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Gisleburt / Vagrantfile
Last active June 14, 2016 11:28
WIP: Attempting to bring up rancher server + rancher host
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby :
# Install required plugins
system "echo We will need your root access"
system "sudo echo Thankies!"
required_plugins = %w( vagrant-hostsupdater )
required_plugins.each do |plugin|
system "vagrant plugin install #{plugin}" unless Vagrant.has_plugin? plugin
Gisleburt / TestCase.php
Created October 21, 2015 15:32
Adding a method to PhpUnits TestCase to get any method from another class and return a closure that will call it with the provided arguments
abstract class TestCase extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase
* Gets returns a proxy for any method of an object, regardless of scope
* @param object $object Any object
* @param string $methodName The name of the method you want to proxy
* @return \Closure
Gisleburt / CloudFormationTemplateValidator.php
Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
AWS Cloud Formation Precommit Validation
* Class CloudFormationTemplateValidator
* @example
* echo 'Validating Cloud Formation Templates'.PHP_EOL;
* $hook = new CloudFormationTemplateValidator();
* $files = array_slice($argv, 1); // Get a list of files from arguments
* $files = $files ?: $hook->getFilesRecursively('/^.+\.json$/i', getcwd()); // ...or recursively from the working dir
* if(!$hook->validateCloudFormationTemplates($files)) {
Gisleburt / pre-commit
Last active May 10, 2016 14:53
A pre-commit script for my PHP project for Git
// Based on code by raphaelstolt and buddhamagnet
class PreCommitHook {
protected $green = "\033[0;32m";
protected $red = "\033[0;31m";
protected $reset = "\033[0m";

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am Gisleburt on github.
  • I am gisleburt ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 708F DF23 13E1 F651 A167 CB81 1E51 9AC2 539B 8E7E

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Gisleburt / FeatureContext.php
Created April 14, 2015 09:08
A possible method of E2E testing Aye Aye Api
namespace AyeAye\Tests\Behat;
use Behat\Behat\Context\Context;
use Behat\Behat\Context\SnippetAcceptingContext;
use Behat\Behat\Tester\Exception\PendingException;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\PyStringNode;
use Behat\Gherkin\Node\TableNode;
use Guzzle\Http\Client;
Gisleburt / AbstractBehatContex.php
Created October 17, 2014 14:19
Use Laravel's Artisan to set the fixtures for your tests
class AbstractBehatContext extends MinkContext {
* Slight hack to put beforeSuite code into beforeScenario
* @var bool
protected static $databaseReady = false;
* @BeforeScenario
Gisleburt /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:07
Starts / stops phantomjs webdriver on port 4444
mkdir ~/phantomjs 2> /dev/null
cd ~/phantomjs
if [ -e "" ]
echo Stopping webdriver
Gisleburt / Cache.php
Created September 17, 2014 09:37
An extremely simple key/value file cache for PHP
class Cache {
* The name of the cache file
* @var string
protected $cacheFile;
* The cache data
Gisleburt /
Created September 16, 2014 23:48
Start / Stop the PHP server (using router.php) in the background
if [ -e "" ]
echo Stopping server
kill `cat`
cat error.log
echo Starting server
php -S localhost:8000 router.php >> server.log 2> error.log &