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Created October 12, 2023 10:57
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GTK3 css
/* GTK3 */
Generated with Gradience
Issues caused by theming should be reported to Gradience repository, and not to upstream
@define-color accent_color rgb(125, 196, 228);
@define-color accent_bg_color #f4dbd6;
@define-color accent_fg_color rgb(24, 25, 38);
@define-color destructive_color rgb(238, 153, 160);
@define-color destructive_bg_color rgb(237, 135, 150);
@define-color destructive_fg_color rgb(24, 25, 38);
@define-color success_color rgb(166, 218, 149);
@define-color success_bg_color rgb(139, 213, 202);
@define-color success_fg_color rgb(24, 25, 38);
@define-color warning_color rgb(245, 169, 127);
@define-color warning_bg_color rgb(238, 212, 159);
@define-color warning_fg_color rgb(24, 25, 38);
@define-color error_color rgb(238, 153, 160);
@define-color error_bg_color rgb(237, 135, 150);
@define-color error_fg_color rgb(24, 25, 38);
@define-color window_bg_color rgb(36, 39, 58);
@define-color window_fg_color rgb(202, 211, 245);
@define-color view_bg_color rgb(30, 32, 48);
@define-color view_fg_color rgb(202, 211, 245);
@define-color headerbar_bg_color rgb(24, 25, 38);
@define-color headerbar_fg_color rgb(202, 211, 245);
@define-color headerbar_border_color rgb(110, 115, 141);
@define-color headerbar_backdrop_color @window_bg_color;
@define-color headerbar_shade_color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36);
@define-color sidebar_bg_color rgb(24, 25, 38);
@define-color sidebar_fg_color rgb(202, 211, 245);
@define-color sidebar_border_color rgb(110, 115, 141);
@define-color sidebar_backdrop_color @window_bg_color;
@define-color sidebar_shade_color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36);
@define-color card_bg_color rgb(30, 32, 48);
@define-color card_fg_color rgb(202, 211, 245);
@define-color card_shade_color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.36);
@define-color dialog_bg_color rgb(30, 32, 48);
@define-color dialog_fg_color rgb(202, 211, 245);
@define-color popover_bg_color rgb(30, 32, 48);
@define-color popover_fg_color rgb(202, 211, 245);
@define-color shade_color rgba(0,0,0,0.36);
@define-color scrollbar_outline_color rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
@define-color blue_1 #99c1f1;
@define-color blue_2 #62a0ea;
@define-color blue_3 #3584e4;
@define-color blue_4 #1c71d8;
@define-color blue_5 #1a5fb4;
@define-color green_1 #8ff0a4;
@define-color green_2 #57e389;
@define-color green_3 #33d17a;
@define-color green_4 #2ec27e;
@define-color green_5 #26a269;
@define-color yellow_1 #f9f06b;
@define-color yellow_2 #f8e45c;
@define-color yellow_3 #f6d32d;
@define-color yellow_4 #f5c211;
@define-color yellow_5 #e5a50a;
@define-color orange_1 #ffbe6f;
@define-color orange_2 #ffa348;
@define-color orange_3 #ff7800;
@define-color orange_4 #e66100;
@define-color orange_5 #c64600;
@define-color red_1 #f66151;
@define-color red_2 #ed333b;
@define-color red_3 #e01b24;
@define-color red_4 #c01c28;
@define-color red_5 #a51d2d;
@define-color purple_1 #dc8add;
@define-color purple_2 #c061cb;
@define-color purple_3 #9141ac;
@define-color purple_4 #813d9c;
@define-color purple_5 #613583;
@define-color brown_1 #cdab8f;
@define-color brown_2 #b5835a;
@define-color brown_3 #986a44;
@define-color brown_4 #865e3c;
@define-color brown_5 #63452c;
@define-color light_1 #ffffff;
@define-color light_2 #f6f5f4;
@define-color light_3 #deddda;
@define-color light_4 #c0bfbc;
@define-color light_5 #9a9996;
@define-color dark_1 #77767b;
@define-color dark_2 #5e5c64;
@define-color dark_3 #3d3846;
@define-color dark_4 #241f31;
@define-color dark_5 #000000;
.navigation-sidebar {
background-color: rgb(36, 39, 58);
@import 'colors.css';
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