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Image resizer diagnostic sheet 6/15/2017 1:40:01 PM
0 Issues detected:
You are using plugins from the Elite Edition or Support Contract: FacesPlugin (Elite Edition or Support Contract),
CropAroundPlugin (Elite Edition or Support Contract), WhitespaceTrimmerPlugin (Creative Edition), AnimatedGifs
(Performance Edition), DiskCache (Performance Edition), PrettyGifs (Performance Edition)
JessePreiner /
Created December 20, 2017 17:42
Remove all unadded untracked files in git using rm -rf (careful duh)
git status -s | awk '{if($1=="??") print $2}' | xargs rm -rf
unstage = reset HEAD --
ca = commit --amend
cm = commit -m
co = checkout
cb = checkout -b
fh = log -p
dc = diff --cached
aa = add -A
st = status -sb
Find common ansestor commit between multiple branches from which to create a hotfix/feature branch
git checkout -b fixExtractor $(git merge-base --octopus origin/master origin/develop)
Git delete untracked new files
git status -s | awk '{if($1=="??") print $2}' | xargs rm -rf
Delete branches matching pattern
git branch | grep thisisthepattern | xargs git branch -D