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char convertedKey[(CLIENT_ID_SIZE * 2) + 1];
int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < CLIENT_ID_SIZE; ++i, pos += 2) {
sprintf(&convertedKey[pos] ,"%02x", public_key[i] & 0xff);
uint8_t tempKey[TOX_CLIENT_ID_SIZE];
tox_getclient_id([[Singleton sharedSingleton] toxCoreInstance], friendnumber, tempKey);
char convertedKey[(TOX_CLIENT_ID_SIZE * 2) + 1];
int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < TOX_CLIENT_ID_SIZE; ++i, pos += 2) {
sprintf(&convertedKey[pos] ,"%02X", tempKey[i] & 0xff);
uint8_t tempKey[TOX_CLIENT_ID_SIZE];
tox_getclient_id([[Singleton sharedSingleton] toxCoreInstance], friendnumber, tempKey);
char convertedKey[(TOX_CLIENT_ID_SIZE * 2) + 1];
int pos = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < TOX_CLIENT_ID_SIZE; ++i, pos += 2) {
sprintf(&convertedKey[pos] ,"%02X", tempKey[i] & 0xff);
char convertedKey[(TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE * 2) + 1];
int pos = 0;
uint8_t ourAddress1[TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE];
tox_getaddress([[Singleton sharedSingleton] toxCoreInstance], ourAddress1);
for (int i = 0; i < TOX_FRIEND_ADDRESS_SIZE; ++i, pos += 2) {
sprintf(&convertedKey[pos] ,"%02X", ourAddress1[i] & 0xff);
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
* Generated by class-dump 3.4 (64 bit).
* class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2012 by Steve Nygard.
#pragma mark Named Structures
struct AEDesc {
unsigned int _field1;

Keybase proof

I hereby claim:

  • I am Jman012 on github.
  • I am Jamamp ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key whose fingerprint is 3BF6 494A 74A5 C4F0 00F6 7710 996C 12A0 786B 35D8

To claim this, I am signing this object:

Setting Variables

Dim x As Integer
x = 1

Can be: Integer, Double, Boolean, String