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In chrome open settings -> show advanced settings -> content settings -> all cookies and site data ...
then find your domains and subdomains and delete them.
Create new database
mysql -u root -proot
Create db:
# database_name is value for database key in database.yml
create database database_name;
Import db:
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In overrides/confirmations_controller.rb:
module Overrides
class ConfirmationsController < DeviseTokenAuth::ConfirmationsController
def create
unless params[:email]
return render json: {
success: false,
errors: ['You must provide an email address.']

Set key

check keys in VM cd ~/.ssh/ then ls -la

key = yogain.pem(for_yoga_in) or yoga-api(for yoga_service_api) first copy to key to or folder

~/$ cp ~/ayurvedain.pem . Put key in VM

put annoonces_yoga_in.sql and annoonces_ayurveda.sql in yoga_service_api folder

Create database:

Go to mysql console, from command line mysql -u root or mysql -u root -p run command for creating mysql database create database database_name

Import db:

leave mysql console

da bi ispratio greske na serveru:

yogain@stage1:~/projects/yogain/staging/web/current$ tail -f log/staging.log

da bi restart-ovao server:

yoga-api@stage2:~/projects/yoga-api/staging/web/current$ touch tmp/restart.txt

kreiranje samplefile:
