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JavaScript-Packer / lzw.jz
Created January 9, 2016 23:28
JavaScript LZW Compression (encode and decode functions). Lempel–Ziv–Welch (LZW) is a universal lossless data compression algorithm created by Abraham Lempel, Jacob Ziv, and Terry Welch. It was published by Welch in 1984 as an improved implementation of the LZ78 algorithm published by Lempel and Ziv in 1978. The algorithm is simple to implement,…
function en(c) {
var x = "charCodeAt", b, e = {}, f = c.split(""), d = [], a = f[0], g = 256;
for (b = 1; b < f.length; b++) c = f[b], null != e[a + c] ? a += c :(d.push(1 < a.length ? e[a] :a[x](0)),
e[a + c] = g, g++, a = c);
d.push(1 < a.length ? e[a] :a[x](0));
for (b = 0; b < d.length; b++) d[b] = String.fromCharCode(d[b]);
return d.join("");
function de(b) {
JavaScript-Packer / base64-encode-decode.js
Created July 1, 2015 00:45
Perfect ATOB/BTOA alternatives (Base64 encoder/decoder) for JavaScript/ Demo on
function b2a(a) {
var c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, o, b = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/=", k = 0, l = 0, m = "", n = [];
if (!a) return a;
do c = a.charCodeAt(k++), d = a.charCodeAt(k++), e = a.charCodeAt(k++), j = c << 16 | d << 8 | e,
f = 63 & j >> 18, g = 63 & j >> 12, h = 63 & j >> 6, i = 63 & j, n[l++] = b.charAt(f) + b.charAt(g) + b.charAt(h) + b.charAt(i); while (k < a.length);
return m = n.join(""), o = a.length % 3, (o ? m.slice(0, o - 3) :m) + "===".slice(o || 3);
function a2b(a) {
var b, c, d, e = {}, f = 0, g = 0, h = "", i = String.fromCharCode, j = a.length;
JavaScript-Packer / (de)obfuscate-IP-address.js
Last active December 29, 2022 16:24
This simple JavaScript function set/utility provides the opportunity to obfuscate an IP address or decipher an obfuscated IP. Made by
function ip2decimal(ip) {
ip = ip.split(".");
var e, w = 16777216, x = 65536, y = 256, a = eval(ip[0]), b = eval(ip[1]), c = eval(ip[2]), d = eval(ip[3]);
e = a * w + b * x + c * y + d;
return e;
function decimal2ip(ip) {
var w = 16777216, x = 65536, y = 256, e = eval(ip), a = e / w, z = e - (a - e % w / w) * w, b = z / x, q = z - (b - z % x / x) * x, c = q / y, d = q - (c - q % y / y) * y;
return parseInt(a) + "." + parseInt(b) + "." + parseInt(c) + "." + parseInt(d);
JavaScript-Packer / bookmarklet-collection.txt
Created May 1, 2015 06:59
Largest collection of bookmarklet tools on the internet... A little of everything... - 2,500 bookmarklets 
JavaScript-Packer / triple-click-top-of-page.htm
Created April 1, 2016 09:42
Triple clicker JavaScript function, click 3 times fast! Adjust to higher like four or five clicks if you want!
<h1 onclick="window.scroll(0,7000)"><u style="color:blue">Click HERE to go to bottom!</u></h1>
window.addEventListener('click', function (x) {
if (x.detail === 3) {
JavaScript-Packer / for-the-gay-guys.js
Last active July 21, 2020 00:36
Gay related bookmarklets (best for Chrome or FireFox web browser). Hacks to get free large images on gay dating/hookup sites with a free membership account. Add a link too bookmarks, then edit URL to be the JavaScript code provided. Made by
/* Go to for drag & drop link marklets, easiest way to add to bookmarks! */
javascript:var _='',$=document,whaks = document.getElementsByTagName("img");for (var i = 0, whak; whak = whaks[i]; i++) {_+='<img src="'+whak.src.replace(/\x26\x73\x3d/g,"&s=1")+'"> ';};$.body.innerHTML=_+'<hr>Visit <a href=""></a><hr>'+$.body.innerHTML;void 0;
javascript:var $=document;$.body.innerHTML='<img src=%22'+large_img+'%22><hr>Visit <a href=%22></a><hr>'+$.body.innerHTML;void 0;
javascript:var _='',$=document,whaks = document.getElementsByTagName(%22img%22);for (var i = 0, whak; whak = whaks[i]; i++) {_+='<img src=%22'+whak.src.replace(/\x26\x70\x73\x3d/g,%22&ps=1&%22)+'%22> ';};$.body.innerHTML=_+'<hr>Visit <a href=%22></a><hr>'+$.body.innerHTML;void 0;
JavaScript-Packer /
Last active December 23, 2018 11:24
Turned/reversed the unpacker for WHAK compression algorithm and made it into a HTML entities encoder -
var W,H,A,K;
H ="&amp; &lt; &gt; &#34; &#10; &#39;"[$="split"](" ");
A ="&<>\"\n'";W='<script>alert("");<\/script>';
K =0;for(K in A)W=W[$](A[K]).join(H[K]);alert(W);
JavaScript-Packer / compare-lists-for-new-and-removed.htm
Last active April 3, 2016 07:45
Compare older list to a newer list to see changes (what is new and what is now gone). Working on a bookmarklet for FaceBook to find New Freinds and Friends that left (unfriended) you.
<html><head><title>Compare 2 Lists For Differences. Changes Added To List &amp; What Was Removed From Original List</title></head><body>
var s1 = 'Kvn Mrffy Brwn\n\
Lrran Brwn Lavall\n\
Rbrt Jsph\n\
Wayn Brstw\n\
Lrr Brwn Tschrwnsk\n\
Krs Oltn\n\
Paln Bckndal - Glnvw Park Scndary Schl\n\
JavaScript-Packer / holy-bible-random-verse.js
Created March 25, 2016 02:07
Random Verse From Holy Bible. Made by
var randomverse=new Array();
var versetitle=' <font size="4"><b><a href="">Random Bible Verse</a></b><br /></font>';
// by
randomverse[1]='Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.<br/><b>Colossians 3:2</b>';
randomverse[2]='For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God<br/><b>Romans 3:23</b>';
randomverse[3]='Come unto me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.<br/><b>Matthew 11:28</b>';
randomverse[4]='Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my father which is in heaven.<br/><b>Matthew 7:21</b>';
randomverse[5]='For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.<br/><b>John 3:16</b>';
randomverse[6]='For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord<br/><b>Romans 6:23</b>';
randomverse[7]='Let t
JavaScript-Packer / right-click-menu.htm
Created April 3, 2016 07:27
Replace the right click menu on your webpage using JavaScript!
<html><head><title>Right Click Context Menu JavaScript Replacement -</title></head><body bgcolor="silver"><h1>TOP</h1><h3>Right Click Menu In JavaScript</h3><hr size="7000" color="gray">
function a(b){c=document.all?event.clientX+document.body.scrollLeft:document.a?b.x+window.pageXOffset:b.clientX+window.pageXOffset;d=document.all?event.clientY+document.body.scrollTop:document.a?b.y+window.pageYOffset:b.clientY+window.pageYOffset}var e,f,g,c=0,d=0;void 0!=document.addEventListener?document.addEventListener("mousemove",a,!0):document.a&&document.captureEvents(Event.b|Event.c|Event.f);document.onmousemove=a;document.oncontextmenu=function(){return!1};document.onmousedown=function(b){3==b.which&&(document.getElementById("contextmenu").style.left=c+"px",document.getElementById("contextmenu")"px",document.getElementById("contextmenu").style.visibility="visible")};document.onmouseup=function(b){1==b.which&&(document.getElementById("contextmenu").style.visibility="hidden")};e=250,g=doc