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dependencies {
testImplementation 'io.github.ivanshafran:shared-preferences-mock:1.2.4'
allprojects {
repositories {
class AnimatedGameObject(
private val bitmaps: List<Bitmap>,
private val duration: Long
) {
fun getBitmap(timeInMillis: Long): Bitmap {
val mod = timeInMillis % duration
val index = (mod / duration.toFloat()) * bitmaps.size
return bitmaps[index.toInt()]
private val scorePaint = Paint(Paint.ANTI_ALIAS_FLAG).apply {
color = Color.GREEN
textSize = context.resources.getDimension(R.dimen.score_size)
private var score: Int = 0
private var scorePoint = PointF()
private fun initializeScore() {
val bounds = Rect()
scorePaint.getTextBounds("0", 0, 1, bounds)
val scoreMargin = resources.getDimension(R.dimen.score_margin)
// Move the cake off the screen right away
private fun initializeCake() {
cakeSize = height / 8
private fun moveCakeToStartPoint() {
// Choose a random position
cakeRect.left = width + width * Random.nextFloat()
cakeRect.right = cakeRect.left + cakeSize
// Choose a random line
private var playerSize = 0
private var playerRect = RectF()
// Initialize size depending on screen size
private fun initializePlayer() {
playerSize = height / 4
playerRect.left = playerSize / 2f
playerRect.right = playerRect.left + playerSize
// Saving emotion flags
private var flags: EmotionFlags
// Inside
public class FaceDetectorProcessor extends VisionProcessorBase<List<Face>> {
public static class Emotion {
public final float smileProbability;
public final float leftEyeOpenProbability;
public final float rightEyeOpenProbability;
public Emotion(float smileProbability, float leftEyeOpenProbability, float rightEyeOpenProbability) {
this.smileProbability = smileProbability;
this.leftEyeOpenProbability = leftEyeOpenProbability;
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN"/>
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER"/>
val image: FirebaseVisionImage
try {
val uri = Uri.fromFile(imageFile)
image = FirebaseVisionImage.fromFilePath(context, uri)
val detector: FirebaseVisionTextRecognizer = FirebaseVision.getInstance().onDeviceTextRecognizer
val task = detector.processImage(image)
.addOnSuccessListener { result ->
val text = result.text
.addOnFailureListener { error ->
package com.abbyy.rtr.ui.sample.imagecapture.flexicapture;
import org.junit.Rule;
import org.junit.Test;
import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch;
import okhttp3.Call;
import okhttp3.Callback;