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James Harrison JamesHarrison

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JamesHarrison / fitting.rb
Created February 23, 2009 23:22
Parser, classes and reader/writer for EVE Online Fitting XML exports
# Fitting.rb
# Version 0.1. Will package properly one day when it's all done and I get around to writing tests.
# Simple class for reading and writing CCP EVE Online Fitting Manager XML files.
# Generated Fitting classes with Module classes inside the Fitting's modules array attribute allow you to reproduce ships exactly.
# License: GPLv3
# If you use this, feel free to donate iskies to Ix Forres.
require 'rubygems'
require 'hpricot'
require 'builder'
require 'ftools'
# Using delayed_job and want to bring cache_money into the mix? Read on...
module Cash
module Query
class Abstract
delegate :with_exclusive_scope, :get, :table_name, :indices, :find_from_ids_without_cache, :cache_key, :columns_hash, :to => :@active_record
def self.perform(*args)
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<tab bracket="battle (noblue)" name="battle" overview="battle (noblue)" showAll="True" showNone="False" showSpecials="False"/>
<tab bracket="normal" name="normal" overview="test" showAll="True" showNone="False" showSpecials="False"/>
<tab bracket="pos" name="pos" overview="pos" showAll="False" showNone="False" showSpecials="False"/>
<useSmallColorTags value="None"/>
<applyOnlyToShips value="None"/>
<hideCorpTicker value="0"/>
<overviewBroadcastsToTop value="1"/>
o ="overviewtest.xml"))
# Rename our profiles so nothing collides.
o.profiles.each do |p| = "IMP #{}"
# We don't want to hide the corp ticker if they're in an alliance
o.global_settings.hide_corp_ticker = false
# Let's enable the corporation label
o.ship_labels.detect{|sl|sl.type='corporation'}.state = true
# And write to a file
require 'rubygems'
require 'reve'
path = "assets.msh"
file =,'a+')
cid = 123098319308
uid = 20391123123
key = "YOURKEY"
api =,key)
assets = api.personal_assets_list(:characterid=>cid)
# this goes in xchat's program files directory
title = 'Unknown Song' if title.empty?
artist = 'Unknown Artist' if artist.empty?
srate = track.samplerate / 1000.0
string = "me is listening to \"\0034\002#{title}\002\003\" by \0034#{artist}\003"
string = "#{string} from \0034#{album}\003" unless album.empty?
string = "#{string} [#{position}..#{length}/#{track.bitrate}kbps/#{srate % 1 == 0 ? srate.to_i : srate}khz]"
puts string
# Returns username,repository,commit (HEAD by default),branch (if a branch home URL) of a given github URL.
# Parameters:
# url (String) - The URL to parse
# The method makes some assumptions:
# * Repositories will never have a branch name exactly 40 characters long- this will always be a commit reference
# * Github only allows alphanum and hyphens as user or repository names
def parse_github_url(url)
if url.match(/\/([\w\-]+?)\/([\w-]+)\/([\w-]+)\/(\w{,39}|\w{40,})/) # We've got a specific commit mentioned here
username,repository,commit,branch = $1,$2,($4),'master'
elsif url.match(/\/([\w\-]+?)\/([\w-]+)\/([\w-]+)\/([\w-]+)/)
# Face Detection using OpenCV.
# Based on sample code by Roman Stanchak
# Nirav Patel 5/20/2008
# Modified by James Harrison to do arbitrary output to stdout for headless commandline processing/'does this have a face' checking
# Usage example: python lib/studiomonitor/ --file some_picture.jpg
# Input pictures must be normalized to 320x240 by your weapon of choice.
# Return value is: number of faces detected, printed to stdout.
# Changed pixel count script. Takes two images, -a and -b, and gives you the number of pixels for which greyscale intensity differs more than 10 between those images.
# TODO: Make the threshold an option
from PIL import Image,ImageOps
from optparse import OptionParser
import sys, os
def main():
# A small script to take a directory tree that looks like:
# /data/conversion/inbox
# /data/conversion/tmp
# /data/conversion/complete
# It will find any files in the inbox, use ffmpeg to convert them into .wav files, then move the result to the complete folder before cleaning up the inbox and tmpdir.
# It will handle nested folders - say, music files within artist and album directories.
require 'find'
paths_to_rm = []
Find.find("/data/conversion/inbox/") do |path|