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Katrina Knight GaeaKat

Working from home
  • Aberdeen, United Kingdom
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GameProfile profile = MinecraftServer.getServer().func_152358_ax().func_152655_a(username);
UUID uuid = null;
if (profile != null && profile.getId()!=null )
uuid = profile.getId();
uuid = EntityPlayer.func_146094_a(new GameProfile(null, username));
return uuid;
import net.minecraftforge.common.UsernameCache;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.UUID;
public class PlayerUtil {
C:\Users\Katrina\Documents\Work\paxtimer>gradlew build --stacktrace
Creating properties on demand (a.k.a. dynamic properties) has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 2.0. Please read for information on the replacement for dynamic properties.
Deprecated dynamic property: "runDir" on "root project 'paxtimer'", value: "eclipse/".
Powered By MCP:
Searge, ProfMobius, Fesh0r,
R4wk, ZeuX, IngisKahn, bspkrs
MCP Data version : unknown
package com.nekokittygames.zmachine.blorb.IFF;
import com.sun.javaws.exceptions.InvalidArgumentException;
* Single chunk in an IFF file, may contain more chunks
* Created by Katrina Swales on 09/02/2015.
* This class was created by <Vazkii>. It's distributed as
* part of the ThaumicTinkerer Mod.
* ThaumicTinkerer is Open Source and distributed under a
* Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License
* (
* ThaumicTinkerer is a Derivative Work on Thaumcraft 4.
* Thaumcraft 4 (c) Azanor 2012
[16:04:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting tracing printstreams for STDOUT/STDERR.
[16:04:03] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.7.10 loading
[16:04:03] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_67, running on Windows 8.1:amd64:6.3, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_67\jre
[16:04:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Java classpath at launch is C:/Minecraft/MultiMC/jars/NewLaunch.jar
[16:04:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Java library path at launch is C:/Minecraft/MultiMC/instances/1.7.10/natives
[16:04:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enabling runtime deobfuscation
[16:04:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FMLCorePlugin
[16:04:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.AccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
[16:04:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod FMLCorePlugin
[16:04:03] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FMLForgePlugin
[16:17:33] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Injecting tracing printstreams for STDOUT/STDERR.
[16:17:33] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.7.10 loading
[16:17:33] [main/INFO] [FML/]: Java is Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM, version 1.7.0_67, running on Windows 8.1:amd64:6.3, installed at C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_67\jre
[16:17:33] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Java classpath at launch is C:/Minecraft/MultiMC/jars/NewLaunch.jar
[16:17:33] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Java library path at launch is C:/Minecraft/MultiMC/instances/1.7.10/natives
[16:17:33] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enabling runtime deobfuscation
[16:17:33] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FMLCorePlugin
[16:17:33] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Added access transformer class cpw.mods.fml.common.asm.transformers.AccessTransformer to enqueued access transformers
[16:17:33] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Enqueued coremod FMLCorePlugin
[16:17:33] [main/DEBUG] [FML/]: Instantiating coremod class FMLForgePlugin
MultiMC version: 0.4.7
Minecraft folder is:
Java path is:
C:/Program Files/Java/jdk1.8.0_45/bin/javaw.exe
Java Arguments:
[-XX:HeapDumpPath=MojangTricksIntelDriversForPerformance_javaw.exe_minecraft.exe.heapdump, -Xms512m, -Xmx1024m, -Duser.language=en, -jar, C:/Minecraft/MultiMC/jars/NewLaunch.jar]
if (fakePlayer.getActivePotionEffects().size() > 1) {
foodCache.put(foodName.toLowerCase(), false);
return false;
Class<?> clazz=Class.forName("iguanaman.hungeroverhaul.HungerOverhaul");
Field fields=clazz.getField("potionWellFed");
Potion effect= (Potion)fields.get(null);
if(effect!=null) {
require 'rubygems'
require 'bundler/setup'
require 'cinch'
require 'yaml'
require 'pp'
require 'Proxifier'
require './app'
Dir[File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/libs/*'].each {|file| require file }