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Last active June 29, 2024 11:46
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Some experiments with approximations of the binary logarithm
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"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"from enum import Enum\n",
"from functools import partial\n",
"from time import perf_counter_ns\n",
"import struct\n",
"import numpy as np\n",
"from matplotlib import pyplot as plt\n",
"import pandas as pd\n",
"plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] = 'xx-small'\n",
"plt.rcParams['axes.labelsize'] = 'xx-small'\n",
"plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] = 'xx-small'\n",
"plt.rcParams['legend.fontsize'] = 'xx-small'"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"class ApproximationKind(Enum):\n",
" Cordic5 = \"CORDIC algorithm (5 steps)\"\n",
" Cordic10 = \"CORDIC algorithm (10 steps)\"\n",
" Horner3 = \"Horner Fitted Polynomial (3rd degree)\"\n",
" Horner4 = \"Horner form Taylor (4th degree, around 3/2)\"\n",
" Horner5 = \"Horner form Taylor (5th degree, around 3/2)\"\n",
" Taylor3 = \"Fitted polynomial (3rd degree)\"\n",
" Taylor4 = \"Taylor (4th degree, around 3/2)\"\n",
" TaylorBen = \"Taylor (4th degree, around 3/2, Ben)\"\n",
" CubicBen = \"Cubic Polynomial (Ben)\"\n",
" CubicBen2 = \"Cubic Polynomial (Benv2)\"\n",
" Wikipedia = \"Wikipedias algorithm\"\n",
" IEEE1973 = \"Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol6 - A note on base-2 logarithm computations\"\n",
" Sun = \"Sun's Algorithm\"\n",
" Sun2 = \"An attempt at bettering Suns Algorithm\"\n",
"# Add approximation kinds to this list to exclude from the graphs below.\n",
"ignored_kinds = [ApproximationKind.CubicBen,ApproximationKind.Cordic5, ApproximationKind.Cordic10, ApproximationKind.TaylorBen, ApproximationKind.Wikipedia, ApproximationKind.IEEE1973]\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"def float_to_int(f):\n",
" bits = struct.pack(\">f\", f)\n",
" return struct.unpack(\">i\", bits)[0]\n",
"def int_to_float(i):\n",
" bits = struct.pack(\">l\", i)\n",
" return struct.unpack(\">f\", bits)[0]\n",
"def as_0_dot(i):\n",
" if (i == 0):\n",
" return 0.\n",
" return int_to_float(i | (126 << 23))\n",
"def mantissa(f_bits):\n",
" return f_bits & 0b111_1111_1111_1111_1111_1111\n",
"def exponent(f_bits):\n",
" return (f_bits >> 23) & 0xFF\n",
"CORDIC_LUT = np.array([\n",
" np.arctanh(2**-i) for i in range(0, 20)\n",
"def cordic_log(a, N=5):\n",
" x = a + 1\n",
" y = a - 1\n",
" z = 0\n",
" for i in range(1, N+1):\n",
" sigma = -1 if y >= 0 else 1\n",
" x, y, z = \\\n",
" x + sigma * 2.**(-i) * y,\\\n",
" y + sigma * 2.**(-i) * x,\\\n",
" z - sigma * np.arctanh(2.**(-i))\n",
" # hyperbolic cordic does not converge, unless we repeat some iterations\n",
" if i % 3 == 1 and i != 1:\n",
" sigma = -1 if y >= 0 else 1\n",
" x, y, z = \\\n",
" x + sigma * 2**(-i) * y,\\\n",
" y + sigma * 2**(-i) * x,\\\n",
" z - sigma * CORDIC_LUT[i]\n",
" # z requires no scaling factor\n",
" return 2 * z\n",
"def wiki_log(y, N=5):\n",
" #\n",
" res = 0\n",
" factor = 1\n",
" for _ in range(N):\n",
" # I think we can loosen this to the residual accuracy from the exponent\n",
" if y == 1:\n",
" return res\n",
" # I think this can be LUTed\n",
" m = 1\n",
" z = y**2\n",
" while (z < 2):\n",
" z = z**2\n",
" m += 1\n",
" res += factor * 2**-m\n",
" factor *= 2**-m\n",
" y = z/2\n",
" return res\n",
"def ieee_log(p, N=16):\n",
" # Fig. 1\n",
" X = 0.\n",
" a = p\n",
" d = 1.\n",
" for _ in range(N):\n",
" d *= 0.5\n",
" if a >= np.sqrt(2):\n",
" X = X\n",
" a = a*a\n",
" else:\n",
" X = X + d\n",
" a = 0.5 * a*a\n",
" return X\n",
"def my_log(x, approximation_kind: ApproximationKind = ApproximationKind.Horner4):\n",
" # only for x in [1, 2)\n",
" # other wise we need to extract the exponent first and add it later back in\n",
" log_approx = 0\n",
" match approximation_kind:\n",
" case ApproximationKind.Cordic5:\n",
" # the CORDIC algorithm\n",
" # - gives the natural log, so we need to divide by ln2\n",
" # - \"works\" for values until 1.11817 so we need to rescale and offset\n",
" log_approx = cordic_log(x/2, N=5) / np.log(2) + 1\n",
" case ApproximationKind.Cordic10:\n",
" log_approx = cordic_log(x/2, N=10) / np.log(2) + 1\n",
" case ApproximationKind.Horner4:\n",
" # Taylor 4 - Horner form\n",
" log_approx = x * \\\n",
" (x * (x * (0.569953 - 0.0712442 * x) - 1.92359) + 3.84718) - 2.42065\n",
" case ApproximationKind.Horner5:\n",
" # Taylor 5 - Horner form\n",
" log_approx = x * (x * (x * ((0.0379969 * x - 0.356221)\n",
" * x + 1.42488) - 3.20599) + 4.80898) - 2.70919\n",
" case ApproximationKind.Taylor4:\n",
" # Taylor 4 expansion around 1.5\n",
" # 0.584963 + 0.961797 (x - 1.5) - 0.320599 (x - 1.5)^2 + 0.142488 (x - 1.5)^3 - 0.0712442 (x - 1.5)^4 + 0.0379969 (x - 1.5)^5 + O((x - 1.5)^6)\n",
" log_approx = 0.584963 \\\n",
" + 0.961797 * (x - 1.5) \\\n",
" - 0.320599 * (x - 1.5)**2 \\\n",
" + 0.142488 * (x - 1.5)**3 \\\n",
" - 0.0712442 * (x - 1.5)**4\n",
" case ApproximationKind.TaylorBen:\n",
" # Other Taylor 4 expansion @BenW\n",
" log_approx = 0.5849625007211562 \\\n",
" + 0.9617966939259757 * (x - 1.5) \\\n",
" - 0.32059889797532526 * (x - 1.5)**2 \\\n",
" + 0.07124419955007229 * (x - 1.5)**3 \\\n",
" - 0.011874033258345379 * (x - 1.5)**4\n",
" case ApproximationKind.Taylor3:\n",
" # Taylor 3\n",
" log_approx = -2.56284771631110 + 4.19641546493297 * x - 2.23432594978817 * \\\n",
" x**2 + 0.688101329132870 * x**3 - 0.0873431279665709 * x**4\n",
" case ApproximationKind.Horner3:\n",
" # Taylor 3 - Horner form\n",
" log_approx = x * (x * ((0.688101329132870 - 0.0873431279665709 * x)\n",
" * x - 2.23432594978817) + 4.19641546493297) - 2.56284771631110\n",
" case ApproximationKind.CubicBen:\n",
" # cubic polynomial @BenW\n",
" log_approx = ((0.1640425613334453 * x - 1.098865286222745)\n",
" * x + 3.1482979293341167) * x - 2.2134752044448174\n",
" case ApproximationKind.CubicBen2:\n",
" # log_approx = 0.158417795204953*x**3 - 1.05624538905285*x**2 + 3.05981160072389*x - 2.16198400687597\n",
" log_approx = x * ((0.158417795204953 * x - 1.05624538905285)\n",
" * x + 3.05981160072389) - 2.16198400687597\n",
" case ApproximationKind.Wikipedia:\n",
" log_approx = wiki_log(x)\n",
" case ApproximationKind.IEEE1973:\n",
" log_approx = ieee_log(x)\n",
" case ApproximationKind.Sun:\n",
" inverted = False\n",
" if x > 1.4142135623730951: # x > 2 ** 0.5\n",
" inverted = True\n",
" x = 2 / x\n",
" s = (x - 1) / (x + 1)\n",
" # ln((1 + s) / (1 - s)) == ln(x)\n",
" s2 = s ** 2\n",
" high_approx = s2 * (0.6666666666666735130 +\n",
" s2 * (0.3999999999940941908 +\n",
" s2 * (0.2857142874366239149 +\n",
" s2 * (0.2222219843214978396 +\n",
" s2 * (0.1818357216161805012 +\n",
" s2 * (0.1531383769920937332 +\n",
" s2 * 0.1479819860511658591))))))\n",
" # ln(x) == 2 * s + s * high_approx\n",
" # log2(x) == log2(e) * ln(x)\n",
" log_approx = (2 * s + s * high_approx) * 1.4426950408889634\n",
" if inverted:\n",
" log_approx = 1 - log_approx\n",
" case ApproximationKind.Sun2:\n",
" inverted = False\n",
" if x > 1.4142135623730951: # x > 2 ** 0.5\n",
" inverted = True\n",
" x = 2 / x\n",
" s = (x - 1) / (x + 1)\n",
" # ln((1 + s) / (1 - s)) == ln(x)\n",
" x = s\n",
" ln_x = ((((((((((0.20648070736812757) * x + 0.13066699109344074) * x + 0.022150386402575082) * x + 0.28244084277102227) * x + 0.00030798663557106616) * x + 0.3999814902548139) * x + 6.911444214085853e-07) * x + 0.6666666516447267) * x + 1.672133310190813e-10) * x + 1.9999999999992746) * x + 5.199913861897819e-16\n",
" # log2(x) == log2(e) * ln(x)\n",
" log_approx = ln_x * 1.4426950408889634\n",
" if inverted:\n",
" log_approx = 1 - log_approx\n",
" return log_approx\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"xs = np.linspace(1, 2, 1_000)\n",
"ys1 = np.log2(xs)\n",
"# plt.plot(xs, ys1, label=\"std\")\n",
"used_kinds = [x for x in ApproximationKind if x not in ignored_kinds]\n",
"for kind in used_kinds:\n",
"\tys2 = np.vectorize(partial(my_log, approximation_kind=kind))(xs)\n",
"\tplt.plot(xs, ys2-ys1, label=kind.value)\n",
"plt.legend(loc=\"upper left\")"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"xs = np.linspace(1, 2, 1_000_000)\n",
"ys1 = np.log2(xs)\n",
"fig, axs = plt.subplots(3, 2, sharex=True, sharey=True)\n",
"axs = list(axs.flatten())\n",
"# fig.set_dpi(500)\n",
"stat_labels = (\"Absolute Mean Error\", \"Max Abs Error\", \"RMSE\")\n",
"df = pd.DataFrame(columns=(\"Kind\" , *stat_labels, 'Duration (ms)'))\n",
"stats = []\n",
"durations = []\n",
"i = 0\n",
"ax = axs.pop()\n",
"for kind in used_kinds:\n",
" start = perf_counter_ns()\n",
" ys2 = np.vectorize(partial(my_log, approximation_kind=kind))(xs)\n",
" duration_ns = perf_counter_ns() - start\n",
" diff = ys2 - ys1\n",
" ax.plot(xs, diff, label=f\"Error: {kind.value}\")\n",
" stats.append((abs(diff.mean()), abs(diff).max(), np.sqrt((diff ** 2).mean())))\n",
" durations.append(duration_ns/1000_000)\n",
" (mean, maxabs, rmse), duration = stats[-1], durations[-1]\n",
" df = pd.concat(\n",
" (df,\n",
" pd.DataFrame(({\n",
" 'Kind':kind.value,\n",
" 'Absolute Mean Error':mean,\n",
" 'Max Abs Error':maxabs,\n",
" 'RMSE':rmse,\n",
" 'Duration (ms)':duration\n",
" },))), ignore_index=True)\n",
" i += 1\n",
" if i % 1 == 0 and len(axs) != 0:\n",
" ax.legend()\n",
" ax = axs.pop()\n",
"df = df.set_index('Kind')\n",
"stats = np.array(stats)\n",
"width = 0.09\n",
"multiplier = -2\n",
"x = np.arange(len(stat_labels))\n",
"statfig, stats_ax = plt.subplots()\n",
"duration_ax = stats_ax.twinx()\n",
"duration_ax.set_ylabel(\"ms\", color=\"g\")\n",
"duration_ax.tick_params(axis='y', labelcolor=\"g\")\n",
"stats_ax.set_xticks(np.arange(len(stat_labels)+1) +\n",
" width, [*stat_labels, \"Duration\"])\n",
"for kind, kind_stats, duration in zip(used_kinds, stats, durations):\n",
" offset = width * multiplier\n",
" rects = + offset, kind_stats, width, label=kind.value)\n",
" rects =[len(stat_labels) + offset],\n",
" [duration], width, label=kind.value)\n",
" duration_ax.bar_label(rects, padding=3, fontsize=\"xx-small\", color=\"k\")\n",
" multiplier += 1\n",
"stats_ax.legend(loc='upper left')\n"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"xs = np.linspace(1, 2, 1_000)\n",
"ys1 = np.log2(xs)\n",
"ys2 = np.vectorize(partial(my_log, approximation_kind=ApproximationKind.Sun))(xs)\n",
"plt.plot(xs, ys2-ys1, label=ApproximationKind.Sun.value)"
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