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It's 2015 and we've all moved on from IRC, right? Wrong! Freenode (the largest FOSS focused IRC network) has over 80,000 users, and gains around 5000 new users every year. /r/DailyProgrammer, as awesome as it is, happens to have its very own IRC channel on freenode (#reddit-dailyprogrammer), but it's missing one thing: Bots.

The goal of this channel is to create an interactive IRC bot capable of performing one or more basic bot-like things.

import random
ID_AIR = 0
DEBUG = True
Macbeth := FileOpen("macbeth.txt", "r`r`n").Read() ; `r`n in the read options to normalize line endings to just "`n"
; Find which Act, scene, and dialog contains our phrase
; ---
; Replace multiple newlines with `r, which is not actually being used for anything.
; Makes it idea for a temporary separator. Then, split it based on `r (you can only
; split based on character, not based on string of characters)
Sections := StrSplit(RegExReplace(Macbeth, "\n{2,}", "`r"), "`r")
for each, Section in Sections
#NoEnv ; Don't try to pull variables from the environment (speeds things up)
SetBatchLines, -1 ; Don't pause between lines (also speeds things up)
Macbeth := Shakespeare.Writeth("Macbeth")
MsgBox, % Shakespeare.ReadethPassage(Macbeth.PassageThatContaineth("Eye of newt"))
class Shakespeare
static Phrases := StrSplit("Bated breath,Cold comfort,Devil incarnate,"
. "Elbow room,Faint hearted,Fancy-free,Flaming youth,Foregone conclusion,"
SetBatchLines, -1
Input := "13 743"
Start := A_TickCount
for each, Link in FindChain([2, 1], StrSplit(Input, " ")*)
Out .= ", " Link
Elapsed := A_TickCount - Start
MsgBox, % SubStr(Out, 3) "`n" Elapsed "ms"
G33kDude / BinClock.ahk
Created March 13, 2015 02:22
Binary clock
On := "●"
Off := "○"
Blank := " "
Gui, Color, Black
Gui, font, s12 cRed, Courier New
Gui, Add, Text, vDisplay, % MakeDisplay(On, Off, Blank)
Gui, +ToolWindow +E0x40000 +AlwaysOnTop
Gui, Show,, BinClock
SetTimer, UpdateDisplay, 1000
Input =
(LTrim0 C
60 30
linear 30 30 0 0
Gui, Font,, Courier New
Gui, Add, Edit, w640 h480, % GenerateGradient(Input)
Gui, Show
#SingleInstance, Force
SetBatchLines, -1
SetMouseDelay, 2
CoordMode, Mouse, Screen
; Start gdi+
If !pToken := Gdip_Startup()
MsgBox, 48, gdiplus error!, Gdiplus failed to start. Please ensure you have gdiplus on your system
Input =
Small := 32
Medium := 48
Large := 96
IconSize := Small
hDesktop := GetDesktop()
HalfW := A_ScreenWidth/2