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Back It Up
Dm Gm
Can't stop shakin'
The room has a groove and the floor
Dm Gm
It's almost earthquakin'
Dolly Parton – Jolene Lyrics
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
I'm begging of you please don't take my man
Jolene, Jolene, Jolene, Jolene
Please don't take him just because you can
Your beauty is beyond compare
With flaming locks of auburn hair
With ivory skin and eyes of emerald green
"Chocolate Jesus"
Don't go to church on Sunday
Don't get on my knees to pray
Don't memorize the books of the Bible
I got my own special way
But I know Jesus loves me
Maybe just a little bit more
If the rocks in the box
Get the water right down to your socks
This bulkhead's built of fallen brethren's bones
We all do what we can
We endure our fellow man
And we sing our songs to the headframe's creaks and moans
And it's one, two, three
On the wrong side of the lee
The writing credit for this song is sometimes attributed to Charles "Cow Cow"
Davenport, who recorded the piano solo
"Mama Don't Allow No Easy Riders Here" in 1929, but it seems
to be based on the earlier songs, "Mr. Crump Don't Allow No
Easy Riders" (from 1907) and "Mama Don't Allow No Low Down
Hangin' Around").
16 Tons
Some people say a man is made outta mud
A poor man's made outta muscle and blood
Muscle and blood and skin and bones
A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong
You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
16 Tons
Some people say a man is made outta mud
A poor man's made outta muscle and blood
Muscle and blood and skin and bones
A mind that's a-weak and a back that's strong
You load sixteen tons, what do you get
Another day older and deeper in debt
Sunny, yesterday my life was filled with rain
Sunny, you smiled at me and really eased the pain
The dark days are gone, and the bright days are here
My Sunny one shines so sincere
Sunny one so true, I love you
Sunny, thank you for the sunshine bouquet
Sunny, thank you for the love you brought my way
The Sound of Silence
Hello darkness, my old friend,
I've come to talk with you again,
Because a vision softly creeping,
Left its seeds while I was sleeping,
And the vision that was planted in my brain
Still remains
Within the sound of silence.
"The Boxer"
I am just a poor boy.
Though my story's seldom told,
I have squandered my resistance
For a pocketful of mumbles,
Such are promises
All lies and jest
Still, a man hears what he wants to hear
And disregards the rest.