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GnstheGrain / win78.reg
Created July 22, 2016 03:12 — forked from CHEF-KOCH/win78.reg
Windows 7 and 8 tweaks (all together)
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
;System Tweaks for Windows 7/8 2015 Edition
;Useful after a fresh Win installation
;Read the comments to see that will be changed and how you can optimize them
;No fucking "Tweak" tools needed....
;But if you still like tools, I recommend RSW (registry System Wizard .NET)
# Ever wonder what all those optional updates are? There's an easy way to find out.
# Step 1: Go to Control Panel > Windows Update > Show optional updates.
# Step 2: Select all the updates you want to find the title of, then copy the update details.
# Step 3: Remove all the cruft and only leave the links.
# Step 4: Replace http with https and /kb/xxx with /api/content/kb/xxx.
# Step 5: Save the list of links.
# Step 6: Open up an MSYS shell and do the following (replace the .txt files with your own):
# (note: this will require curl and perl)
while read fn; do curl $fn -Lso - | perl -l -0777 -ne 'print $1 if /<h1.*?title=\"(.*?)\".*?>.*?/si'; done < '/r/updates.txt' > /r/updates_new.txt