.0" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.99" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>add_rte_to_flat_rtable.isra.0 (24 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="415.9" y="357" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,52)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="418.92" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecBitmapHeapScan (39 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="533.8" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,135,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="536.84" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="441.2" y="341" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="444.16" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__vma_rb_erase (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="483.7" y="277" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(247,122,46)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="486.73" y="287.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="410.1" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,129,168)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="413.08" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>expression_tree_walker (14 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="55.8" y="405" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,136,452238107559)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="58.77" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_move_row (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="188.6" y="533" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="191.61" y="543.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="330.5" y="373" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="333.51" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitFunc (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="157.7" y="421" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,84,91)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="160.66" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>native_write_msr (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="1186.2" y="725" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(241,158,40)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1189.19" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>create_lateral_join_info (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="30.7" y="389" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,114,76)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="33.69" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>make_pathkeys_for_sortclauses (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="33.3" y="373" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,151,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="36.27" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LWLockAttemptLock (22 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="339.2" y="453" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,127,164)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="342.17" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>preprocess_expression (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="34.1" y="421" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,171,193)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="37.08" y="431.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>kvm_guest_apic_eoi_write (17 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1180.9" y="709" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(240,130,38)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1183.93" y="719.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>transformFromClauseItem (29 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="117.4" y="469" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,146,237)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="120.39" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>lru_cache_add (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="16.2" y="613" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(253,116,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="19.18" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>colNameToVar (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1143.1" y="357" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,70)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.10" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CopySnapshot (12 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="345.8" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(202,201,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="348.82" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (48 samples, 0.07%)</title><rect x="1139.7" y="821" width="0.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1142.68" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>index_open (59 samples, 0.08%)</title><rect x="64.3" y="357" width="1.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(61,111,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="67.32" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ExecInitResult (372 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="362.5" y="453" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,140,92)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="365.52" y="463.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>LockRelationOid (10 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="194.3" y="325" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,124,2160785)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="197.29" y="335.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>makeSimpleA_Expr (31 samples, 0.04%)</title><rect x="442.5" y="373" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(91,128,166)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="445.48" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>cost_index (46 samples, 0.06%)</title><rect x="18.3" y="405" width="0.7" height="15.0" fill="rgb(94,70,75)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="21.29" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>set_plan_refs (286 samples, 0.39%)</title><rect x="416.3" y="389" width="4.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(96,196,221)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="419.31" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__brk (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="182.7" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(237,148,35)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="185.65" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hash_search_with_hash_value (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="338.0" y="485" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(147,79,144)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="341.04" y="495.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>ineq_histogram_selectivity (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1168.4" y="645" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,147)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1171.44" y="655.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scalarineqsel (587 samples, 0.80%)</title><rect x="102.5" y="245" width="9.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(140,3110897741007309,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="105.55" y="255.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>__memcmp_sse4_1 (148 samples, 0.20%)</title><rect x="666.9" y="341" width="2.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(228,151,26)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="669.89" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CheckForSerializableConflictOut (66 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="892.5" y="357" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(129,175,67)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="895.51" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>pg_database_encoding_max_length (8 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="174.1" y="437" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(150,244,179)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="177.09" y="447.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>AllocSetAlloc (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="346.0" y="469" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(197,54,53)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="349.03" y="479.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PyEval_EvalFrameEx (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="14.6" y="725" width="0.4" height="15.0" fill="rgb(248,201,47)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="17.65" y="735.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>PortalRunSelect (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="821" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(135,175,189)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="831.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>uptrack-upgrade (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="1187.6" y="885" width="0.5" height="15.0" fill="rgb(251,138,51)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1190.56" y="895.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>eval_const_expressions (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="116.8" y="405" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(99,14498,89)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="119.83" y="415.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_relandgetbuf (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1160.7" y="517" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,132,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1163.66" y="527.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="789" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="799.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>TupleDescInitEntry (11 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1144.8" y="389" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(53,229,240)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1147.83" y="399.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>CatalogCacheComputeHashValue (7 samples, 0.01%)</title><rect x="19.3" y="213" width="0.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(142,62,66)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.30" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scanRTEForColumn (19 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1143.1" y="341" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1146.10" y="351.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>FunctionCall2Coll (16 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="104.3" y="213" width="0.2" height="15.0" fill="rgb(145,11509185,31898427440)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="107.29" y="223.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>SPI_freetuptable (13 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="1103.6" y="501" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(81,205,226)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1106.65" y="511.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>hrtimer_start_range_ns (20 samples, 0.03%)</title><rect x="1186.0" y="773" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(238,152,36)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1188.98" y="783.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmts (371 samples, 0.51%)</title><rect x="19.0" y="613" width="6.0" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="22.04" y="623.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>coerce_to_boolean (35 samples, 0.05%)</title><rect x="443.2" y="357" width="0.6" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,147,70)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="446.19" y="367.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>scanRTEForColumn (18 samples, 0.02%)</title><rect x="124.3" y="373" width="0.3" height="15.0" fill="rgb(101,148,218)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="127.32" y="383.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>exec_stmt (422 samples, 0.58%)</title><rect x="1161.6" y="853" width="6.8" height="15.0" fill="rgb(243,171,93)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1164.58" y="863.5" ></text>
<g >
<title>_bt_preprocess_keys (65 samples, 0.09%)</title><rect x="1150.0" y="533" width="1.1" height="15.0" fill="rgb(63,133,63)" rx="2" ry="2" />
<text x="1153.04" y="543.5" ></text>
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