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Htbaa / rest-tstream.bmx
Created March 12, 2010 21:15
rest.mod TStream example
Local request:TRESTRequest = New TRESTRequest
Local stream:TStream = WriteStream("Moose-0.99.tar.gz")
Local response:TRESTResponse = request.Call("", Null, "GET")
Htbaa / sources.json
Created March 13, 2010 23:17
Maximus sources example
Htbaa / .perltidyrc
Created July 21, 2010 12:13
# Perl Best Practices (plus errata) .perltidyrc file
-l=98 # Max line width is 98 cols
-i=4 # Indent level is 4 cols
-ci=4 # Continuation indent is 4 cols
#-st # Output to STDOUT
-se # Errors to STDERR
-vt=2 # Maximal vertical tightness
-cti=0 # No extra indentation for closing brackets
-pt=1 # Medium parenthesis tightness
-bt=1 # Medium brace tightness
Htbaa / .gvimrc
Last active February 16, 2024 10:23
" NOTE: a separate .vimrc is required for vim-plug:
" Many thanks to
"set guifont="Droid Sans Mono:h10:b:cANSI"
"set guifont=Consolas:h10:b:cANSI
set number " always show line numbers
set smartindent
set hlsearch " highlight search terms
Htbaa / .gitconfig
Created April 27, 2011 10:31
[mergetool "kdiff3"]
path = C:/Program Files (x86)/KDiff3/KDiff3.exe
tool = kdiff3
autocrlf = true
# safecrlf = true
trustctime = false
editor = vi
Htbaa / calendar-eightysix-mootools-1.3.patch
Created May 18, 2011 09:19
Patch for Calendar EightySix 1.1 to support MooTools 1.3
--- C:/Users/christiaan/Downloads/calendar-eightysix-v1.1/js/calendar-eightysix-v1.1.js Sun Apr 25 19:02:52 2010
+++ P:/klantendossier/release/www/layout/js/calendar-eightysix-v1.1-uncompressed.js Wed May 18 11:12:02 2011
@@ -79,11 +79,11 @@
//Create the currect selected date
- if($defined(this.options.defaultDate))
+ if(this.options.defaultDate != null)
this.selectedDate = new Date().parse(this.options.defaultDate).clearTime();
- else if(this.options.linkWithInput && $chk('value')))
Htbaa / .gitignore
Created September 3, 2011 20:05
BlitzMax Indexer
Htbaa / console_sinus.cs
Created October 26, 2011 10:21
Drawing a sinus with Console.WriteLine
static void PrimitieveSinus()
var positions = from x in Enumerable.Range(0,79)
select new { x, y = (int)(Math.Sin(x) * 2) };
positions = positions.OrderBy(p => p.y).ThenBy(p => p.x);
var y_pos = positions.GroupBy(p => p.y).Select(p => p.Key);
foreach (int y in y_pos)
Htbaa /
Created August 9, 2012 17:13
Validation::Class woes
package Foo;
use Validation::Class;
field 'foobar' => {
required => 1,
filters => 'numeric', # Comment this one out to make it work
default => [1,2],
package main;
Htbaa / maximus_mojo_dbi.patch
Created August 11, 2012 10:56
Patch for to use DBI instead of DBIx::Class. Doesn't lower memory usage though!
diff --git script/ script/
index 161c349..f0c7373 100644
--- script/
+++ script/
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ use lib "./lib";
use local::lib;
use Mojolicious::Lite;
use Config::Any;
-use Maximus::Schema;
+use DBI;