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Yaroslaff Fedin Inviz

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var DependencyManager = new Class({
Implements: [Chain],
initialize: function(doc) {
var constructor = this.using.bind(this)
this.manager = this
this.document = $pick(doc, document)
if (!DependencyManager.aliases) DependencyManager.aliases = {}
if (!DependencyManager.dependencies) DependencyManager.dependencies = {}
resources :tables do
match('/', :method => :options).to(:action => "LLLL")
OPTIONS /tables/ -> No routesm match the request
= pseudo-button
:cursor pointer
:text-decoration none
:white-space nowrap
= button(!path = false, !height = 34, !padding = 8, !offset = 4)
@if !path
+semi-liquid-background(!path, !height, !padding)
@if !offset > 0
> span > span
Params: {"person_profile"=>{"city"=>"Boston", "work_phone"=>"+1 234 567 890", "country"=>"Russia", "birthday"=>"February 26, 1978", "site"=>"", "organization"=>"Orwik", "mobile_phone"=>"+1 234 567 891"}, "format"=>nil, "person"=>{"name"=>"Yaroslaff Fedin", "email"=>""}, "teaching"=>{"0"=>{"from"=>"12 dec, 2007", "university"=>"Harvard", "to"=>"Jan 2008"}, "1"=>{"from"=>"Whhwhwh", "university"=>"Lol", "to"=>"laflalfalfaf"}}, "action"=>"update", "_method"=>"put", "id"=>"2e55b704-7dc2-48c1-b10f-0d082dff9b6f", "controller"=>"people"}
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user www www;
worker_processes 1;
pid /opt/local/var/run/;
error_log /opt/local/var/log/nginx/error.log info;
events {
worker_connections 16;
Moobber = new Class({
options: {
server: '',
transport: {
clazz: Xmpp4Js.Transport.BOSH,
endpoint: "/http-bind/"
account: null
var PDFViewer = new Class({
Extends: Swiff,
options: {
path: "/flashes/pdfviewer.swf",
onLoad: fires on swf load
onReady: viewer is ready and loaded first few pages (happens on startup)
onRequest: started loading something (e.g. starting a new page) (viewer is busy),