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Jetroid / union.rb
Created July 29, 2016 13:31
A plugin to allow union of arrays with Jekyll.
module Jekyll
module UnionFilter
def union(input, array)
unless array.respond_to?(:to_ary)
array =
class InputIterator
Jetroid / custom_stylesheets.html
Created July 29, 2016 18:13
A hacky Liquid script to allow page-specific stylesheets using Yaml Front Matter
{% assign delim = "|" %}
{% assign had_elements = "" %}
<!-- Custom Stylesheets - use custom_css in YAML front matter !-->
{% if page.custom_css %}
{% for stylesheet in page.custom_css %}
{% capture had_elements %}{{ had_elements | join: delim }}{{ delim }}{{ stylesheet }}{% endcapture %}
{% assign had_elements = had_elements | split: delim %}
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/assets/css/{{ stylesheet }}.css" type="text/css">
import yaml
import os
import git
FOLDERS = ["assets/images/"]
#Link git with python
repo = git.Repo()
#Get the staged files
import yaml
import os
import git
FOLDERS = ["_tattoos","_brows","_commission"]
#Link git with python
repo = git.Repo()
#Get the staged files
{%- assign pieces = content | split: '<img src="' -%}
{%- for piece in pieces -%}
{%- if forloop.first == true -%}
{{ piece }}
{%- else -%}
{%- if piece contains '" alt="' -%}
{%- assign url = piece | split: '" alt="' | first -%}
{%- assign alt = piece | split: '" alt="' | shift | join: '" alt="' | split: '"' | first -%}
{%- assign rest = piece | split: '" alt="' | shift | join: '" alt="' | split: '"' | shift | join: '"' -%}
{%- assign url-filename = url | split: '.' | pop | join: '.' -%}
import yaml
import os
import git
import subprocess
"assets/images/":[] #Do not make any additional sizes
Jetroid / product-lifecycle.php
Last active December 20, 2019 07:59
A snippet of code for use with WooCommerce and Advanced Custom Fields to make a product discontinued or forthcoming.
function is_released($id) {
$status = get_field('product_status', $id);
// We consider null to be for sale, as this indicates an old product
// where we haven't made a selection yet
if (is_null($status) || $status === "forsale") {
return True;
} else if ($status === "forthcoming") {
var tooltipTimer;
var tooltipDiv;
var tooltip;
var tooltipIn = function(e){
tooltip =;
tooltipTimer = setTimeout(function(){
var position =;
}, 200);