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Iss-in / config
Created November 14, 2020 04:23
Rofi config log
rofi usage:
rofi [-options ...]
Command line only options:
-no-config Do not load configuration, use default values.
-v,-version Print the version number and exit.
-dmenu Start in dmenu mode.
-display [string] X server to contact.
-h,-help This help message.
Iss-in / config
Created November 14, 2020 04:28
Rofi logs
rofi usage:
rofi [-options ...]
Command line only options:
-no-config Do not load configuration, use default values.
-v,-version Print the version number and exit.
-dmenu Start in dmenu mode.
-display [string] X server to contact.
-h,-help This help message.
Iss-in / config.rasi
Created November 14, 2020 04:31
Rofi logs
* Author : Aditya Shakya (adi1090x)
* Mail :
* Github : @adi1090x
* Reddit : @adi1090x
configuration {
00:00:00.000 [INFO] [sway/main.c:346] Sway version 1.5-e9fa9821 (Jan 31 2021, branch 'master')
00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] Linux kushy-pc 5.10.9-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Tue, 19 Jan 2021 22:06:06 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:170] Contents of /etc/lsb-release:
00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] LSB_VERSION=1.4
00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] DISTRIB_ID=Arch
00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] DISTRIB_RELEASE=rolling
00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Arch Linux"
00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:170] Contents of /etc/os-release:
00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] NAME="Arch Linux"
00:00:00.003 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"
# Default config for sway
# Copy this to ~/.config/sway/config and edit it to your liking.
# Read `man 5 sway` for a complete reference.
### Variables
# Logo key. Use Mod1 for Alt.
set $mod Mod4
[2021-01-31 23:50:33.471] [info] Resources files: /home/kushy/.config/waybar/config, /home/kushy/.config/waybar/style.css
[2021-01-31 23:50:58.504] [debug] Output detected: eDP-1 (Unknown 0x046F)
[2021-01-31 23:50:58.514] [warning] module battery#bat2: Disabling module "battery#bat2", No battery named BAT2
[2021-01-31 23:50:58.515] [warning] For a functional tray you must have libappindicator-* installed and export XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP=Unity
[2021-01-31 23:50:58.534] [debug] GTK widget tree:
Iss-in / sway.log
Created February 1, 2021 10:50
sway log
00:00:00.000 [INFO] [sway/main.c:346] Sway version 1.5-e9fa9821 (Jan 31 2021, branch 'master')
00:00:00.008 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] Linux kushy-pc 5.10.11-arch1-1 #1 SMP PREEMPT Wed, 27 Jan 2021 13:53:16 +0000 x86_64 GNU/Linux
00:00:00.008 [INFO] [sway/main.c:170] Contents of /etc/lsb-release:
00:00:00.008 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] LSB_VERSION=1.4
00:00:00.008 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] DISTRIB_ID=Arch
00:00:00.008 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] DISTRIB_RELEASE=rolling
00:00:00.008 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Arch Linux"
00:00:00.008 [INFO] [sway/main.c:170] Contents of /etc/os-release:
00:00:00.008 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] NAME="Arch Linux"
00:00:00.008 [INFO] [sway/main.c:154] PRETTY_NAME="Arch Linux"
Iss-in / config
Last active February 2, 2021 10:39
// "layer": "top", // Waybar at top layer
// "position": "bottom", // Waybar position (top|bottom|left|right)
"height": 30, // Waybar height (to be removed for auto height)
// "width": 1280, // Waybar width
// Choose the order of the modules
//"modules-left": ["sway/workspaces", "sway/mode", "custom/media"],
//"modules-center": ["sway/window"],
//"modules-right": [ "idle_inhibitor", "pulseaudio", "network", "cpu", "memory", "temperature", "backlight", "battery", "battery#bat2", "clock", "tray"],
Iss-in / log
Created February 5, 2021 17:10
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
[2021-02-05 00:00:25.892 +05:30] [WRN] [34] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.HttpListenerHost: HTTP Response 204 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:00.5721829. ""
[2021-02-05 00:00:35.976 +05:30] [WRN] [113] Emby.Server.Implementations.HttpServer.HttpListenerHost: HTTP Response 204 to "". Time (slow): 0:00:00.65371. ""
[2021-02-05 00:00:46.983 +05:30] [ERR] [94] Emby.Dlna.Main.DlnaEntryPoint: Error sending socket message from "" to ""
System.Net.Sockets.SocketException (101): Network is unreachable
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.DoBeginSendTo(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, EndPoint endPointSnapshot, SocketAddress socketAddress, OverlappedAsyncResult asyncResult)
at System.Net.Sockets.Socket.BeginSendTo(Byte[] buffer, Int32 offset, Int32 size, SocketFlags socketFlags, EndPoint remoteEP, AsyncCallback callback, Object state)
at Em
➜ ~ 2021-05-05 14:57:03,152 | INFO | ulauncher: main() | Ulauncher version 5.11.0
2021-05-05 14:57:03,152 | INFO | ulauncher: main() | Extension API version 2.0.0
2021-05-05 14:57:03,152 | INFO | ulauncher: main() | GTK+ 3.24.29
2021-05-05 14:57:03,153 | INFO | ulauncher: main() | Is Wayland: True
2021-05-05 14:57:03,153 | INFO | ulauncher: main() | Wayland compatibility: on
2021-05-05 14:57:03,169 | DEBUG | __init__() | consider using a pythonic name instead of design name 'input-box'
2021-05-05 14:57:03,172 | DEBUG | do_connect() | connect builder by name 'ulauncher_window','destroy', 'on_destroy'
2021-05-05 14:57:03,172 | DEBUG | do_connect() | connect builder by name 'ulauncher_window','focus_in_event', 'on_focus_in_event'
2021-05-05 14:57:03,172 | DEBUG | do_connect() | connect builder by name 'ulauncher_window','focus_out_event', 'on_focus_out_event'
2021-05-05 14:57:03,173 | DEBUG |