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Jarrett Billingsley JarrettBillingsley

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JarrettBillingsley / gist:3803064
Created September 29, 2012 03:31
Language sketch
// =====================================================================================================================
// MemPool interface (???)
// "Interfaces" could be fat pointers.. pointer to a "vtbl" and the "this" object.
// Of course if the type is statically known, you don't have to pass the vtbl around.
struct MemPoolMark { ... }
interface MemPool
function mark(): MemPoolMark
JarrettBillingsley / gist:3837868
Created October 5, 2012 03:22
Blah blah blah!
C has long been the king of "systems" languages, but it has problems. It is a relic of a past age, one where memory
was limited and programs were small, where there were as many computer architectures as there were companies that
made them, where complex program analysis was too computationally expensive to be practical.
C and its ABI have become the lingua franca of computing, for better or worse. The C ABI has become the virtual
machine which virtually all hardware now implements. However, the language is old, creaky, and burdened by decades
of legacy compatibility issues. Language development has slowed to a crawl due to a design-by-committee development
model, and compared to most of the other languages that are popular today, it feels very, very limited.
module anagramgen;
import tango.core.Array;
import Path =;
const ulong[] primes = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73, 79, 83, 89, 97, 101];
const Min = 12;
type ValNum = f64;
type ValStr = Rc<~str>;
enum Value
JarrettBillingsley /
Last active December 31, 2015 05:29
Just a little toy stack-based interpreter I made playing around with Rust for the first time. I'm sure it's gross code :P
use std::rc::{Rc};
use std::gc::{Gc};
use std::cell::{RefCell};
use std::vec;
use std::iter::range_step;
type ValNum = int;
type ValStr = Rc<~str>;
type ValArray = Gc<RefCell<~[Value]>>;
JarrettBillingsley /
Last active December 31, 2015 07:09
Updated to 0.9-pre as of 11 december
// #[link_args = "-ffast_math"];
use std::os;
use std::unstable::intrinsics::sqrtf64;
use std::f64;
use std::from_str::{from_str};
use std::vec;
use std::path::{Path};
use std::io::{File, Open, Write};
use std::io::buffered::{BufferedWriter};
extern mod gl;
extern mod glfw;
extern mod cgmath;
macro_rules! vertex_format_inner
(($a: expr, $b: expr), $(($a_rest: expr, $b_rest: expr)),+) =>
($a, $b), vertex_format_inner!($(($a_rest, $b_rest)),*)
(($a: expr, $b: expr)) =>
($a, $b)

(This guide is based on my following this other guide:

If you have a BMP or some other device with the BMP firmware already, flashing the ST-Link processor (the F103) on a Discovery board is straightforward. But if all you have is one Discovery board - like me - it's possible, but has to be done in a roundabout way.

Discovery boards are really two different parts. Right next to CN1 - the mini-USB connector - is the ST-Link section, which is powered by a small STM32F103 MCU. It has its own bootloader and firmware, separate from the device under test. This ST-Link section is normally responsible for loading, running, and debugging programs on the device under test (DUT).

The DUT is the larger STM part in the middle of the board. I have an STM32F4 Discovery board which has an F407 as the "test" MCU. What we're going to take advantage of is a feature called the DFU bootloader which will allow us to bypass the ST-Link section and instead direct

JarrettBillingsley / tinysynth.s
Created August 5, 2017 07:13
The tiniest synth.
; Schematic
; (stick a potentiometer between GND and VCC into PB2 for fun!)
; ATTiny85
; -------------
; |VCC PB0|
; |GND PB1| 10uF
; | PB2| +-------|(------ to headphone jack
; | PB3| 1K v +
; |RST PB4|-------/\/\/\---+------/\/\/\-+