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// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (Document doc = Document.Load(Utilities.MapSourceFilePath(DocFilePath)))
TextFormattingSearchCriteria criteria = new TextFormattingSearchCriteria();
criteria.ForegroundColorRange = new ColorRange();
criteria.ForegroundColorRange.MinHue = -5;
criteria.ForegroundColorRange.MaxHue = 10;
criteria.ForegroundColorRange.MinBrightness = 0.01f;
criteria.ForegroundColorRange.MaxBrightness = 0.99f;
criteria.BackgroundColorRange = new ColorRange();
' For complete examples and data files, please go to
Using doc As WordsDocument = Document.Load(Of WordsDocument)(Utilities.MapSourceFilePath(FilePath))
For Each section As WordsSection In doc.Sections
For i As Object = section.Shapes.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
For Each fragment As Object In section.Shapes(i).FormattedTextFragments
If fragment.ForegroundColor = Color.Red AndAlso fragment.Font.FamilyName = "Arial" Then
Exit For
End If
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (WordsDocument doc = Document.Load<WordsDocument>(Utilities.MapSourceFilePath(FilePath)))
foreach (WordsSection section in doc.Sections)
for (var i = section.Shapes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
foreach (var fragment in section.Shapes[i].FormattedTextFragments)
if (fragment.ForegroundColor == Color.Red && fragment.Font.FamilyName == "Arial")
' For complete examples and data files, please go to
Using doc As DiagramDocument = Document.Load(Of DiagramDocument)(Utilities.MapSourceFilePath(FilePath))
For Each page As DiagramPage In doc.Pages
For i As Object = page.Shapes.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
For Each fragment As Object In page.Shapes(i).FormattedTextFragments
If fragment.ForegroundColor = Color.Red AndAlso fragment.Font.FamilyName = "Arial" Then
Exit For
End If
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (DiagramDocument doc = Document.Load<DiagramDocument>(Utilities.MapSourceFilePath(FilePath)))
foreach (DiagramPage page in doc.Pages)
for (var i = page.Shapes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
foreach (var fragment in page.Shapes[i].FormattedTextFragments)
if (fragment.ForegroundColor == Color.Red && fragment.Font.FamilyName == "Arial")
' For complete examples and data files, please go to
Using doc As SlidesDocument = Document.Load(Of SlidesDocument)(Utilities.MapSourceFilePath(FilePath))
For Each slide As SlidesSlide In doc.Slides
For i As Object = slide.Shapes.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
For Each fragment As Object In slide.Shapes(i).FormattedTextFragments
If fragment.ForegroundColor = Color.Red AndAlso fragment.Font.FamilyName = "Arial" Then
Exit For
End If
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (SlidesDocument doc = Document.Load<SlidesDocument>(Utilities.MapSourceFilePath(FilePath)))
foreach (SlidesSlide slide in doc.Slides)
for (var i = slide.Shapes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
foreach (var fragment in slide.Shapes[i].FormattedTextFragments)
if (fragment.ForegroundColor == Color.Red && fragment.Font.FamilyName == "Arial")
' For complete examples and data files, please go to
Using doc As CellsDocument = Document.Load(Of CellsDocument)(Utilities.MapSourceFilePath(FilePath))
For Each section As CellsWorksheet In doc.Worksheets
For i As Object = section.Shapes.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
For Each fragment As Object In section.Shapes(i).FormattedTextFragments
If fragment.ForegroundColor = Color.Red AndAlso fragment.Font.FamilyName = "Arial" Then
Exit For
End If
// For complete examples and data files, please go to
using (CellsDocument doc = Document.Load<CellsDocument>(Utilities.MapSourceFilePath(FilePath)))
foreach (CellsWorksheet section in doc.Worksheets)
for (var i = section.Shapes.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
foreach (var fragment in section.Shapes[i].FormattedTextFragments)
if (fragment.ForegroundColor == Color.Red && fragment.Font.FamilyName == "Arial")
' For complete examples and data files, please go to
Using doc As WordsDocument = Document.Load(Of WordsDocument)(Utilities.MapSourceFilePath(FilePath))
' Replace hyperlink
doc.Sections(0).Shapes(0).Hyperlink = ""
' Remove hyperlink
doc.Sections(0).Shapes(1).Hyperlink = Nothing