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Modern Software Engineering

Knowledge and Education should be open and free. Hierarchy and Exploitation must be abolished.

  • Z. (down) Notes below. Avoid funnel sales, if you spent money, there's something wrong. Also don't forget good OpSec, self defense gears, and physical/mental strength.
  • A. (go) Development Environment (10 items) (Linux, Neovim, Dev Tools, Languages, Configs, Security, Dotfiles).
  • B. (go) Complementary Subjects (280 items) (Linguistics, English, Security, OpSec, Psychology, Anthropology, History, Philosophy, Economics, Business, Defense, Cooking, Xenology, Self Defense).
  • C. (go) Fundamentals of Science and Technology (133 items) (Logic, Physics (Classical/Quantum Mechanics, Thermodynamics, Electricity, Relativity, Electronics, Electromagnetism, Optoelectronic, Semiconductor, Fusion), Mathematics (Calculus, Linear Algebra, Statistics, Applied