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jackgris / build.gradle
Last active December 30, 2015 06:49
Gradle configuration file, for projects in Android Studio: Frameworks: * Guava * JUnit * Robolectric * ActionBarSherlock * GreenDao src/test : this folder is for the tests with Robolectric and JUnit src/src-gen: this folder is for manage the project for greenDao Remember for run the tests, on the folder of the project: gradlew test
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url ''
dependencies {
classpath ''
classpath 'com.squareup.gradle:gradle-android-test-plugin:0.9.1-SNAPSHOT'
jackgris / instalarbbcascade.txt
Created August 29, 2013 03:36
Instalar el entorno de desarrollo de Blackberry 10 Cascade en ArchLinux
This document describes how to setup Qt 4.8.x and the BlackBerry NDK 2.x to deploy Qt applications to a PlayBook. Arch Linux (x64) was used, though you should be able to follow a similar process for any modern Linux distribution. Much of this information was taken from the QNX page on I'm assuming that the normal QtSDK (Qt and QtCreator) are being used for development.
Setup and Install
Install Qt 4.8.x for Linux (ie, Qt for the dev machine)
Qt should be an available package for your distribution. If you don't already have it, install it.
Install Qt-Creator (should also be an available package).
Download and install Java
The BlackBerry NDK requires a 32-bit JRE. For 64 bit Arch, there's a bin32-jre AUR package available. Make sure to use the latest PKGBUILD (attached in the comments section of the preceding link). You'll also need the lib32-gtk2 package. For 64 bit Ubuntu, you only need the ia32-libs package (See the BBNDK release notes for more info). If you're running 32-bit linux, you on