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H-Bo214 /
Last active December 16, 2019 16:42
Professional Capstone

What is your greatest strength and how do you know?

My greatest strength would be my ability to learn and adapt to new concepts. I was previously employed by a long term care company that offered great opportunities for advancement and growth. I started out answering phones as a Claims Customer Service Representative. After a couple of years, I accepted a position as a Licensing Specialist in the Contracts and Licensing department. The following year, I was promoted to Claims Examiner. Another year passed and I advanced to a Claims Eligibility Specialist role. Despite all of these positions having very different processes and procedures, I was able to overcome challenges by learning and adapting to the specific needs of each department.

How do you work best?

I work best in an environment that is structured and promotes collaboration. At my previous job I had a mentor, as well several mentees myself. I believe having the ability to discuss scenarios and next steps with my peers was extremely benefic

What role does empathy play in your life and how has it helped you?

I generally tend to get along with everyone I meet, and I think being empathetic and having an open mind plays a big part in that. Taking the time to listen to others puts them at ease and allows them to open up and build trust. Practicing this has helped me become a better individual and it’s rewarding to know that people feel I truly understand them. It’s been beneficial to both my personal and professional relationships. This level of trust can only be achieved through empathy.

How does empathy help you build better software?

Without empathy, one can develop preconceived notions on what a user needs. It’s easy to look at the business or personal need and automatically assume you know exactly what to do to achieve the end goal. This way of thinking is limited and can result in missed opportunities for innovation. Practicing empathy allows you to see beyond your own point of view and ultimately understand the needs of your user base

H-Bo214 /
Created March 30, 2020 17:29
Magic 8 ball pseudo code

Create html & CSS for Magic 8 ball.

Create a query Selector for the magic 8 ball display.

Create an event listener on the parent element of the 8 ball that triggers the event on a click.

Create an eventHandler function to invoke the function in your listener upon the click.

Create an array of magic 8 ball responses.

React Router Prework

This gist contains a short assignment I'd like everyone to complete before our formal lesson. The prework involves reading some of the React Router documentation, and will allow us to keep the lesson more hands on.


  1. Fork this gist
  2. On your own copy, go through the listed readings and answer associated questions
  3. Comment a link to your forked copy on the original gist

Questions / Readings