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Green Hornet HoneyIsMoney

  • buzzing around xDAI
View GitHub Profile
## What is Aave
Aave is a decentralized non-custodial money market protocol where users can participate as depositors or borrowers. Depositors provide liquidity to the market to earn a passive income, while borrowers can borrow in an overcollateralized (perpetually) or undercollateralized (one-block liquidity) fashion (ie flash loan)
## How does it work (user perspective)
users deposit tokens into the protocol, they receive an hToken token in return. this hToken then accrues interest. further, when depositing, users can enable there deposit to be used as collateral and use this to borrow other assets. this is functionally equivalent to offering leverage facility, for example, if a user deposits HNY, they can then use that as collateral to borrow DAI and buy more HNY.
## How does this benefit 1Hive
currently, we have Honeyswap, which allows users to trade on xDAI with super low fees. The total fees generated in HoneySwap are rather low, and as such we have subsidised liquidity providers by allowing them to f
HoneyIsMoney / README.txt
Created February 28, 2021 08:14
Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
Remix example project is present when Remix loads very first time or there are no files existing in the File Explorer.
It contains 3 directories:
1. 'contracts': Holds three contracts with different complexity level, denoted with number prefix in file name.
2. 'scripts': Holds two scripts to deploy a contract. It is explained below.
3. 'tests': Contains one test file for 'Ballot' contract with unit tests in Solidity.
HoneyIsMoney / README.txt
Created February 28, 2021 08:18
Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
Remix example project is present when Remix loads very first time or there are no files existing in the File Explorer.
It contains 3 directories:
1. 'contracts': Holds three contracts with different complexity level, denoted with number prefix in file name.
2. 'scripts': Holds two scripts to deploy a contract. It is explained below.
3. 'tests': Contains one test file for 'Ballot' contract with unit tests in Solidity.
address Payout HNY
0xb78afc3695870310e7c337afba7925308c1d946f 11.328
0xd7828a5b29e4ed87b4867061985b8ac1146d37fe 9.506
0xfa849619e9d240877f6a47b354934217250f1821 7.278
0xb3522064694ac9870dbf00eebc2712762193bb64 4.408
0x0f11796c594c7bdacf600bbd46f10d2aed2a37b5 4.402
0x0bd1454fa01dd11bf6646bf8bc17a3e48fda3734 3.358
0x7b11dba3c2fbba701d881e0e881d08d9655ab56f 2.657
0x3dfb65035f2648cf5d8ef6ded2694b01509fc408 1.564
0x64423ba257b031284e4456c85d48f9db258249e9 1.209
address Payout Agave
0xb78afc3695870310e7c337afba7925308c1d946f 43.440
0xd7828a5b29e4ed87b4867061985b8ac1146d37fe 36.816
0xfa849619e9d240877f6a47b354934217250f1821 28.713
0xb3522064694ac9870dbf00eebc2712762193bb64 18.277
0x0f11796c594c7bdacf600bbd46f10d2aed2a37b5 18.254
0x0bd1454fa01dd11bf6646bf8bc17a3e48fda3734 14.456
0x7b11dba3c2fbba701d881e0e881d08d9655ab56f 11.910
0x3dfb65035f2648cf5d8ef6ded2694b01509fc408 7.934
0x64423ba257b031284e4456c85d48f9db258249e9 6.642
import ethers from 'ethers';
import abi from 'web3-eth-abi';
import pkg from 'web3-utils';
const { keccak256 } = pkg;
import {private_key } from '../.config.mjs';
// main function
const run = async () => {
// 1. setup signer
const Web3 = require("web3");
const ethers = require("ethers");
const ethProvider = require("eth-provider");
const abi = require("web3-eth-abi");
const pkg = require("web3-utils");
const { keccak256 } = pkg;
// Settings
const lendingPool = "";
const voting = "";

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const {ethers} = require('ethers')
const BN = ethers.BigNumber
const alvinAddress = '0x50DBde932A94b0c23D27cdd30Fbc6B987610c831'
const fromBlock = 14834211
const toBlock = 18032324
const ZERO_ADDRESS = '0x' + '0'.repeat(40)
const rpc = ''
HoneyIsMoney / .deps...npm...@openzeppelin...contracts...access...Ownable.sol
Created March 6, 2022 09:03
Created using remix-ide: Realtime Ethereum Contract Compiler and Runtime. Load this file by pasting this gists URL or ID at
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// OpenZeppelin Contracts v4.4.1 (access/Ownable.sol)
pragma solidity ^0.8.0;
import "../utils/Context.sol";
* @dev Contract module which provides a basic access control mechanism, where
* there is an account (an owner) that can be granted exclusive access to