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soulmachine /
Last active June 5, 2024 21:41
How to deal with JWT expiration?

First of all, please note that token expiration and revoking are two different things.

  1. Expiration only happens for web apps, not for native mobile apps, because native apps never expire.
  2. Revoking only happens when (1) uses click the logout button on the website or native Apps;(2) users reset their passwords; (3) users revoke their tokens explicitly in the administration panel.

1. How to hadle JWT expiration

A JWT token that never expires is dangerous if the token is stolen then someone can always access the user's data.

Quoted from JWT RFC:

fay59 / Quirks of
Last active January 23, 2024 04:24
Quirks of C

Here's a list of mildly interesting things about the C language that I learned mostly by consuming Clang's ASTs. Although surprises are getting sparser, I might continue to update this document over time.

There are many more mildly interesting features of C++, but the language is literally known for being weird, whereas C is usually considered smaller and simpler, so this is (almost) only about C.

1. Combined type and variable/field declaration, inside a struct scope []

struct foo {
   struct bar {
 int x;
munificent / generate.c
Last active May 14, 2024 05:30
A random dungeon generator that fits on a business card
#include <time.h> // Robert Nystrom
#include <stdio.h> // @munificentbob
#include <stdlib.h> // for Ginny
#define r return // 2008-2019
#define l(a, b, c, d) for (i y=a;y\
<b; y++) for (int x = c; x < d; x++)
typedef int i;const i H=40;const i W
=80;i m[40][80];i g(i x){r rand()%x;
}void cave(i s){i w=g(10)+5;i h=g(6)
+3;i t=g(W-w-2)+1;i u=g(H-h-2)+1;l(u
devonestes / with_example.ex
Created February 8, 2020 16:55
Further refactoring of a with statement
# Step 1
def create_subscription(email, plan_id, payment_method_id) do
with %User{customer_id: nil, name: name} = user <-
Repo.get_by(User, email: email),
{:ok, %Stripe.Customer{id: customer_id}} <-
name: name,
email: email,
payment_method: payment_method_id,