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GillesC / API tokens
Last active October 26, 2022 12:43
Session Stijn Wielandt
Bucket 1: 8KtxZHGarAcAFJdGhSJ0Gl-KmTqWqmrP6Tq5RvbmjvkZk7p0WLH9KIStedRD3au4cx3yY1VGpWGEyrdqh5ZAFQ==
Bucket 2: a7RzE69Aij03tsQP5YyB1vptJLvVoG4PR0o1ZSS7Ogn_p16ANWiOhzB5LjuWwMnw3YqvDgD6VPFvKQtIo2xZUw==
Bucket 3: fOy9Lqg4Uyek4SbFH3ANlo0g3qyUmwG8zrcQZdr-wnurC0DID9lHUKH_mDjWdxEMY2bL02T08Kmh9JQ-lSiQew==
Bucket 4: NFSpkLX0laz8RpD7ZSLL7EFzft7ABOx0F7LqkgKijEH86JRmtWgO8bJqs80bD2uXxRVASOpvSgdDzU_7BhFhsA==
Bucket 5: lOzOwcIPx_oRIByRLr9ewtclBZNE6_0WWU57dIgKItDVHdEAf9C6kLQpe7r1cjJI8uksBHPijJ7sm8YB2IQowA==
GillesC /
Last active May 13, 2022 21:07
____ ____ _ __ __ ____ ___
| _ \| _ \ / \ | \/ |/ ___/ _ \
| | | | |_) | / _ \ | |\/| | | | | | |
| |_| | _ < / ___ \| | | | |__| |_| |
|____/|_| \_\/_/ \_\_| |_|\____\___/
research group
KU Leuven - Technology Campus Gent,
GillesC / LaTex in VSCode + Scripts
Last active June 2, 2021 11:44
LaTex in VSCode + Helper Scripts
Group of snippets, settings and scripts to help in using LaTex for papers, thesis dissertations,...
GillesC / telegraf.conf
Created March 30, 2020 08:52
The Things Network MQTT consumer for Telegraf (Influx)
# output DB
urls = ["http://localhost:8086"]
database = "{database-name}"
username = ""
password = ""
retention_policy = ""
write_consistency = "any"
timeout = "5s"
ip4=$(/sbin/ip -o -4 addr list eth0 | awk '{print $4}' | cut -d/ -f1)
echo "Enter domainname: "
read domain
echo "Enter domaintoken: "
read token
curl "${domain}&token=${token}&ip=${ip4}" > /dev/null 2>&1
# ____ ____ _ __ __ ____ ___
# | _ \| _ \ / \ | \/ |/ ___/ _ \
# | | | | |_) | / _ \ | |\/| | | | | | |
# | |_| | _ < / ___ \| | | | |__| |_| |
# |____/|_| \_\/_/ \_\_| |_|\____\___/
# research group
GillesC / keybindings-latex-vscode.json
Created May 4, 2018 10:50
Keybindings and Snippets for adding snippets to VS Code in LaTex
"name":"Insert bold text"