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Created February 24, 2020 06:25
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JIT Loader
if(!Lock){var Lock=function(){var locks={};var normalize_namespace=function(name){return("c"+name).replace(/[^a-z0-9\-\_]/gi,"")};return{declare:function(){for(var i=0;i<arguments.length;i++){if(!locks[normalize_namespace(arguments[i])]){locks[normalize_namespace(arguments[i])]=new Array()}}},obtain:function(space){var lock=new Object();space=normalize_namespace(space);if(!locks[space]){throw"Namespaces must be declared before getting into locks.";}locks[space].push(lock);if(locks[space][0]===lock){locks[space]=[locks[space][0]]}var lock_obj={isOwner:function(){return(locks[space][0]===lock)},release:function(){if(locks[space][0]===lock){locks[space]=new Array()}}};return lock_obj}}}()}if(!JIT){var JIT=function(){var pending={};var script_ids={};var script_id_counter=0;var lock_owner=null;var script_id_prefix="jit-gen";var loaded_scripts={};var IEVersion=/*@cc_on function(){switch(@_jscript_version){case 1.0:return 3;case 3.0:return 4;case 5.0:return 5;case 5.1:return 5;case 5.5:return 5.5;case 5.6:return 6;case 5.7:return 7}}()||@*/0;var document_head=null;var LOCK_WRITING_TO_DOM="JIT_dom_write";var LOCK_DOM_CLEANUP="JIT_dom_clean";var LOCK_GET_SEQUENCE_ID="JIT_sequence_id";Lock.declare(LOCK_GET_SEQUENCE_ID,LOCK_WRITING_TO_DOM,LOCK_DOM_CLEANUP);var generateId=function(){script_id_counter++;return script_id_prefix+script_id_counter};var detectLoadedScripts=function(){var script_nodes=document.getElementsByTagName("script");var css_nodes=document.getElementsByTagName("link");for(var i=0;i<script_nodes.length;i++){var node=script_nodes[i];if(!node.src||node.src.length==0){continue}loaded_scripts[normalizeScriptPath(node.src)]=true}for(var j=0;j<css_nodes.length;j++){var node=css_nodes[j];if(!node.href||node.href.length==0||!node.rel||node.rel.toString().toLowerCase()!="stylesheet"||!node.type||node.type.toString().toLowerCase()!="text/css"){continue}loaded_scripts[normalizeScriptPath(node.href)]=true}};var normalizeScriptPath=function(path){return"s"+escape(path)};var handleLoad=function(urls,verifier,callback,obj,scope,type,once){if(!document.body){window.setTimeout(function(){handleLoad(urls,verifier,callback,obj,scope,type,once)},50);return}var lock=Lock.obtain(LOCK_GET_SEQUENCE_ID);if(!lock.isOwner()){window.setTimeout(function(){handleLoad(urls,verifier,callback,obj,scope,type,once)},10);return}if(!document_head){document_head=document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0]}var sequence_id=generateId();pending[sequence_id]={};script_ids[sequence_id]=[];detectLoadedScripts();lock.release();urls=(urls.constructor===Array)?urls:[urls];if(!verifier||typeof(verifier)!="function"){verifier=function(){return true}}pending[sequence_id]={urls:urls,verifier:verifier,callback:callback,obj:obj,scope:scope,type:type,once:once,lock:lock};if(once){var urls_to_load=[];for(var i=0;i<urls.length;i+=1){var loaded=(loaded_scripts[normalizeScriptPath(urls[i])])?true:false;if(!loaded){urls_to_load.push(urls[i])}}if(urls_to_load.length<=0){loadComplete(sequence_id);return}urls=urls_to_load;pending[sequence_id]={urls:urls,verifier:verifier,callback:callback,obj:obj,scope:scope,type:type,once:once,lock:lock}}if(type=="js"){insertScripts(urls,sequence_id)}else if(type=="css"||(type.match(/^css/i)&&type=="css"+IEVersion)){insertStyles(urls,sequence_id)}else{lock.release();JIT.scriptsComplete(sequence_id)}};var insertStyles=function(urls,sequence_id){urls=urls.constructor===Array?urls:[urls];var node;for(var i=0;i<urls.length;i+=1){var sc_id=generateId();node=document.createElement('link');;node.href=urls[i];node.rel="stylesheet";node.type="text/css";"screen";writeNode(node)}if(IEVersion){node.onreadystatechange=function(){if(this.readyState=='loaded'||this.readyState=='complete'){JIT.scriptsComplete(sequence_id)}}}else{var sc_id=generateId();script_ids[sequence_id].push(sc_id);var smart_script=document.createElement('script');;smart_script.type="text/javascript";smart_script.appendChild(document.createTextNode("JIT.scriptsComplete('"+sequence_id+"');"));writeNode(smart_script)}if(pending[sequence_id]){pending[sequence_id].lock.release()}};var insertScripts=function(urls,sequence_id){urls=urls.constructor===Array?urls:[urls];var script;for(var i=0;i<urls.length;i+=1){var sc_id=generateId();script_ids[sequence_id].push(sc_id);script=document.createElement('script');;script.src=urls[i];script.type="text/javascript";writeNode(script)}if(!script){if(pending[sequence_id]){pending[sequence_id].lock.release()}return}if(IEVersion){script.onreadystatechange=function(){if(this.readyState=='loaded'||this.readyState=='complete'){JIT.scriptsComplete(sequence_id)}}}else{var sc_id=generateId();script_ids[sequence_id].push(sc_id);var smart_script=document.createElement('script');;smart_script.type="text/javascript";smart_script.appendChild(document.createTextNode("JIT.scriptsComplete('"+sequence_id+"');"));writeNode(smart_script)}if(pending[sequence_id]){pending[sequence_id].lock.release()}};var writeNode=function(node){var timer=null;var retry_in=100;var processWrite=function(){var lock=Lock.obtain(LOCK_WRITING_TO_DOM);if(!lock.isOwner()){timer=window.setTimeout(processWrite,retry_in);return}window.clearTimeout(timer);timer=null;document_head.appendChild(node);lock.release()};timer=window.setTimeout(processWrite,retry_in)};var loadComplete=function(sequence_id,lock){if(!pending[sequence_id]){return}if(!lock){var lock=Lock.obtain(LOCK_DOM_CLEANUP)}if(!lock.isOwner()){window.setTimeout(function(){loadComplete(sequence_id)},10);return}if(pending[sequence_id].verifier&&!pending[sequence_id]{window.setTimeout(function(){loadComplete(sequence_id,lock)},100);return}if(pending[sequence_id]){pending[sequence_id].lock.release()}detectLoadedScripts();if(script_ids[sequence_id]){while(script_ids[sequence_id].length>0){var sc_id=script_ids[sequence_id].shift();var script=document.getElementById(sc_id);script.parentNode.removeChild(script)}script_ids[sequence_id]=null}if(pending[sequence_id]&&pending[sequence_id].callback){if(pending[sequence_id].obj){if(pending[sequence_id].scope){pending[sequence_id][sequence_id].obj)}else{pending[sequence_id],pending[sequence_id].obj)}}else{pending[sequence_id]}}pending[sequence_id]=null;lock.release()};var JIT_Chain=function(){var stack=[];var run_callback=null;var run_object=null;var run_scope=null;return{load:function(urls,verifier){stack.push({type:"js",once:false,urls:urls,verifier:verifier});return this},loadOnce:function(urls,verifier){stack.push({type:"js",once:true,urls:urls,verifier:verifier});return this},addCSS:function(urls,verifier,ie_version){stack.push({type:"css",once:true,urls:urls,verifier:verifier,ie:ie_version});return this},onComplete:function(callback,obj,scope){var that=this;if(!run_callback){if(!callback){callback=function(){}}run_callback=callback;run_object=obj;run_scpe=scope}if(stack.length==0){if(obj){if(scope){}else{,obj)}}else{}return}var next_call=stack.shift();if(next_call.type=="js"){if(next_call.once){JIT.loadOnce(next_call.urls,next_call.verifier,that.onComplete,that,true)}else{JIT.load(next_call.urls,next_call.verifier,that.onComplete,that,true)}}else if(next_call.type=="css"){if({JIT.addCSS(next_call.urls,next_call.verifier,that.onComplete,that,true,}else{JIT.addCSS(next_call.urls,next_call.verifier,that.onComplete,that,true)}}}}};return{load:function(urls,verifier,callback,obj,scope){handleLoad(urls,verifier,callback,obj,scope,"js",false)},addCSS:function(urls,verifier,callback,obj,scope,ie_restrict){if(!ie_restrict){ie_restrict=""}handleLoad(urls,verifier,callback,obj,scope,"css"+ie_restrict,true)},loadOnce:function(urls,verifier,callback,obj,scope){handleLoad(urls,verifier,callback,obj,scope,"js",true)},startChain:function(){return JIT_Chain()},scriptsComplete:function(sequence_id){loadComplete(sequence_id)}}}()}
* Lock: A Unified Locking Library
* Thanks to the magic of the event stack in Firefox / IE, it is possible to
* have your data be changed behind your back when using browser window
* events. A basic lock will help stop that. An object is returned to
* the requesting application which will say if a lock was obtained or not.
* This class is licensed under the New BSD License:
* Copyright (c) 2007 Jakob Heuser ( All rights reserved.
if (!Lock) {
var Lock = function() {
var locks = {};
var normalize_namespace = function(name) {
return ("c" + name).replace(/[^a-z0-9\-\_]/gi, "");
return {
declare: function() {
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
if (!locks[normalize_namespace(arguments[i])]) {
locks[normalize_namespace(arguments[i])] = new Array();
obtain: function(space) {
// atomic assignment, no 2 objects are same
var lock = new Object();
// no namespace? problem
space = normalize_namespace(space);
if (!locks[space]) {
throw "Namespaces must be declared before getting into locks.";
// atomic op for as long as JS is single threaded
// whenever JS multi-threads, this one call is synchronized
// safely clean lock_owner
if (locks[space][0] === lock) {
locks[space] = [locks[space][0]];
var lock_obj = {
isOwner: function() {
return (locks[space][0] === lock);
release: function() {
if (locks[space][0] === lock) {
locks[space] = new Array();
return lock_obj;
* Just In Time (JIT) Loader
* JIT makes it easy to load one or more JavaScript files on demand. It's goal
* is to encourage developers to only load scripts when they need to as
* opposed to overloading the HEAD of their document.
* Many of the base loading concepts are attrributed to LazyLoad, developed
* by Ryan Grove, please see copyright information below for additional
* details. This software is licensed under the New BSD License:
* LazyLoad segments Copyright (c) 2007 Ryan Grove ( All rights reserved.
* JIT segments Copyright (c) 2007 Jakob Heuser ( All rights reserved.
* For additional details, please check out the following usage guides:
* LazyLoad:
* JITLoad:
* Version: 1.0.0; 1.0.3 (LazyLoad)
if (!JIT) {
var JIT = function() {
* Denotes an object that is pending a requestComplete() call
* it is null if there is no request in progress
var pending = {};
* A mutable array of the current script IDs in use. This makes
* cleanup of the scripts after they have finished loading easier.
var script_ids = {};
* A counter for the total number of scripts we have created.
* Helps to ensure clean loading without collisions.
var script_id_counter = 0;
* A variable that defines the lock owner.
* Using the counter and owner, a function can determine if they
* are the lock.
var lock_owner = null;
* The prefix our our custom IDs. This ensures we don't collide w/ stuff
var script_id_prefix = "jit-gen";
* An index of URLs that have been loaded
* At the expense of more memory, this speeds up scanning for all
* included scripts
var loaded_scripts = {};
* sets an IE version based on @_jscript_version
* replace if cc ever gets IE versioning, this is used for CSS
var IEVersion = /*@cc_on function(){ switch(@_jscript_version){ case 1.0:return 3; case 3.0:return 4; case 5.0:return 5; case 5.1:return 5; case 5.5:return 5.5; case 5.6:return 6; case 5.7:return 7; }}()||@*/0;
* Container for holding the document head, so we only do it once
var document_head = null;
* Declare our locks
var LOCK_WRITING_TO_DOM = "JIT_dom_write";
var LOCK_DOM_CLEANUP = "JIT_dom_clean";
var LOCK_GET_SEQUENCE_ID = "JIT_sequence_id";
* creates a unique ID using the counter and prefix, runs inside of a dom write space
* @return {string}
var generateId = function() {
return script_id_prefix + script_id_counter;
* Detect all loaded scripts, and add their URLs to the list
* If there is a faster method than getting the elements by tag name
* it should be used instead.
* This runs on loadOnce so that we can see if other scripts also
* added their own JS.
* @return {null}
var detectLoadedScripts = function() {
var script_nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("script");
var css_nodes = document.getElementsByTagName("link");
for (var i = 0; i < script_nodes.length; i++) {
// skip sourcelss scripts
var node = script_nodes[i];
if (!node.src || node.src.length == 0) {
loaded_scripts[normalizeScriptPath(node.src)] = true;
for (var j = 0; j < css_nodes.length; j++) {
// skip sourcelss css or wrong types
var node = css_nodes[j];
if (!node.href || node.href.length == 0 ||
!node.rel || node.rel.toString().toLowerCase() != "stylesheet" ||
!node.type || node.type.toString().toLowerCase() != "text/css") {
loaded_scripts[normalizeScriptPath(node.href)] = true;
* A helper function which normalizes the script path
* the resulting path can be used as a property name in an object
* @param {string} path to normalize
* @return {string} normalized path
var normalizeScriptPath = function(path) {
return "s" + escape(path);
* Handle a load function for Javascript or CSS
* @see load
* @see loadOnce
* @param {type} a type to load, either script or css
* @param {boolean} once if true, load will ensure everything loads only once
var handleLoad = function(urls, verifier, callback, obj, scope, type, once) {
// we wait on document.body, otherwise we can't be certain we have
// a closed HEAD tag in IE6 for insertion
if (!document.body) {
window.setTimeout(function() { handleLoad(urls, verifier, callback, obj, scope, type, once); }, 50);
// ---------------------------
// ---------------------------
// if you are not the lock owner, then your request goes into wait mode
// techincally a spinlock. Wait is fixed at 10ms right now, can change
// to reflect number of current "threads" later
var lock = Lock.obtain(LOCK_GET_SEQUENCE_ID);
if (!lock.isOwner()) {
window.setTimeout(function() { handleLoad(urls, verifier, callback, obj, scope, type, once); }, 10);
// obtained lock
// assign the document head if we haven't yet
if (!document_head) {
document_head = document.getElementsByTagName('head')[0];
// get an ID for our sequence
var sequence_id = generateId();
pending[sequence_id] = {};
script_ids[sequence_id] = [];
// scrape all loaded scripts in case things have changed
// done, we completed critical code section
// -------------------------
// -------------------------
// cast URLs to an array if we need to
urls = (urls.constructor === Array) ? urls : [urls];
// if verifier was skipped or nulled, then we need to make one
if (!verifier || typeof(verifier) != "function") {
verifier = function() { return true; };
// hold onto the pending object for requestComplete and loadComplete
pending[sequence_id] = {urls: urls, verifier: verifier, callback: callback, obj: obj, scope: scope, type: type, once: once, lock: lock};
// if we are running in loadOnce mode
if (once) {
var urls_to_load = [];
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i += 1) {
var loaded = (loaded_scripts[normalizeScriptPath(urls[i])]) ? true : false;
if (!loaded) {
// do we have any URLs to load? If not, loading is complete and we are done
if (urls_to_load.length <= 0) {
// there is stuff to load still
// redefine URls by our new definition, and our pending
urls = urls_to_load;
pending[sequence_id] = {urls: urls, verifier: verifier, callback: callback, obj: obj, scope: scope, type: type, once: once, lock: lock};
if (type == "js") {
insertScripts(urls, sequence_id);
else if (type == "css" || (type.match(/^css/i) && type == "css"+IEVersion)) {
insertStyles(urls, sequence_id);
else {
// whatever we had, we can't use... release the lock
var insertStyles = function(urls, sequence_id) {
// Cast urls to an Array.
urls = urls.constructor === Array ? urls : [urls];
var node;
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i += 1) {
// create a unique ID and add to our ID list
var sc_id = generateId();
// create the script object, and append it to the head
node = document.createElement('link'); = sc_id;
node.href = urls[i];
node.rel = "stylesheet";
node.type = "text/css"; = "screen";
// in MSIE, we will need to listen to the onreadystatechange
// if the file is cached, we may not even see "loaded" as an option
// and may instead see "complete". Because of this, we need to scan
// for both. Script loading is linear, so we only need to watch
// the last script we were inserting
if (IEVersion) {
node.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (this.readyState == 'loaded' || this.readyState == 'complete') {
else {
// this is a non MSIE browser. We can use a safer method of
// detecting when a script is done. We insert a small scriptlet
// at the end of all our script objects which executes the
// requestComplete() code.
var sc_id = generateId();
var smart_script = document.createElement('script'); = sc_id;
smart_script.type = "text/javascript";
// release DOM writing lock
if (pending[sequence_id]) {
var insertScripts = function(urls, sequence_id) {
// Cast urls to an Array.
urls = urls.constructor === Array ? urls : [urls];
// Load the scripts at the specified URLs.
var script;
for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i += 1) {
// create a unique ID and add to our ID list
var sc_id = generateId();
// create the script object, and append it to the head
script = document.createElement('script'); = sc_id;
script.src = urls[i];
script.type = "text/javascript";
// no script at this point, we're in trouble
if (!script) {
// release DOM writing lock
if (pending[sequence_id]) {
// in MSIE, we will need to listen to the onreadystatechange
// if the file is cached, we may not even see "loaded" as an option
// and may instead see "complete". Because of this, we need to scan
// for both. Script loading is linear, so we only need to watch
// the last script we were inserting
if (IEVersion) {
script.onreadystatechange = function () {
if (this.readyState == 'loaded' || this.readyState == 'complete') {
else {
// this is a non MSIE browser. We can use a safer method of
// detecting when a script is done. We insert a small scriptlet
// at the end of all our script objects which executes the
// requestComplete() code.
var sc_id = generateId();
var smart_script = document.createElement('script'); = sc_id;
smart_script.type = "text/javascript";
// release DOM writing lock
if (pending[sequence_id]) {
var writeNode = function(node) {
var timer = null;
var retry_in = 100;
// a function that tries to get a lock for DOM write
// once it does, it inserts
var processWrite = function() {
// ---------------------------
// ---------------------------
var lock = Lock.obtain(LOCK_WRITING_TO_DOM);
if (!lock.isOwner()) {
timer = window.setTimeout(processWrite, retry_in);
timer = null;
// calls processWrite on a setTimeout that lets other events run
timer = window.setTimeout(processWrite, retry_in);
* A helper function which completes the request
* it fires off any callbacks that are required, and hands off the lock
* to the next request in line
var loadComplete = function(sequence_id, lock) {
// there is a theoretical window where we could resolve a loadComplete
// with a loadComplete waiting... if that happens, just return
if (!pending[sequence_id]) {
// try and lock on DOM cleanup
if (!lock) {
var lock = Lock.obtain(LOCK_DOM_CLEANUP);
// if not owner, try again with getting a new lock
if (!lock.isOwner()) {
window.setTimeout(function() { loadComplete(sequence_id); }, 10);
// run the current verifier until it passes
if (pending[sequence_id].verifier && !pending[sequence_id] {
// did not pass, try again in X seconds using same (valid) lock
window.setTimeout(function() { loadComplete(sequence_id, lock); }, 100);
// release DOM writing lock if not done
if (pending[sequence_id]) {
// redetect our loaded scripts at this point
// remove any script IDs we have made, they are all done... I mean, if
// there are any
if (script_ids[sequence_id]) {
while (script_ids[sequence_id].length > 0) {
var sc_id = script_ids[sequence_id].shift();
var script = document.getElementById(sc_id);
script_ids[sequence_id] = null;
// Execute the callback.
if (pending[sequence_id] && pending[sequence_id].callback) {
if (pending[sequence_id].obj) {
if (pending[sequence_id].scope) {
else {
pending[sequence_id], pending[sequence_id].obj);
else {
// clear our pending object for the next request
// not required, just nice to clean
pending[sequence_id] = null;
// release the lock
* Returns a batch object for chain processing.
* the returned object is the easiest to work with in the JIT loader
* and its functionality is documented similarly to JIT. However,
* for load, loadOnce, and addCSS, there is no callbacks involved. Instead,
* the system uses its run function as a callback method to unfurl the
* stack created
* @return JIT Batch Object
* @see JIT.load
* @see JIT.loadOnce
* @see JIT.addCSS
var JIT_Chain = function() {
var stack = [];
var run_callback = null;
var run_object = null;
var run_scope = null;
// return object
return {
load: function(urls, verifier) {
stack.push({type: "js", once: false, urls: urls, verifier: verifier});
return this;
loadOnce: function(urls, verifier) {
stack.push({type: "js", once: true, urls: urls, verifier: verifier});
return this;
addCSS: function(urls, verifier, ie_version) {
stack.push({type: "css", once: true, urls: urls, verifier: verifier, ie: ie_version});
return this;
* Executes the stack of objects, using a basic form of recursion
* @param function the callback function to run
* @param obj the object to include in the callback
* @param scope if true, the callback will be ran in the object's scope
onComplete: function(callback, obj, scope) {
var that = this;
// store the run callback the first time we enter the onComplete
if (!run_callback) {
if (!callback) {
callback = function() {};
run_callback = callback;
run_object = obj;
run_scpe = scope;
// no stack, we are done, run the callback
if (stack.length == 0) {
if (obj) {
if (scope) {;
else {, obj);
else {;
// start unstacking
var next_call = stack.shift();
// call a run op for this
if (next_call.type == "js") {
if (next_call.once) {
JIT.loadOnce(next_call.urls, next_call.verifier, that.onComplete, that, true);
else {
JIT.load(next_call.urls, next_call.verifier, that.onComplete, that, true);
else if (next_call.type == "css") {
if ( {
JIT.addCSS(next_call.urls, next_call.verifier, that.onComplete, that, true,;
else {
JIT.addCSS(next_call.urls, next_call.verifier, that.onComplete, that, true);
// begin public interface
return {
* Loads the specified script(s) and then sets up a call to requestComplete
* this is the meat of the JIT loader.
* @param {string|array} the URLs to load
* @param {function} verifier a funtion definition that asserts load is done
* @param {function} callback a function definition to call when loaded
* @param {object} obj an object to pass to the callback function [object]
* @param {boolean} scope if true, *callback* will be scoped to *obj*
load: function(urls, verifier, callback, obj, scope) {
handleLoad(urls, verifier, callback, obj, scope, "js", false);
addCSS: function(urls, verifier, callback, obj, scope, ie_restrict) {
if (!ie_restrict) {
ie_restrict = "";
handleLoad(urls, verifier, callback, obj, scope, "css"+ie_restrict, true);
* Load a script only once. If that script has existed in our document.
* When initialized, we poll and take a capture of all scripts. If
* any urls are found, they will be discarded.
* @param {string|array} the URLs to load
* @param {function} verifier a funtion definition that asserts load is done
* @param {function} callback a function definition to call when loaded
* @param {object} obj an object to pass to the callback function [object]
* @param {boolean} scope if true, *callback* will be scoped to *obj*
loadOnce: function(urls, verifier, callback, obj, scope) {
handleLoad(urls, verifier, callback, obj, scope, "js", true);
startChain: function() {
return JIT_Chain();
* Runs the current verifier until it passes, then calls loadComplete
scriptsComplete: function(sequence_id) {
// loadComplete call to hand off and clean up
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