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Web Development Immersive :: Pre-work Assessment


You have 60 minutes to complete this quiz - please open this form in a new tab and submit your answers there.


What would happen if someone entered the following command into the bash terminal? `rm -r ~/GA_Projects`
GA-MEB / gist:bd37be900a84855d236f
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02
Boston Installfest

Before you come in...


Last active August 29, 2015 14:21
WDI BOS-07 :: Project 2 Description

Project #2: Building Your First Full-Stack Application


This second project will be your first foray into building a full-stack application. You'll be building your first real back-end app, with a front-end to match, which means you'll learn about what it takes to build an API & use it.

At a high level, here are our goals for you in this project:

  • Build a single-page application (SPA) with basic user authentication that interacts with a custom API that you build
  • Build an app that can create, read, update, and delete data in a SQL database
  • Learn to create user stories and wireframes (before writing code) as part of planning out your app.

General Assembly Logo

This is a quick and dirty way of implementing CORS in a Rails app. DO NOT DO THIS IN A PROFESSIONAL SETTING

  1. Go to app/controllers/application_controller.rb and comment out the protect_from_forgery line.
  2. Go to your Gemfile and add the following line to the bottom : gem 'rack-cors', :require => 'rack/cors'
  3. Run bundle
  4. Go to config/application.rb and add the following code to the bottom of the Application class definition:

Project #3: Building Your Own API


Project 2 had you working with Ruby, SQL, and Rails to build a full-stack application that was bound together through an API. For Project 3, you'll be working in teams to build one of several exciting projects; for each of these projects, you'll be creating a back-end API that's built in Express and uses a combination of SQL (Postgres) and NOSQL (MongoDB) databases through, respectively, the Sequelize and Mongoose ORMs.

This project is meant to push you both technically and collaboratively. In many ways, it’s a lot harder to work in a team than to work by yourself, but that's most likely what you’re going to find yourself doing in your first development job after WDI, and it's important to learn how to work together.

At a high level, here's what we're looking for with this project, irre

Last active August 29, 2015 14:23
Project 1

Project #1: The Game


In our first project, let's start out with something fun - a game! Specifically, We'll be making Tic Tac Toe, a game that takes seconds to learn but minutes to master!

By the time you submit this project, you will have covered new ground in many of the big themes of the course:

  • Command Line: Interacting with the computer and navigating the filesystem from the command line.
  • Source Control: Managing and interacting with a git repository to store changes to code.
  • Programming Fundamentals: Working with objects, constructors, and events, while learning how to strategically solve problems and resolve errors.

Deploying Ember Apps based on the Ember Template to Github Pages

  1. Make sure that everything is named consistently (i.e. ember-template -> ember-deployment-example)
  2. If you haven't already, run npm install and bower install
  3. Update config/environment.js as follows:
if (environment === 'production') {
  ENV.baseURL = '/ember-deployment-example/';
ENV.locationType = 'hash';
Last active July 4, 2016 04:01
Python Setup
  1. brew install pyenv
  2. Open ~/.bashrc (or .bash_profile, on Linux) and add the following between the stuff for Rbenv and Git:
# Pyenv
export PYENV_ROOT=/usr/local/var/pyenv
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
  1. pyenv install 3.5.1 (or other version)

Lesson : Scope and Closures in Javascript


  • Pass by reference/value
  • Functions

Learning Objectives

  • Determine the value of a given variable using knowledge of functional scope.