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Last active November 26, 2017 06:59
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from queue import LinkedQueue, DeQueue
from collections import deque
class BinaryTreeNode(object):
def __init__(self, data):
"""Initialize this binary tree node with the given data.""" = data
self.left = None
self.right = None
def __repr__(self):
"""Return a string representation of this binary tree node."""
return 'BinaryTreeNode({!r})'.format(
def is_leaf(self):
"""Return True if this node is a leaf (has no children)."""
# Check if both left child and right child have no value
return self.left is None and self.right is None
def is_branch(self):
"""Return True if this node is a branch (has at least one child)."""
# Check if either left child or right child has a value
return self.left is not None or self.right is not None
def height(self):
"""Return the height of this node (the number of edges on the longest
downward path from this node to a descendant leaf node).
Best and worst case running time: ??? under what conditions?"""
# Base case
if self.is_leaf():
return 0
# Return one more than the greater of the left height and right height
return calculate_height_recursively(node)
class BinarySearchTree(object):
def __init__(self, items=None):
"""Initialize this binary search tree and insert the given items."""
self.root = None
self.size = 0
if items is not None:
for item in items:
def __repr__(self):
"""Return a string representation of this binary search tree."""
return 'BinarySearchTree({} nodes)'.format(self.size)
def is_empty(self):
"""Return True if this binary search tree is empty (has no nodes)."""
return self.root is None
def height(self):
"""Return the height of this tree (the number of edges on the longest
downward path from this tree's root node to a descendant leaf node).
n; going to go through everything"""
# Check if root node has a value and if so calculate its height
return self.root.height()
def contains(self, item):
"""Return True if this binary search tree contains the given item.
log(n): it's going to traverse based on height, which is log(n) """
# Find a node with the given item, if any
node = self._find_node(item)
# Return True if a node was found, or False
return node is not None
def search(self, item):
"""Return an item in this binary search tree matching the given item,
or None if the given item is not found.
log(n): it's going to traverse based on height, which is log(n)"""
# Find a node with the given item, if any
node = self._find_node(item)
# Return the node's data if found, or None
return if node else None
def insert(self, item):
"""Insert the given item in order into this binary search tree.
If it's empty, well, it's 1
Otherwise, log(n); we know where we're heading"""
# Handle the case where the tree is empty
if self.is_empty():
# Create a new root node
self.root = BinaryTreeNode(item)
# Increase the tree size
self.size += 1
# Grab parent of where node should be
parent = self._find_parent_node(item)
# Check if the given item should be inserted left of parent node
if item <
parent.left = BinaryTreeNode(item)
# Check if the given item should be inserted right of parent node
elif item >
parent.right = BinaryTreeNode(item)
self.size += 1
def delete(self, item):
"""Delete an item from the binary search tree, or assert ValueError if item does not exit"""
if == item:
self.root = None
self.size = 0
# Assert ValueError if the node was not found
if self.root is None:
assert ValueError("Can not delete from an empty binary search tree")
parent = self._find_parent_node(item)
if parent is None:
# Delete the item
elif is item:
deleted_node = parent.left
if deleted_node.is_leaf():
deleted_node = None
elif parent.left.is_branch():
parent.left = deleted_node.right
parent.left.left = deleted_node.left
elif is item:
deleted_node = parent.right
if deleted_node.is_leaf():
deleted_node = None
elif parent.right.is_branch():
parent.right = deleted_node.right
parent.right.left = deleted_node.left
self.size -= 1
def _find_node(self, item):
"""Return the node containing the given item in this binary search tree,
or None if the given item is not found.
Best case running time: O(1) when item is root node
O(log(n)); the find_node goes through a certain series, so we only
need to go a certain distance"""
# Start with the root node
node = self.root
# Loop until we descend past the closest leaf node
while node is not None:
# Check if the given item matches the node's data
if item ==
# Return the found node
return node
# Check if the given item is less than the node's data
elif item <
# Descend to the node's left child
node = node.left
# Check if the given item is greater than the node's data
elif item >
# Descend to the node's right child
node = node.right
# Not found
return None
def _find_node_recursive(self, item, node):
"""Return the node containing the given item in this binary search tree,
or None if the given item is not found."""
# Check if current node contains what we are looking for
if == item:
return node
# If current node is a leaf and we haven't found the item, return None
if node.is_leaf():
return None
left_sub = self._find_node_recursive(item, node.left)
right_sub = self._find_node_recursive(item, node.right)
if left_sub is not None:
return left_sub
elif right_sub is not None:
return right_sub
return None
def _find_parent_node(self, item):
"""Return the parent node of the node containing the given item
(or the parent node of where the given item would be if inserted)
in this tree, or None if this tree is empty or has only a root node.
Best case running time: ??? under what conditions?
Worst case running time: ??? under what conditions?"""
# Start with the root node and keep track of its parent
node = self.root
parent = None
# Loop until we descend past the closest leaf node
while node is not None:
# Check if the given item matches the node's data
if item ==
# Return the parent of the found node
return parent
# Check if the given item is less than the node's data
elif item <
# Update the parent and descend to the node's left child
parent = node
node = node.left
# Check if the given item is greater than the node's data
elif item >
# Update the parent and descend to the node's right child
parent = node
node = node.right
# Not found
return parent
def _find_parent_node_recursive(self, item, node, parent=None):
"""Return the parent node of the node containing the given item
(or the parent node of where the given item would be if inserted)
in this tree, or None if this tree is empty or has only a root node."""
# If current node is a leaf and we haven't found the item, return None
if node is None:
return None
if == item:
return parent
elif item <
if node.left is None:
return node
return self._find_parent_node_recursive(item, node.left, node)
elif item >
if node.right is None:
return node
return self._find_parent_node_recursive(item, node.right, node)
# This space intentionally left blank (please do not delete this comment)
def items_in_order(self):
"""Return an in-order list of all items in this binary search tree."""
items = []
if not self.is_empty():
# Traverse tree in-order from root, appending each node's item
items = self._traverse_in_order_recursive(self.root, items)
# Return in-order list of all items in tree
return items
def _traverse_in_order_recursive(self, node, visit):
"""Traverse this binary tree with recursive in-order traversal (DFS).
Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""
# Traverse left subtree, if it exists
if node.left is not None:
self._traverse_in_order_recursive(node.left, visit)
# Visit this node's data with given function
# Traverse right subtree, if it exists
if node.right is not None:
self._traverse_in_order_recursive(node.right, visit)
return visit
def _traverse_in_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
"""Traverse this binary tree with iterative in-order traversal (DFS).
Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""
# Traverse in-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)
stack = DeQueue()
# Loop through all nodes in order
while len(stack) > 0:
node = stack.pop()
# Enqueue left node if it exists
if node.left is not None:
# Visit node's data
# Enqueue right node if it exists
if node.right is not None:
def items_pre_order(self):
"""Return a pre-order list of all items in this binary search tree."""
items = []
if not self.is_empty():
# Traverse tree pre-order from root, appending each node's item
items = self._traverse_pre_order_recursive(self.root, items)
# Return pre-order list of all items in tree
return items
def _traverse_pre_order_recursive(self, node, visit):
"""Traverse this binary tree with recursive pre-order traversal (DFS).
Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""
# Visit this node's data with given function
# Traverse left subtree, if it exists
if node.left is not None:
self._traverse_pre_order_recursive(node.left, visit)
# Traverse right subtree, if it exists
if node.right is not None:
self._traverse_pre_order_recursive(node.right, visit)
return visit
def _traverse_pre_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
"""Traverse this binary tree with iterative pre-order traversal (DFS).
Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""
# Traverse pre-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)
def items_post_order(self):
"""Return a post-order list of all items in this binary search tree."""
items = []
if not self.is_empty():
# Traverse tree post-order from root, appending each node's item
items = self._traverse_post_order_recursive(self.root, items)
# Return post-order list of all items in tree
return items
def _traverse_post_order_recursive(self, node, visit):
"""Traverse this binary tree with recursive post-order traversal (DFS).
Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
Running time: ??? Why and under what conditions?
Memory usage: ??? Why and under what conditions?"""
# Traverse left subtree, if it exists
if node.left is not None:
self._traverse_post_order_recursive(node.left, visit)
# Traverse right subtree, if it exists
if node.right is not None:
self._traverse_post_order_recursive(node.right, visit)
# Visit this node's data with given function
return visit
def _traverse_post_order_iterative(self, node, visit):
"""Traverse this binary tree with iterative post-order traversal (DFS).
Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
Running time: O(n)
Memory usage: Half of the tree. It goes down one half before another
# Traverse post-order without using recursion (stretch challenge)
stack = DeQueue()
# It was this, or make sure visit's len is same as the tree
while True:
# If the node is valid, grab right and left
while node:
if node.right:
node = node.left
# If it's null, start dequeues
node = stack.dequeue_front()
if node.right and node.right == stack.front():
node = node.right
# Put that in the visit.
# print(stack.list, visit, "\n\n")
node = None
if stack.length() == 0:
# print(stack.list, visit, "\n\n")
return visit
def items_level_order(self):
"""Return a level-order list of all items in this binary search tree."""
items = []
if not self.is_empty():
# Traverse tree level-order from root, appending each node's item
self._traverse_level_order_iterative(self.root, items.append)
# Return level-order list of all items in tree
return items
def _traverse_level_order_iterative(self, start_node, visit):
"""Traverse this binary tree with iterative level-order traversal (BFS).
Start at the given node and visit each node with the given function.
Running time: O(n) Why and under what conditions?
Memory usage: O(n) Why and under what conditions?"""
# Create queue to store nodes not yet traversed in level-order
"""Remove and return the item at the back of this queue,"""
queue = DeQueue()
while queue.is_empty() == False:
node = queue.dequeue_front()
if node.left != None:
if node.right != None:
# queue = LinkedQueue()
# # Enqueue given starting node
# queue.enqueue(start_node)
# # Loop until queue is empty
# while queue.is_empty() == False:
# # Dequeue node at front of queue
# node = queue.dequeue()
# # Visit this node's data with given function
# visit(
# # Enqueue this node's left child, if it exists
# if node.left != None:
# queue.enqueue(node.left)
# # Enqueue this node's right child, if it exists
# if node.right != None:
# queue.enqueue(node.right)
def calculate_height_recursively(node):
if node is None:
return 0
return 1 + max(calculate_height_recursively(node.left), calculate_height_recursively(node.right))
def test_binary_search_tree():
# Create a complete binary search tree of 3, 7, or 15 items in level-order
# items = [2, 1, 3]
items = [4, 2, 6, 1, 3, 5, 7]
# items = [8, 4, 12, 2, 6, 10, 14, 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]
print('items: {}'.format(items))
tree = BinarySearchTree()
print('tree: {}'.format(tree))
print('root: {}'.format(tree.root))
print('\nInserting items:')
for item in items:
print('insert({}), size: {}'.format(item, tree.size))
print('root: {}'.format(tree.root))
print('\nSearching for items:')
for item in items:
result =
print('search({}): {}'.format(item, result))
item = 123
result =
print('search({}): {}'.format(item, result))
print('\nTraversing items:')
print('items in-order: {}'.format(tree.items_in_order()))
print('items pre-order: {}'.format(tree.items_pre_order()))
print('items post-order: {}'.format(tree.items_post_order()))
print('items level-order: {}'.format(tree.items_level_order()))
if __name__ == '__main__':
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